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Season 3 As the international situation deteriorates, FDR faces multiple challenges: readying the country for war across two oceans, facing down the threats from Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, and attempting to rally political support at home. Americans are not convinced of the foreign threat. Many are still isolationists, seeking to let the world solve its own problems while America stands aloof. Public opinion seems to be changing, but it's a gradual process. Will FDR be able to master these multiple crises? Will the American people rally behind him? Will the nation prepare in time to face one of the gravest threats in its history—or will all of FDR's efforts be too late? Join The National WWII Museum for Season 3 of this limited series podcast as we explore America's road to Pearl Harbor as seen through the eyes of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Join co-hosts Chris and Ari for a discussion of animal training, behavior, human-animal relationships, and all things NEI-TEC (the Natural Encounters Inc Training and Education Center), and featuring guests from the NEI team and around the professional animal care world! Email us at [email protected] if you have a question or something you'd like us to discuss on the show!
Going to the right school, to get the right job, without tons of debt is every student's goal. It is hard, but not impossible. Zachariah Seiden founded Education Encompassed with Experts that have helped thousands of students achieve these goals. Now he wants to share is insights and experience to help you achieve yours. Whether you are in middle school, high school, college, or going back to school, this is the podcast for you.
Nhan Nguyen worked his last day ever for his employer on December 10th, 2003. He was aged 23 years, 5 months and 27 days. In the prior 6 months he'd purchased ~$2,000,000 worth Of Property using None Of His Own Money. Since then he has done multiple projects successfully, making millions in profits in the process. It hasn't been smooth sailing though, but a journey of learning lessons, challenges, points of self doubt, breakdowns and breakthroughs. In This podcast Nhan shares his insights into how he was able to "Retire Young Through Property" , the projects he's done, his team of experts and the many people he's been able to help along the way to do the same.
This podcast is a guiding light for wedding creatives to lead a lighthearted, balanced and successful business. Join Jasmin and world leading wedding industry creatives sharing their secrets, failures and wisdom with you. It’s all about planting the seeds for your meaningful business and growing a brand nurtured by adventure, dreams and joy. Are you ready to bloom? –
Leadership Coaching mit Maren Lehky begleitet Sie durch Ihre Herausforderungen als Führungskraft mit konkreten Strategien und pragmatischen Werkzeugen als Coaching to go. Lebendig, praxisnah und für Ihren Erfolg, Ihre Karriere und Ihre eigene Energie, so dass Sie neben dem Business auch noch Kraft haben, Ihr Leben zu leben. Auf Basis ihrer breiten Erfahrung als erfolgreiche, langjährige Top Managerin, Buchautorin, Dozentin, Kolumnistin, Unternehmerin und Key Note Speaker ist Maren Lehky seit 2002 erfolgreich in Hamburg als Business Coach tätig. Führung, Kommunikation, Change Management, aber auch die Work-Life-Balance und Selbstreflexion von Führungskräften sind dabei die Themen. Die Klienten kommen aus allen Branchen und Unternehmensgrößen: vom Start up bis zum DAX Konzern, vom Abteilungsleiter bis zum Vorstandsmitglied, vom Chefarzt bis zum Ressortleiter ist alles dabei. So profitieren Sie von Einblicken in jahrzehntelange best practice. Involvierte Kreative: Cover: Stephan Licht, Foto: Burgis Wehry, Musik: Denys Rybkin.
Medical education innovation for premed, medical students, physician assistants, and nursing. Mnemonics, memory palaces, speed reading, study hacks, mind maps for the MCAT, USMLE, COMLEX, PANCE, NCLEX, and all of your healthcare board exam and classroom needs!
Just two crazy ladies who love life. Dan (Miss Chardy) lives on a remote cattle station in the NT, 5 hours from town and Ed lives down in Brisbane, 30 minutes from the City - together we are helping to bridge the city/country divide. Wild Spark is a rural women's network - connecting rural, regional and remote women, helping them be the best they can be no matter where they live.
The Federal Prison Podcast discusses how to prepare for incarceration, resolve problems in prison, and successfully reenter society following a term of imprisonment. Tune in to listen to federal prison expert Christopher Zoukis discuss all aspects of the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Learn more by visiting, calling 843-320-1100, or emailing [email protected].