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Nära Mat podden - Företagslyftet lägger fokus på strategisk företagsledning. Podden bjuder på samtal med drivna producenter, kreativa entreprenörer och spännande landsbygdsföretagare i norr. Vi vill inspirera fler att ta klivet in i livsmedelsbranschen samt att lyfta goda exempel på landsbygdsföretag som vill dela med sig av sin kunskap och sina erfarenheter kring företagsledning. Podden är en del i arbetet med Norrbottens livsmedelsstrategi Nära Mat. Programledare är Hulda Wirsén, samordnare för Nära Mat på Länsstyrelsen i Norrbotten. Producent och tekniker är journalisten Malin Winberg.
Who says dentistry has to be boring? In Dentistry Gone Wild - the official podcast of mobile and teledentistry - you'll spend time with Sonya Dunbar and Melissa Turner, two dynamic industry experts who bring energy and insight like never before. Subscribe now to hear raw conversations and interviews about the latest technology, innovations and trends in dentistry (with just a hint of that juicy gossip you know you love). Dental professional, it's time to think outside of the box...and perhaps go a little wild while you're at it!
What does it take to be a Game Changer? These interviews will bring you the stories of their challenges, their successes and most importantly their “why” behind what they do. It is my hope that you are inspired by people who are just like you, who are making a difference. You will see that it doesn’t take a million dollars, quitting your job, or knowing Bill Gates in order to contribute in a significant way. You can do amazing things from where you are right now. And if there are beliefs that are holding you back, hopefully you will see that some of these people had doubts at one time as well. We will see what it takes to push through those fears and confidently swim in your own direction. This is The Game Changer Podcast.
Michael Hollins is a Bankruptcy Attorney taking a unique approach to his law firm, his other businesses, and to life. His business philosophy revolves around having faith, working smart, and working hard. You can expect topics on current events, finances, credit repair, debt reduction, home foreclosure, defending a lawsuit, wage garnishments, and yes -- bankruptcy. Tennessee & Michigan 866-862-4557
My goal is to increase the success rate in the network marketing industry. I am Sandra Conner the Lady Marketing Ninja, and I lost my business because I refused to recruit anyone until I found a proven system. I want to share the experiment with you. I am going to pull the curtain back and show you what works and what does not work. I have a new strategy not taught by MLM companies. Join me on this journey.
Welcome to the ABLE to Save podcast series, brought to you by the ABLE National Resource Center, which is managed by National Disability Institute. Hear from leaders in the public and private sectors, as well as from ABLE account holders and their family members, about how ABLE accounts can be an effective savings tool to help improve health, independence, and quality of life for people with disabilities. Your host is Miranda Kennedy is the Director of the ABLE National Resource Center.
The Money Love Podcast, hosted by Certified Life Coach Paige Pritchard, is the podcast for high-achieving and high-earning women who are looking to ditch scarcity and confusion with their money and move towards a financial life full of confidence, abundance, and clarity. Each week Paige helps you transform your mindset, relationship, and results with money so you can build your dream financial life. Learn the mindset shifts and actionable strategies needed to make more money, nail the art of budgeting, pay off debt, stop impulse spending, build up savings, build financial intimacy in your relationships and so much more. Learn more at
This podcast gives voice to the teaching experiences of faculty of color who've been silenced, marginalized and ignored, their careers destroyed for far too long, most often by the allies presumed to support them. A thriving diverse faculty is essential for a thriving and successful student body, campus and community culture. Faculty of color - find affirmation, validation and empowerment here. Faculty and administrator allies - take note and then take action. Teaching in Color shares how.