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Kids & Family Category

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Christian Car Guy Theater

Radio Theater of the Mind. Join Jimmy and Many Cars and Car Parts on their adventures in River Rock teaching Bible Principles and Christian Classics in a fresh entertaining way

Caribbean Birth Stories

There has never been a podcast that focuses on Caribbean women from all walks of life; narrating their journey of pregnancy, giving birth, navigating self care postpartum and parenting across our beautiful region, now there is! Caribbean Birth Stories: The Podcast, is a one stop resource for information, shared stories, cultural hacks and a directory of services offered across the region.

What's Your Shine?

What's Your Shine is hosted by Dr. Claudia Beeny, otherwise known as Dr. Shine, Founder & Executive Director of House of Shine, a non-profit museum and community space who helps people 5 to 95 discover who they are and why their contribution to the world matters. We'll take a peek inside this happy place exploring creative ideas, thoughtful books, and inspiring people who are making a difference in their corner of the world.

Startup in Balance

How can I feel happier more often? How can I live a comfortable life without sacrificing the family time? Can I afford to work less and spend more time with my family? Is there more life and work balance abroad? Is living abroad an impossible dream when I’m married and have kids already? These are just some of the big questions that you may ask yourself when you hear about life balance success stories or you don't feel you are living your dream life. In Startup in Balance I, Lilieth Betancourt, dig into these questions by sharing with you my experiences as an Expat living in the South of France with my husband, two kids, and two dogs continuing to explore the world and building a simplified life with more balance in Motherhood, Business, Personal Growth, and Mental Health. Are you thinking that you need to make a change in your life but think it’s just too late or impossible? My specialty is thinking outside of the box and challenging the norm. Discover how you can also build the life you want to live now instead of waiting for retirement. Learn to be bold and create your own balanced life.

Just Add Dogs Podcast

Just Add Dogs brings hope, inspiration, and awareness to dog rescue. Week after week we share the heartwarming stories of dogs that were given a second, 3rd or 4th chance. Each episode highlights the rescues, shelters, sanctuaries, and rescuers that are helping change the world for abandoned and homeless dogs one story at a time.

This Preschool Life

This Preschool Life is recorded in the back of a children's center by folks who are under the age of five. Young people use the "podcasting station" to discuss whatever is on their minds. It's produced by Molly Josephs and This Teenage Life.

It's Genetic

Comedian Blair Dawson interviews her dad, comics and their parents to find out if the apple falls far from the tree.

At Your Level - for kids by kids

This light-hearted kid-centric variety show welcomes all kids to join in - by contributing to fun segments like 'biZaRrE ASMR' where you can guess a mystery sound and 'Bad Dad' jokes which we hope you’ll record for us. We also 'Nerd Out' about every episode’s topic and include your kids' opinions on it - we’ve got some questions lined up on our website AtYourLevelPod.com - we hope you enjoy this for kids by kids podcast, tune in, and send in your voice!

PowerMamas podcast

Sandra Carlborg & Madeleine Ziegert's podd med inriktning på framgångs mamman / powermamas där vi intervjuar och tar pulsen på Sveriges mest framgångsrika mammor. Vi vill lyfta powermamas och visa på att livet och karriären inte stannar när man blir mamma utan tvärtom, det blir magiskt! Vi har noga valt ut Mamas som vi tror kan inspirera, lyfta andra mammor och dela med sig utav sina framgångar och utmaningar. Vi är själva två mammor som är mitt i karriären både inom professionellt idrottande samt driver bolag. Vi vill inte att podden ska dölja verkligheten, våra gäster är redo att dela med sig av både motgångar och framgångar. https://www.facebook.com/PowerMamas.se/ https://www.instagram.com/powermamas.se/

The Journey of a Christian Dad Podcast

Who is the Spiritual Leader of your Family? Is it you? Your Pastor? Your spouse? Do you know? I did, and sadly, no one was taking responsibility to lead our family. Well friends, someone needs to take that job, and THAT MAN IS YOU! You may not feel qualified; some days I don’t! With the help of God and a community of Dads helping each other on our walk, we welcome you to The Journey of a Christian Dad Podcast! To connect with other Christian Dads on the Journey check out our private Facebook Group, The Journey of a Christian Dad.

Gravid Podcast

Velkommen til Gravid podcast. Vil du vide hvordan din baby udvikler sig fra befrugtet æg til menneske? Vil du have gode råd og tips til graviditeten uge for uge? Jeg hedder Stine Roswall og har været jordemoder i mere end 10 år. Det er mig, der fortæller og rådgiver. I denne podcast bliver du klogere på det lille liv, der vokser og det der sker med kroppen under en graviditet og fødsel. Du kan lytte til alle episoder fra ende til anden, men de fungerer også fint enkeltvis, så hvis har lyst kan du starte med afsnittet om den graviditetsuge du selv er i nu og lytte videre derfra. Tak fordi du lytter med.

Ordinary Sherpa: Family Adventure Coaching and Design

After exploring the world and embracing adventure often in my teens and twenties, I realized the shift to motherhood and a professional career was threatening the amount of adventure that showed up in my life. I responded by reframing the destination to a journey. In designing a life of adventure we nurtured the creation of new experiences, challenged the status quo, and tested our risk tolerance. 10 years and 3 children later, these intentional family adventures were far greater than any destination. These simple and authentic adventure experiences had a noticeable impact on every member in the family. Adventure is an ingredient in our lives that allows everyone to connect deeper and show up as their authentic selves. The quest for the summit requires support from a tribe of helpers, a noble force of goodness and strength known as Sherpas. They push each person toward their summit and celebrate peaks and pits together. This mighty crew of listeners and the community we are forming online are the ordinary everyday people who support families connecting and experiencing authentic adventures together. We are Ordinary Sherpa, a podcast designed to share learning and create community to inspire families to experience joy and connection together through adventure.