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Arts Category

of 159

Writers of Silicon Valley

UX writing. Content design. Call it whatever you want, but the truth is clear: words and content are more important to good design than ever. The words, phrases, and sentences you see in a user interface don't just appear there. They are written. Carefully crafted. This podcast is about the people who write those words, who design experiences with words, and who combine the power of language and technology.

On The Road

On The Road is a podcast for Gyspy, Roma and Traveller communities which will also be broadcast in prisons across the UK on National Prison Radio. Hosted by Terry a Romany Gypsy and former prisoner alongside NPR producer Nancy Prentice the series will explore topics that affect GRT communities such as discrimination, housing, health and education. Each show will feature representatives of GRT organisations, activists and community members sharing their stories and experiences.

The Blue Collar Bass Player

This is a podcast where I talk to bass players and discuss how to successfully make a life in music and the other hobbies, trades, etc. they do to supplement their time and income. We also talk about the spiritual side of the instrument and how being a bass player informed other decisions in their life.

Happily Cinemarried

Welcome to Happily Cinemarried where your married hosts, Liz and Terry, celebrate the cinematic, the artistic, and the culturally fascinating. We will choose a theme each week and discuss which films, books, and tv shows make our list. A love for art & culture brought us together, and we've spent our marriage making art, traveling, reading, and watching tv & movies. Our spirited conversations together inspired us to create Happliy Cinemarried!

American Comedy Horror Story

American Comedy Horror Story is a self-contained audio (comedy) drama. This season, grab some hot cocoa and a creepy doll as we follow mediums, Claire and Olivia, on their journey through "Orphanage." Will they survive? What happens during Sunshine Time? Exactly how many consumption jokes can two people make? All of the questions you're *dying* to ask shall be answered. Warning: There are multiple deaths throughout the season...some may or may not involve children and/or religious figures.

BriefTalks's podcast

inside the minds of a eccentric generation, discussions that are on the line for the average listener.

Sixth & I LIVE

Sixth & I celebrates the unexpected convergence of arts, culture, and spirituality by hosting impactful, entertaining, and thought-provoking programs for the Washington, DC community and beyond. Sixth & I LIVE brings you exclusive access to the conversations on our stage with today’s leading authors, politicians, comedians, artists, journalists, actors, and thought leaders. Learn more at sixthandi.org.

Smash that like button!

The originators of one of the first magazines published during the Dot-com boom, David and Curtis, have returned to give you their voices. Enjoyment is not guaranteed.

Japan Station: A Podcast About Japan by JapanKyo.com

Discover Japan through conversations with fascinating people. Every episode host Tony Vega is joined by a guest to talk about all aspects of Japan, including the Japanese language, history, Japanese pop culture, food, anime, manga, movies, music, comedy, the impact of Japanese culture around the world, underground social movements, social issues in Japan, and much more. Episodes are released on the first of every month. Bonus episodes are regularly released on the fifteenth of the month. For the full show notes visit www.japanstationpodcast.com. [email protected]

Buick City 1AM

“Buick City, 1:00 AM” is a podcast opera about a woman traveling back in time to 1984 to prevent the murder of her father, an auto-worker in Flint, Michigan.

Sounds Like Portraits

Created and produced by Philippe Ungar: Sounds Like Portraits is a podcast with creative humans. Créé et produit par Philippe Ungar : Sounds Like Portraits est un podcast dédié aux humains créatifs. Concept: My guests speak about the creativity that fuels ideas and actions which lead to personal fulfillment. Answering my questions, my guests draw their self-portrait dotted with awareness, life-changing decisions, and a great desire to share with others. Guests: My guests work in very different fields -business, art, science, food, police, design, sport, philanthropy, wine, architecture, finance, geopolitics, arts and crafts, law, journalism, etc. - but they one thing in common: they are all creators. Goal: A podcast is a fantastic tool that helps connect a guest to an audience. Creativity is a theme that allows for philosophical discussions in the context of concrete situations, mainly because the audience can identify to each of my guest’s story. The aim of this podcast is to inspire listeners and support them in their search for meaning. My hope is these resonate with you. Please listen in the spirit with which these were shared. Philippe Ungar *** Concept : Conversations avec des humains qui parlent de leur cheminement pour s’accomplir et donner du sens à leur vie, grâce à leur créativité. En répondant à mes questions, ils revisitent leur parcours en dessinant un portrait d’eux-mêmes, marqué par des prises de conscience, des changements de vie et une immense envie de partager. Invités : Mes invités sont issus de domaines très différents -des affaires, de l’art, des sciences, de la cuisine, de la police, du design, du sport, de la philanthropie, du vin, de l’architecture, de la finance, de la géopolitique, de l’artisanat, de la justice, du journalisme, etc.- mais ils sont tous des créateurs. But : Le podcast est un formidable outil pour créer un lien fort entre un invité et des auditeurs. Le thème de la créativité permet d’aborder des enjeux philosophiques dans le cadre de situations concrètes, parce que chaque invité raconte son histoire à laquelle on s’identifie. L’ambition de ce podcast est d’inspirer celles et ceux qui l’écoutent et de les accompagner dans leur recherche de sens. Mon souhait est que ces conversations résonnent avec vous. Merci de les écouter dans l'esprit dans lequel elles ont été partagées. Philippe Ungar

The Comic-Con Newbie

Welcome to The Comic-Con Newbie Podcast - where we as rookie attendees give the 101 on all things San Diego Comic-Con along with tips and advice from veteran attendees we interview to get the scoop on maximizing your SDCC experience! We've got all the questions and break down SDCC from "How can I get in?!" to "What is this 'Hall H' everyone speaks about?" to "Where do I start?!" Attending SDCC takes planning and we've got the resources to share with you along with on-going updates and news so you won't miss out on the endless options of entertainment and fun that is offered during the week of SDCC!