Kids & Family Category
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Små lyd-eventyr som starter fantasien og vækker alle sanser. En magisk lille verden af trygge, spændende og velkendte lyde. #eventyr #fantasi #læring Kan lyttes fra 1 år Når man er lille, er verden ekstra stor og spændende. Fyldt med oplevelser og sanseindtryk. Tag med på små lyd-rejser til bondegården, den store by, savannen, byggepladsen, osv. Fortæller: Caroline Francesca Produktion og idé: Mattias Hundebøll Konfetti Fabrikken - sansende og lærerig lyd for børn og den slags
Jenny Vallimont and Alexis Jo Bruce, two moms and business owners living in Plaza Midwood invite you to listen to life conversations...poolside. Stay in the loop! You can also find us at: Alexis / Charlotte Star Room IG: @charlottestarroom web: Jenny / The Unplugged Family IG: @theunpluggedfamily web:
Down Home with Tina is everything "down-home". She will have guests to discuss anything that has to do with the home, in the home, and at home. We will have discussions about life and family, interior design, baking, gardening, fashion & style, holiday décor, and just maybe, once in a while, cooking. Although Tina may not be an expert on all of these topics, she will have the experts to talk with about different “down home” tips. There will be interviews with different non-profits to find out about the positive things they do for the community as well as inspirational individuals to inspire us by sharing their stories! Down Home with Tina is always positive and fun! She believes laughter is a must! Life does have its ups and downs but she believes we gotta learn to laugh along the way and always, always do our best to stay positive! DHWT – An enjoyable way to learn about life down home by living, learning, and loving!!
A podcast about families and children, created for the grownups in their lives. Big & Little explores relevant topics ranging from play, learning, creativity, resilience, and health through interviews with people from varied professions and who have different perspectives and experiences.
Our podcasts are on pause at the moment, but you can listen to any of our episodes here. KIDZ BOP Daily is entertainment news by kids for kids! Each update features the latest KIDZ BOP news and fun facts for kids about music, pop culture and more! Check back in every day to make sure you don’t miss an update! Every day of the week has a theme: Motivation Monday, Tune-In Tuesday, Wellness Wednesday, Throwback Thursday, Friday Favorite, Sing-It Saturday and Sunday Shout-outs.
..hvis Rasmus Radiomus og Mandrilaftalen havde fået et barn sammen, så lød det sådan her! #humor #musik #løgnhistorier Kan lyttes fra 4 år Ungernes yndlingsshow i hele verden! Rablende skør radio om alt det vigtigste i livet. Fx. ting der er klamme eller farlige eller bare helt vildt mærkelige. Ting man ikke må eller ikke tør eller slet ikke troede at man kunne. Ja og en masse fed musik! Skabt af Mattias Hundebøll Konfetti Fabrikken - sansende og lærerig lyd til børn og den slags
Små fine historier om børn og deres bamser, fortalt af bamserne selv. #venskab #fantasi #eventyr Kan lyttes fra 2 år Mille Gori: "Jeg havde en bamse som lille ved navn Trille, hun blev min bedste ven. De her historier handler måske om din bamse, eller om en bamse du trænger til at blive mindet om igen." Skabt af Mille Gori Produceret af Mattias Hundebøll Konfetti Fabrikken - sansende og lærerig lyd for børn og den slags
Fortællinger om børn, der på hver sin måde har forandret noget i vores verden og inspireret andre børn til at gøre det samme! #eventyr #inspiration #viden Kan lyttes fra 4 år Glem alt om store muskler, seje dragter og overnaturlige evner. Nu skal du møde nogle ægte helte, som på hver deres måde redder og ændrer verden, selvom de stadigvæk bare er børn. Skabt af Maria Kondrup Produceret af Mattias Hundebøll Konfetti Fabrikken - sansende og lærerig lyd for børn og den slags
Two imperfect people trying to navigate life as partners and parents. Listen in as we hold our weekly chat to discuss issues that have come up in our family and relationship. As we seek solutions from a faith-based perspective, we hope that you will find validation and inspiration to accept your own imperfect efforts and keep moving forward.