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Education Category

of 352

Revolution of One

Revolution of One is about the change that begins with you. There is nothing more powerful than individual people who are free to set their own path and take charge of their own lives. But we also recognize that simply being free to make your own choices is not enough. Just knowing where you want to go doesn't give you everything you need to get there. That's why Revolution of One is so important. Revolution of One will help you bring your dreams into reality with practical, actionable advice based on our nearly 75 years of experience in economics and entrepreneurship education. We will show you how to think like an entrepreneur, how to find meaning in your work at every stage of your career, and how to unlock incredible opportunities for personal and financial success by focusing on creating value for everyone around you. Our mission is to convince as many people as we can that they have the permission and the power to be the dominant creative force in their own lives. Join the Revolution and get ready to be inspired.

Data @ Rest

"Data at Rest" is an accessible but informed discussion of current concepts, best practices, and personal experiences in computer security, network security, and information security overall, including interviews with expert guests and the history of each topic.

Bageled In PDX

Bageled In PDX will discuss an array of interesting topics as we inform you, entertain you and introduce you to individuals throughout the Greater Portland Jewish Community Subscribe at https://bageledinpdx.libsyn.com/rss

The Palmer Files Podcast

A podcast about the pursuit of knowledge through interesting and engaging conversation, hosted by Agent Palmer. Released every other Tuesday.

Orígenes: A Cuban History Podcast

A podcast about Cuban history from its pre-colonial past all the way to the present with host Andrés Pertierra, a History PhD student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.


The Matriarchy is Still Alive! WOMEN ON TOP! Boys on the bottom... Forever! #FemDom #Fetish based Podcast & Apparel.

Weekly Inspiration

Dieser Podcast ist für dich, wenn du nicht mehr im Autopilotmodus durchs Leben wandeln, sondern den gegenwärtigen Augenblick erleben möchtest. Ich habe im letzten Jahr durch mein Projekt „Weekly Inspiration“ so viele herzliche und motivierende Nachrichten aus der ganzen Welt bekommen und möchte gerne dieses Gefühl der Zusammengehörigkeit mit dir teilen. Jede Woche bekommst du von mir Inspirationen für ein Leben mit mehr Freude und Achtsamkeit. Thich Nhat Hanh, ein buddhistischer Mönch sagt: „Verwandlung findet in unserem Alltagsleben statt“. Ich sehe es als einer meiner größten und schönsten Aufgaben, gemeinsam mit dir die alltäglichen Wunder des Lebens wieder zu entdecken. In Leichtigkeit und Dankbarkeit zu leben, hilft uns gesund zu werden und mit schwierigen Situationen des Lebens besser umzugehen. Wenn du jede Woche über WhatsApp deinen Achtsamkeitsimpuls für deine Woche erhalten möchtest, dann melde dich dafür kostenfrei hier an: https://www.carofrauendorfer.com/kontakt Ich freue mich, dich persönlich kennenzulernen. Wenn dir dieser Podcast gefällt, wäre ich dir sehr dankbar, wenn du mir hier positive Rezensionen hinterlässt. Herzlichen Dank dafür! Deine Caro

Deja Blu podcast

DeJa Blu is a space to dive deep into the unknown. Uncovering the mysteries of unlocking the potential of the human experience. Blu is here to get raw, unscripted and unapologetic in sharing her own personal journey of awakening into her truth with the intention to help others come home into their heart.

MPI's Crew Call

Talk show on the film industry, film education and careers. Recorded at the Motion Picture Institute in Troy, Michigan, the state's oldest film school featuring a one-year hands-on program in film production.

Life Happens with Mahmoud Mahmoud

The Life Happens Podcast with host Mahmoud Mahmoud, is all about you. This podcast will help you make the necessary adjustments in your life to help put you on a path to progress, growth and development. It will touch on topics of the importance of self reflection, responding to anger, overcome loss, getting over exes, dealing with being fired, turning tragedy into your biggest motivator, reaching goals, getting rid of bad habits and more topics that will get you to where you want to go. That's not all this podcast will offer. Life happens will bring a range of hosts from actors, musicians, politicians, teachers, entrepeuners, motivational speakers, life coaches, authors, CEOS, community activists, leaders, organizers, and more to tackle a host of issues from culture, community, politics, the art and more. This first episode provides a genesis of the purpose and direction of the podcast with a background on the host, Mahmoud Mahmoud. We look forward to having you subscribe to this podcast and share it with someone.

Body Talk Radio

Welcome to Body Talk Radio! I'm your host, Heather Morgan, Nutrition Coach and edutainment Curator! I started Body Talk seven years ago in Sonoma, CA, in order to achieve my mission of educating and inspiring millions to a healthier way of life. Body Talk is more than just a radio show. It's your gateway to information and education relevant to today's most important health topics, delivered by top health professionals from all over the country. You'll hear from New York Times best selling authors, TED speakers, PBS show hosts, Prime Time guest experts, and much more. It's education delivered in an entertaining way, or what I like to call, healthy edutainment! If you love great health talk, learning about the latest in healthy living tips and tools, interacting with like minded people, and hearing from top experts in the wellness industry, join my community. All you have to do is get on my VIP listener list and you'll gain access to the shows, podcast, Facebook social group, and much more! I'm so grateful you found me. I hope I can in some way make a difference in your life, and the lives of your loved ones. Enjoy every minute of the learning that is about to come your way! All good things, Heather

En snak om hestetræning

Samtale podcasten "En snak om hestetræning" er startet af BBH Træner Sarah Gerding. Sarah lever til dagligt af at undervise, have heste i træning og at afholde kurser. Motivationen bag, er de super interessante, sjove pinlige og nogen gange helt ubrugelige samtaler hun på daglige basis har med sine kunder, fagpersoner, elever og familie om det at træne heste, og alt det uden om. Ofte bliver umiddelbart ligegyldige samtaler om et lille sår, en øvelse der er lidt svær, en hest der ikke er helt tilpas, en hest der er den bedste i verden, og meget mere, til nogle virkelig spændene, og måske lige frem inspirerende samtaler, som man ønskede man havde fanget på bånd. Det har vi nu, og derfor kan du sidde med ved bordet når Sarah snakker med hestemennesker fra ind og udland om alt fra hove, til sadler, det at få familen til at hænge sammen med at have hest, og bare, helt almindelig daglig træning.