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Education Category

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2025 The Final Drive Podcast

Hi, I’m David Hays, Founder of Comprehensive Financial Consultants and your host for 2025 The Final Drive podcast based on my book, 2025 The Final Drive: What You Need to Win. You can purchase this book at by visiting our website at www.cfci.us. This podcast will help you avoid the biggest risks that will affect your long-term retirement by planning. Much of this planning needs to be done by the year 2025, before taxes go up for good. I will teach you about the impact of our parents’ tax planning and how to break that cycle and create wealth for your retiree income, the risks associated with retiring during bad markets, and how to effectively plan for your longevity.

Let's Examine This

Let's Examine This is a show to better help you support the young men in your life as they grow up and learn how to form healthy relationships with themselves as well as others. Each episode we have two experts in take us through in an in-depth understanding of some of the major issues facing young men today.

Dr. Eisenfeist's Raubfisch-Podcast

Dr. Eisenfeist's Raubfisch-Podcast ist für Zanderangler, Hechtangler und Barschangler die ihre Erfolge beim Angeln auf ihren Zielfisch nachhaltig verbessern möchten, indem sie in jeder Situation am Wasser die richtige Entscheidung treffen. In diesem Podcast erhältst du regelmäßig Tipps zum Thema Raubfischangeln, um dir die Informationen zu geben, die DU brauchst, um noch erfolgreicher auf Zander, Hecht oder Barsch zu angeln. Du lernst deinen Raubfisch endlich zu verstehen, dein Gewässer richtig zu bewerten und welche Köder, Ruten, Schnur, Haken, Gewichte und sonstiges Angelgerät das Richtige für dich ist. Darüber hinaus erfährst du, wie du deinen Köder präsentieren musst, um einen Zander, Hecht oder Barsch zum Anbiss zu reizen. Dr. Eisenfeist bringt dich dazu deine bekannten Vorgehensweisen zu hinterfragen und gibt Anregungen für neue Wege um erfolgreicher auf Zander, Hecht und Barsch zu angeln. Wenn du Zander-, Hecht- oder Barschangler bist und mehr aus der Zeit, die du am Wasser verbringst herausholen möchtest, dann ist dieser Podcast für dich genau richtig!

Requity Insights

A podcast hosted by the team at The Requity Group, dedicated to sharing our journey to 100 world class communities through experiences that have educated us and helped us to grow within the investing space. We will be covering everything from acquisitions to market updates and even advice for developing a successful management company. This podcast won't give you "tips and tricks" or tell you how to "get rich quick" instead Requity Insights podcast will give you real real estate strategies that work for real people. Visit https://therequitygroup.com to learn more about us and find highlights by searching "Requity Inisights" on Youtube.

El podcast de sexualidad femenina

¿Nunca recibiste educación sexual? En este podcast hablo de educación sexual para el bienestar y el placer. Aprende de sexualidad femenina desde lo más básico y experimenta junto a mí tu desarrollo sexual y crecimiento erótico. Aumenta tu inteligencia sexual y aprende de sexo, sexualidad y relaciones de pareja. Porque sí, de todo esto se puede aprender y si nunca antes has recibido educación específica para ello, bienvenida estoy segura que estás aquí porque este es tu momento.

Specialty Matters | Ce qui compte en médecine

Specialty Matters/Ce qui compte en médecine is a podcast that connects and unites Royal College Fellows from all practice environments. Through authentic dialogue, the conversations aim to support continuing professional development for CanMEDS roles outside the medical expert role, utilizing a humanities-based approach. Tune-in to explore a spectrum of perspectives, innovative concepts, and actionable insights that resonate across specialties. Earn MOC credits under Section 2 for each episode. Questions or suggestions for the podcast? Contact the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada at [email protected] This podcast originates from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. The Royal College offices are located on the traditional unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinabe People. Ce qui compte en médecine/Specialty Matters est un balado qui réunisse des membres du Collège royal de tous les horizons. Ces rencontres donnent lieu à des dialogues authentiques, qui visent à cultiver le développement professionnel continu des rôles CanMEDS autres que celui d’expert médical, à l’aide d’une approche ancrée dans les sciences humaines. Venez explorer divers points de vue, des concepts novateurs et des idées concrètes qui s’appliquent à tout l’éventail des spécialités. Chaque épisode vous permet d’obtenir des crédits de la section 2 du programme de MDC. Vous avez des questions ou des suggestions? Communiquez avec le Collège royal des médecins et chirurgiens du Canada à [email protected] . Ce balado est produit par le Collège royal des médecins et chirurgiens du Canada. Les bureaux du Collège royal se trouvent sur le territoire traditionnel non cédé du peuple algonquin anichinabé.

Stocks, Bonds & Cocktails

Listen as Stocks, Bonds, and Cocktail Host Marsha Barnes and guests talk financial literacy, stocks, generational wealth and how to scale your business with efficiency. Weekly, Marsha, stirs up drinks and conversations with entrepreneurs, finance professionals, and thought leaders, preparing you, and your family, for the future.

The DEY Podcast with Kisha Reid

A discussion-styled podcast led by Kisha Reid and featuring educators, advocates and other changemakers about their grassroots projects, innovations in education and reimagining early childhood environments. Our goal is to amplify these voices so we can all learn and work toward a more equitable and playful environment for children.

Mortgage Loan Officer Podcast

Frank Garay, top mortgage industry leader and host of The Loan Officer Breakfast Club, powered by Mortgage Marketing Animals, brings you not only the latest and greatest gizmos and gadgets that top loan officers are using, but he also frequently shares proven strategies and ways to get more referrals for your mortgage business. Learn what has been successful for those that are at the top of their game and how they've implemented them - so you can do the same as a loan officer.

SOA Affiliates Podcast

The podcast dedicated to SOA Affiliates

Under huven

Under huven är podcasten som tar dig bakom kulisserna i motorbranschen. Vi får höra om branschens olika yrken, karriärmöjligheterna som finns och reder ut om det är en framtidsbransch. Programledaren Douglas Krantz, med Youtube-kontot Motornörd, möter alltifrån mekaniker till lackerare för att svara på alla hans frågor om branschen.

Nova University Podcast

Nova University focuses on learning about the habits of successful people. We believe successful people copy other people by their habits and apply them into their lives. We discuss topics such as waking up early, being healthy, having good work ethic, as well as other habits that we can create in order to start on our journey to becoming successful for the rest of our lives.