Kids & Family Category
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For the working moms who sometimes feel like you fit somewhere in between all the other mom categories, this one's for you! We're two working mamas sharing stories of other working moms. We're not crunchy moms, Pinterest Moms, or boss moms, we're just moms finding blessing in the balance of the home and the hustle. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @thehomeandthehustle.
A podcast community where Ken Trump, a 30+-year U.S. veteran school safety expert, leads you deep behind the scenes for insider discussions of the hot topics, best practices, blunders, and politics of K-12 school safety, security, and emergency preparedness planning. Want to learn how we can really make schools safer? Listen, subscribe, and join in the conversations.
Musikhistoriens største historier, myter og eventyr dramatiseret og genfortalt som aldrig før. #musik #viden #fantasi Kan lyttes fra 3 år Tag med til Liverpool, hvor 4 venner ændrede verden. Mød drengen Lars, som bare elskede at slå hårdt til ting. Hør om Girl Power, moonwalking og rap-battles. Ja eller mød fynske Karen, der indspillede verdenshits på på sit teenageværelse. Skabt af Mattias Hundebøll Grafik: Line Birgitte Konfetti Fabrikken - sansende og lærerig lyd til børn og den slags Udgives efter aftale med KODA. Licensaftale for masterrettigheder på de anvendte musiknumre er indgået med MPO & IFPI Danmark.
What if you could hang out with a compassionate down-to-earth mom who was also expertly trained as a licensed psychologist, ask her any questions or share any concerns you had about your relationship with your daughter; and then take an insight or two to transform your mother-daughter relationship? That’s what happens each week on the Mother Daughter Connections® Podcast. Hosted by Dr. Michelle Deering –– Mother-Daughter Relationship Personal Trainer, best-selling author/speaker, CEO, and mother of twin daughters –– every episode is a conversational, honest in-depth look at motherhood and the complexities of the mother-daughter relationship--the good, the bad, and the pulling-your-hair-out aspects of being a mom. Moms not only rock but also "rock the cradle" of the next generation of leaders; and the Mother-Daughter Connections® is central to that legacy. Come join the community -- the movement -- that believes that healthy relationships between mothers and daughters are possible! Get encouragement. Get equipped so you can improve your mother-daughter relationship . . .one connection at a time.
A podcast about sleep, giving birth, baby poop, maternal instinct, babies, pregnancy- everything you have been googling and discussing online for ours. Every question you wanted answered, but you were too scared to ask. Every thought you have- thinking its only you. A podcast about being pregnant and what happens after.
2019年的9月5日是蕾蕾來美國上小學三年級的第一天...。英文不通的蕾蕾好緊張....她能不能順利交到新朋友,找到新樂子呢? Sept. 5, 2019 is a BIG day for Lena because it's her first day as a third-grader in the United States! Her family just relocated to Boston two months ago. She barely speaks English. She's new to the culture. She's freaking out, but something happens...... Let's listen how she starts her new adventure!
Et ægte science-fiction eventyr med lige dele spænding, gys og kosmisk kaos. En lyd-rejse mod det ukendte. #eventyr #spænding #viden Kan lyttes fra 4 år En rum-odyssé for alle dem, som altid har drømt om, at suse ud i universet og se hvad galakserne gemmer på. 3 - 2 - 1 - FYR! Skabt af Mattias Hundebøll Musik af Niels Billeskov Grafik: Louise Thrane Jensen Konfetti Fabrikken - sansende og lærerig lyd for børn og den slags