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Bienvenido a VER Visual Educational Resources El Podcast que te educa sobre tu visión. Evaluación visual, cita con el optómetra, materiales disponibles para hacer tus espejuelos, lentes de contacto y gafas de sol. Además aprenderás como las condiciones sistémicas pueden afectar nuestra vista. La importancia de la evaluación visual anual y sobre temas de prevención. Te espero cada mes para recibir información importante respecto a tu vista y la salud de tus ojos. Gracias por escucharme. @ortizoptometriccare Dra. Jennifer Ortiz Meléndez Optometra Certificada Puerto Rico
Welcome to the Teacher's Pep Rally. We often find ourselves having so many conversations about work and the education system that we thought it might be something you want to talk about too. Sometimes we peak behind the curtain to reveal the hard truths and struggles but this space is mostly to lift each other up, collaborate, and celebrate. So put on your spirit wear and grab a bleacher. Let's talk about life and learning.
Welcome to Top of the Tower, brought to you by Pinkerton Academy's Center for Career and Technical Education. Get ready to hear from a variety of business and workforce industry leaders, education experts and state and local officials as we explore the labor market, education and how these two can work together to help students, employers and employees. Your hosts are Doug Cullen, Pinkerton's Manager of Career Services and Donna Smith a faculty member in the Career and Technical Education Department.
Empire provides Physicians of all specialties, and Health Care Professionals a full complement of more than 45 accredited CME medical training courses (Hands-On Workshops from beginner to advanced), and resources that combine the science and art of Aesthetics, Anti-Aging, and Pain Management medicine to grow your practice and increase revenues right away. As an Empire participant, you become part of an expanding network of over 150,000 physicians and professionals, representing the medical and aesthetics industry.
Plastic Surgery Experts is an online educational platform, with a series of audio publications aimed at providing practical and up to date knowledge to young plastic surgeons and trainees. We focus on standard of care, emerging ideas, nuances and immense experience of experts in the field, to provide a reference for the management of surgical pathologies of varied level of complexity. Our goal is to make your downtime the most productive time of your day.
What you don't know CAN hurt you! Retirement is the most expensive purchase you'll ever make and, because you only get one shot, you better get it right. This show is dedicated to helping retirees and Baby Boomers learn what they need to know so they can make informed decisions and retire successfully. And best of all, we make it understandable! If you want to learn how to avoid some of the more common mistakes I've seen retirees and Boomers make over the last two decades, tune in; and if you like what you hear, kindly consider giving us a review. It helps our show reach more people like you.
Join Mike and Bryan each episode as they explore what it takes to make the outdoors and human-powered outdoor sports a bigger part of our lives and communities. From developing trails and creating gear libraries, to running successful programs and leading others, there's something for everyone who's ever wanted to get others fired up about getting outdoors! You'll find valuable takeaways from the conversations they have with amateurs and experts alike across the outdoor industry.