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Join Kati Elliott (entrepreneur, business coach, and feelings queen) as she explores entrepreneurship, manifestation and business strategy (but make it woo) in her weekly podcast. Listen weekly and receive tons of real coaching to help you create the business of your dreams and a life you love to live . Kati invites you to grab a journal, learn, relax, laugh and BE each week as she brings a mix of coaching, perspective and inspiration to your every day journey.
Biografías en 5 minutos es un pódcast semanal presentado por Mercedes Mariño que te acerca las biografías de las personas más famosas de la historia. Cada episodio contiene la información exacta que tienes que saber sin datos superfluos. Para más información sobre Biografías en 5 minutos o para sugerir personas para futuros episodios, visita nuestra página web:
These interviews represent the second (distributed) half of CS179 Spring 2020, covering skills and techniques necessary to design innovative interactive products that are useful, usable and that address important needs of people other than yourself.
Building can be tricky - so we decided to start the Let’s Talk Building podcast to help you understand the ins and outs of the building process so you have all the information and best tips before you start. In addition to sharing case studies, we’ll also have a variety of expert guests and advice from people that have built homes and developments that have been through the building process. Join host Rebecca Rossi, General Manager of Ultimo Construction and a guest for each episode and let us walk you through the building process.
If you have a family, are a teacher, health professional or are remotely interested in child development, health, or learning, this is the podcast for you! We cut through the snake oil, talk to doctors & health professionals, and deep dive into the science behind supporting everyone to reach their potential! So, if you’re looking for tips, tricks and straight-forward tools to get there? You’re in the right place.
A tipsy night class teaching the oddities and curiosities you never learned in school. Powered by a thirst for knowledge and boxed wine, best friends Kat and Hayley cover the most fascinating lessons in History, Science, True Crime, Pop Culture, and the Paranormal. Let’s go on a learny journey!
I denne podcast får du baggrundsviden og konkrete værktøjer der gør samarbejdet mellem etniske minoriteter og myndigheder nemmere. Du kan bla. høre om hvordan religion, tradition, børneopdragelse og kommunikation influerer på tosprogede medborgere - og om hvordan begge parter kan få samarbejdet til at fungere bedst muligt - forskelligheder til trods. Integration er ikke en veldefineret størrelse - og netop temaet integration kan du få et mere nuanceret billede af her. Esma Birdi er en af Danmarks mest efterspurgte rådgivere - og hun har både praktisk erfaring og en værktøjskasse som hun deler ud af her.
Hanna fragt mich als Vater öfters Löcher in den Bauch. Statt von den Fragen genervt zu sein oder das Kind wegen Unwissenheit abzuwimmeln haben wir (Hanna und ich) uns gemeinsam entschlossen diese Fragen so einfach und plausibel wie möglich via Podcast zu beantworten und somit die Neugierde des Kindes zu erhalten und das Allgemeinwissen von uns allen zu verbessern. Dieser Kinder Podcast ist eine Art Kinderhörspiel für die Fragen der Kids. Wir versprechen hier keine Kinderwissenschaft sondern versuchen alles mit Hausverstand zu erklären.