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Let’s Talk Adoption, the original adoption podcast features new guests and topics each week relating to the adoption process, raising children, and pregnancy options. Created by Mardie Caldwell, adoption expert and author, Let's Talk Adoption brings hope and education to adoptive and birth parents each week, sharing the miracles created through a modern, open adoption.
At Trusted, we help you deal with and understand areas of life where you have to put a lot of Trust in others, especially attorneys. Our goal is to help you understand these things, what to look for, and the type of professionals you can trust to get things done the right way the first time.
Please check out the AJR's podcast offerings, including: •AJR Conversations: Podcasts hosted by the journal’s Section Editors, interviewing the authors of recently published Review and Clinical Perspective articles •AJR Series: Monthly or bimonthly episodes on major topics affecting radiology today, with a dedicated host per series •Trainee podcasts: Critiques of recently published research by the editorial board’s trainee members
The Nazareth College Centennial Podcast features stories of amazing alumni, fascinating faculty, and the hidden history of Nazareth College. Your guide for each episode will be Timothy Kneeland, Director for the Center for Public History at Nazareth College.
Formerly The Onion Podcast and The FreedomU Podcast, LRNiT TV continues to peel back and reveal the layers we didn't realize were there, and find what's truly stopping us from achieving the success we desire. Dr. Kelly Polzin and his co-host Charlie are joined by guests who are experts in their field; who have experienced the struggle, who are still experiencing the struggle and who are working on perseverance to better themselves and become the experts that they truly are. No one reaches the top and stops working; the world is forever evolving, and along with it is the information and study that we once knew to be true - so we need to evolve with it.
The Millionaire Student Show bridges the gap between Education + Entertainment = EduTainment. Sashin is on a mission to help you find the common denominators between all change makers. In each episode he dissects his guests story with the Pain (Past) they went through in life, the Price (Journey) they paid and what their Prize (Results) looks like today. The reason Sashin formulated the community "The Millionaire Student" is due to him constantly being asked by his mentees, "How do I become a Millionaire?" So he formulated a community that allows people to stay in student mode because the majority of people stop learning, studying and researching once they leave school at 18 years old. Most people have an 18 year old mind in a 20-30-40-50-60+ year old body. And eventually once you become that Millionaire you would need to remain in Student mode to maintain and sustain Millionaire status. ABOUT SASHIN GOVENDER & THE MILLIONAIRE STUDENT ▶︎ CLAIM YOUR FREE GIFT FROM SASHIN 4 PILLARS TO MASTERY AUDIO SERIES (VALUED AT $555) ▶︎ SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY VIDEOS ▶︎ CONNECT WITH SASHIN ON : ▶︎ INSTAGRAM → ▶︎ FACEBOOK → ▶︎ TWITTER → ▶︎ TIK TOK →
Beloved, this Word, even every Volume to every Letter, is the Word of My glory, which I have put forth once again... A testament of My love and sacrifice, the announcement of My coming, a proclamation of truth, revelation of who I really am!... The Trumpet Call of God, so all those called and chosen may hear and come to Me in their proper time and season. Behold, it is also a strong correction for all those who have taken to themselves MY name and MY Word, to pollute it, a plumb line for this wicked generation! For this Word is a waving banner, an ensign to all nations!... A trumpet of alarm and war, the sound of recompense and judgment, which shall soon fall upon every nation! For I AM WHO I AM!... The Only Begotten of The Father! The One True God and Savior! The Mashiach!... Says the Lord YAHUSHUA-YAHUWAH!