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Kids & Family Category

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A student-athlete can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. Jermel President, a long time student-athlete activist and founder of the DAE Foundation, shares his experiences with guests supporting the topics of Community, Sports and Education. If you are a parent of a student-athlete or currently a student-athlete and passionate about getting to the next level, this podcast is for you!

The Anyway Pod

Our brains are weird, am I right? We have 6,000 thoughts a day and some of them are just downright odd. But what if you weren't the only person having those weird thoughts? What if there were other people who shared in the random thought bubbles that pop into your head all day. Well, we do. We also experience that weirdness and, in fact, we would like to discuss those thoughts out loud. Join us as we talk about the mundane and the extraordinary things that pop into our heads...and yours.


Life is a balancing act…on many fronts, with the greatest of all being the relationship between men and women. My 23 years of working with and competing against women in real estate, and being married for 22 years to a strong, determined, and incredibly intelligent woman has led me to ponder why women don’t always play a bigger game in business! Is it communication differences? Is it our DNA? What exactly is it? In each episode, I interview a strong, career-oriented woman, and her supportive partner, so we can learn from their life experiences both in the work place and at home. Uncovering the mindset that promotes balance and allows each person in the relationship to unlock their full potential, live a deeply fulfilling life, and achieve their highest purpose.

VBAC Babes

This podcast was created to provide a community to cheer you on in your journey from VBAC hopeful to VBAC success.  We are going to debunk the myths, quiet the naysayers, and equip you with everything you need for a healing, empowering birth. And positive postpartum experience. We are VBAC moms. We are fierce, go getters, women of action. You've got this, mama. And I'll be by your side, every step of the way.

Divorce Matters

Welcome to the Divorce Matters Podcast, where we give unfiltered, unadulterated guidance for how to survive family courts. We will give you no-nonsense, straight forward strategies for beating the system. We guarantee you won’t hear this advice anywhere else. A reminder that we are not attorneys and this is not legal advice. However, we’ll help you more than any attorney ever will.

Simple You

A podcast hosted by Decluttering Consultant Simply Mel. Join Mel as she discusses minimalism, motherhood and gives her top tips on where to start decluttering your home and your life. For more information about Mel's decluttering coaching and services visit www.simplymelliving.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simplymel01

farmasipuradiversionconmyrnaluz's podcast

Siéntate conmigo para contarte parte de mi historia ¡Hola, Hola! Por aquí Myrna Luz de FARMASI PURA DIVERSION. Myrna que??Myrna Luz ¡Sabes que! con FARMASI PURA DIVERSION. ¡Estoy feliz y contenta de haber tomado la decisión de hacer lo que más me gusta…y eso es HABLAR! Y sobre todo llevando lo más que AMO en la vida que es servir y poder apoyar a mujeres y hombres decididos a retomar e ir tras sus sueños. Te cuento que a través de FARMASI PURA DIVERSION he podido hacer lo que por muchos años había logrado hacer con las grandes empresas en tiempos extendidos y quizás anos mientras que ahora lo logro en un solo día. Con las posibilidades de llegar a través de las personas de una manera diferente. ¿Por eso me he dedicado en los ultimos anos, sabes a qué? A hacer algo que para mi es MARAVILLOSO. Poder orar y decirle al Señor que me de nuevas ideas y conceptos para poder ayudar a las personas que tanto necesita, y para mi sorpresa siempre me trae a alguien en el camino y eso fue lo que sucedió en esta ocasión en que se abrió mi nueva ventana al PODCASTER…

Team4kids podcast

A show that talks about current topics, interventions and parent education from occupational, physical,speech,feeding and ABA therapies in pediatrics.

بودكاست مراحل
بودكاست مراحل

هذا البودكاست مخصص لكم أصدقائي الأعزاء للحديث عن مواضيع شيقة وممتعة نعدكم بقضاء أوقات سعيدة معنا

First Six

Molly and Tabby watch the first six episodes of any given TV show and discuss it.

School Safety Insider

A podcast community where Ken Trump, a 30+-year U.S. veteran school safety expert, leads you deep behind the scenes for insider discussions of the hot topics, best practices, blunders, and politics of K-12 school safety, security, and emergency preparedness planning. Want to learn how we can really make schools safer? Listen, subscribe, and join in the conversations.

Barsumian Armiger Injury Law Podcast

Todd Barsumian has over 20 years of litigation experience handling highly complex, injury cases in Indiana and Kentucky. He shares his insights into the legal system, maximizing the value of his clients' cases and various types of injury law. His firm maintains offices in Newburgh, Evansville and Fishers Indiana. Attorney Advertisement/Marketing Material. Principal office in Newburgh, IN. Services may be performed by another attorney in the firm. This podcast is for informational purposes only, does not constitute legal advise, is not intended to establish standards of legal practice, and does not establish an attorney-client relationship with the listener. Co-host Jim Ray is a non-attorney spokesperson.