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Bienvenido al podcast de Value School, un proyecto educativo y de divulgación con el que aprenderás a ahorrar y a invertir de forma reflexiva e informada. Visita para acceder a todos nuestros recursos gratuitos e informarte sobre nuestros cursos y conferencias sobre finanzas personales y value investing. Descubre los principios de las finanzas personales responsables y conviértete en un inversor consciente.
Build an application that gets noticed by professional schools. Subscribe if you plan on applying to dental, medical, podiatry or veterinary school! We guide you through the pre-health journey by connecting with the admissions experts, application support, and advisors who share first-hand insights. Each episode focuses on what you can do to prepare and build an application that gets noticed by schools. This podcast is produced and managed by the Texas Health Education Service in Austin, TX. Follow us at on Instagram and Twitter @txhes, and at
De meeste mensen doen voortdurend hun uiterste best om een betere versie van zichzelf te worden in de hoop het geluk te vinden. Bewijsdrang, de angst om te falen en de neiging om dingen onder controle te willen houden zijn bekende mechanismen om dit te bereiken. Helaas is dit hét recept om alleen maar verder van jezelf verwijderd te raken. Want al die tijd was je al perfect. Je gelukkiger voelen is dus niet een kwestie van jezelf verbeteren. Het is een kwestie van het doorprikken van illusies over de wereld en over jezelf. Hoe meer ruis je verwijdert, des te meer kom je tot de kern. Graag help ik je te herontdekken wie en wat je wérkelijk bent. En dat dat ver voorbij je menselijke vorm gaat. Want alleen vanuit jouw eigen stevige fundament, zul je de magie in je leven steeds helderder zien.
Welcome to The Dental Wealth Podcast, the ultimate guide to achieving financial freedom and independence as a dentist and business owner. Join Tower Leadership Founder Eric J. Morin and Tower Leadership CEO Matthew Maffei as they unveil expert insights and strategies on how to build wealth, grow your practice, and avoid common pitfalls. With a roster of industry-leading guests who are highly respected experts in the dental field, this podcast is a must-listen for anyone looking to take their business to the next level. Don't let uncertainty in the marketplace hold you back any longer! Let The Dental Wealth Podcast show you the secrets to financial and business success. Tune in now and join the ranks of the most successful dental entrepreneurs in the industry.
Hot Shopping Tips, hosted by consumer and financial pros Mandy Walker and Lisa Lee Freeman, is all about getting the best deals on everything—from clothing and cosmetics to cars and credit cards (and other products that don't start with a "c"!). It will also keep you up to date on the latest consumer news you need to know!
Life is too short to waste time filtering through headlines searching for the facts. That’s when we realized the need for a quick, trustworthy news source that makes staying up-to-date easy and interesting. Our Goal is to Clear the Clutter. We’re committed to providing non-partisan news, in small servings, available wherever you are, whenever you want it. And for the Record: We Believe You’re Already Smart. We don’t need to tell you what to think or how to feel or what to believe. We just want to equip you with clear facts so you’re prepared for any conversation, any vote, any choice and never feel like you’re falling behind. Bullet-Points Without The Bias ~ We’re bringing you #SmartHERNews. SmartHER News is created and hosted by journalist Jenna Lee.