Education Category
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Weekly educational program for cattle producers. Includes feeding, health, reproduction, and/or forages. Dr. Jaymelynn Farney, beef systems specialist with Kansas State University is the host and will invite other professionals from around the country to help address timely topics.
Have you ever tried to read the Bible but ended up with more questions than answers? Tune in to Pastor Scott's podcast to study the bible in a way that will unlock the riches that exist within. Pastor Scott teaches on various subjects from the Resurrection to Revelation. The teaching is designed to engage a thinking person, there is no need to leave your brain at the door of this church. Bring your questions and study along with Pastor Scott to better Understand the Bible.
Philipp und Fred heißen euch herzlich willkommen beim Staff-Talk! Im sogenannten Staff eines jeden Profiteams arbeiten Physiotherapeuten, Athletiktrainer, Teambetreuuer und Ärzte Hand in Hand, um möglich effizient Probleme zu lösen und Herausforderungen zu bewältigen. In ihrem Podcast versuchen euch, der selbständige Physiotherapeut Phil ( ehemals Eintracht Braunschweig, Basketball Löwen Braunschweig) und der Athletiktrainer Fred ( aktuell Basketball Löwen ) mit hinter die Kulissen zu nehmen! Mit ihrem Fachwissen und einer gewissen Ladung Selbstironie möchten euch die beiden ihre Meinung über Training, Therapie und das Leben eines gesunden Menschen aus ihrem Blickwinkel teilen! Patreon:
Taking a stand to chart a bold course for change takes courage, grit, and a bit of unreasonable optimism, and women are leading the way. This show guides women to harness their ambition to pursue their potential and lead themselves and others to create a fulfilling life and future. Each episode reveals what it takes to go after your vision, dance with feelings of not being good enough, have courageous conversations and take care of yourself and your relationships. Solo shows and interviews do not away from the mud pits of leading change. Guests interviews with visionary women who are on the changemaker path; colleagues and women I admire and learn from offer key strategies to influence change, lead with conviction and shift from success to significance and meaning.
Welcome to Exquisitely Ever After, a podcast about reading children’s literature to cultivate kind, intelligent, and successful kids. Host Christina Phillips-Mattson is a writer, educator, and mother of two little boys who received her Ph.D. in children’s and young adult literature from Harvard University. The purpose of this podcast is to help parents, caretakers, and teachers make informed, high-quality book choices for their children by learning how the books we read to our children are affecting their brains, their social-emotional development, and the way they interact with the world around them.
Welcome to Investing for Tomorrow, the Thinking Ahead Institute’s (TAI) podcast channel. The world is transforming at breakneck speed and we’re here to talk about what this means for investments. TAI is a global not-for-profit group whose members comprise asset owners, asset managers and other groups motivated to influence the investment industry for the good of savers worldwide.
The Russia File podcast explores Russia: its history, politics, culture and society, and its relations with the surrounding countries, the United States and beyond. It is a companion podcast of the Kennan Institute’s Russia File blog. Hosted by Maxim Trudolyubov and Izabella Tabarovsky.
Wolltest Du schon immer über Aktien und Börse lernen? In diesem Podcast erfährst Du, wie Du Dein Geld anlegst und richtig investierst. Du erfährst nicht nur, was Ulrich Müller so erfolgreich gemacht hat, sondern bekannte Persönlichkeiten geben ihre besten und schlechtesten Investitionen preis. Seit seinem 16. Lebensjahr interessiert sich Ulrich Müller für Investments aller Arten. Mittlerweile ist er ein Aktienprofi, der sein Hobby zum Beruf gemacht hat. Du wirst dadurch mit auf eine Reise genommen und bekommst Erfolgsrezepte, Tools und Strategien von Coaches, Investmentberatern, Börsenprofis, Immobilien-Investoren, sowie bekannten Autoren und Personen aus seiner Börsenfamilie an die Hand, die Du in Dein eigenes Leben integrieren kannst. Es geht hier darum, wie Du Dich selbst, sowie die richtigen Chancen für Dein Leben erkennst um somit Deine persönlichen Erfolge zu feiern.