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Religion & Spirituality Category

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The 100x Podcast

We believe that life is not about how much we have, but what we do with what we have. This is how we choose to operate. We represent normal full lives. We experience young family joys and pressures, grow hope-filled careers and pursue future endeavours passionately.

Growing in the Word with Pastor Jim Jarrett

Exploring God's Word chapter by chapter, verse by verse.

Kindness & Compassion Podcast

In a world that often feels disconnected and anxious, is there a way to find connection and greater meaning in life? The Kindness and Compassion Podcast is a podcast about helping people find emotional and spiritual intelligence for greater meaning and peace in their lives. Drawing from the science of psychology, psychotherapy, along with the voices of spirituality and religion, this podcast explores how people can, and have, transformed their lives by finding deeper meaning in knowing themselves more fully. In this podcast, you will hear stories of hope and reconciliation. You will learn how people practice kindness and compassion in their lives. This podcast brings people together in a busy world that too often feels disconnected and polarized. Paying it forward and the power of empathy are practices that can heal and bring meaningful change in people’s lives. Hosted by Gordon Brewer, LMFT a licensed psychotherapist and clergy person, and produced by the PsychCraft network, we explore the science and practices of mindfulness, gratitude, compassion, and forgiveness.

Sam's Podcast

Through this podcast, my greatest desire is to challenge you to break the ice and step into your God given purpose.

APPS Alchemy Podcast

Hey gang! We are Damon, Sue, and Aymee-Lynne from The Adirondack Park Paranormal Society. Join us, along with other members of APPS, for each episode of the APPS Alchemy Podcast as we take a deep dive into the world of the Paranormal, cryptids, the occult, and more.

Story with a Message

We love stories. Many stories have a message. Some inspire us, teach us, challenge us and motivate us. Some make us think. Some make us laugh. Some lead to personal reflection. Others simply have a seed of wisdom. It's my hope you'll be able to identify with the stories told in this podcast and the connection will open windows of spiritual inspiration.

Walking Life Together

Do you sometimes struggle with your focus? Struggle with living (and loving) like Jesus in a world that doesn’t always look or feel a whole lot like Him? Are you allowing the culture around you to guide your life instead of being guided by His truth and the ultimate command…to love like Him? This can be a struggle for all of us, but at the end of the day, walking in love should be our highest goal. No matter how hard this feels…it is the goal. Loving others means compromise. It means having those hard conversations. Loving others can even mean not always sharing your opinion. (It’s okay to sit a discussion out. We don’t have to reply to everything we see, read, or hear.) Sometimes it can mean just being still. Loving others also means walking life with them. In order to walk life with someone else, we have to compromise on some things. We must be willing to have those hard conversations … with the intent to remain friends! We’re not called to walk life alone. Join me every other week as I dive into different topics about situations we all face and let’s navigate this life together. If you are struggling with things you see around you, not sure how to respond to situations in life, or maybe you’re sure you’ve inserted your foot into your mouth (as I have many times in my life) and you want to learn how not to do that, then this show is for you. Join me and let’s walk life together.

Shalia Bewusstsein - Leichtigkeit, Fülle & Freiheit

Willst du dein Leben verändern? Denn du spürst sicherlich, dass da noch mehr auf dich wartet. Und möchtest du auch endlich deinen Traum von Fülle, Freiheit und Leichtigkeit verwirklichen? In diesem Podcast erfährst du, wie du dich innerlich und äußerlich ganz neu ausrichten kannst. Damit du dir das Leben erschaffst, dass du dir schon immer gewünscht hast. Dazu erhältst du wöchentlich neue Inspirationen und wertvolle Impulse für deine persönliche Transformation. „Shalia Bewusstsein“ ist der Podcast für alle Menschen, die mehr vom Leben wollen und offen für Veränderung sind. Bist du bereit für dein neues Leben? Dann höre dir jetzt die erste Folge an!

Heaven’s Frequency with Billy Thompson

Practical and prophetic teaching from the scripture: providing biblical insight and understanding from God’s heart and mind, for His people. Host Billy Thompson of Christ Disciples Ministries shares revelation weekly to help listeners tune into Heaven’s Frequency.

Faith & Grace Through FAT-LOSS

I am a weight-loss author and licensed minister Terrance Pennington. If you need energy and excitement then you came to the right place. I am the host of the “Winning your Weight-Loss through the Cross” Podcast and here not to condemn you but to help save you. This podcast is for people who desire to be delivered from the land of burnout and always losing motivation. I personally lost 100 pounds in 2011 and over the last 10 years coaching thousands of others to lose weight. Encouraged hundreds to put Jesus back in the center of their life. If you are ready to leave the land of weight-loss frustrations, let’s get into today's episode.

Modern Spirit Podcast - Für Beziehungen & moderne Spiritualität

Du möchtest wissen, wie Du mit beiden Beinen im Leben stehen und gleichzeitig moderne Spiritualität in Deinen Alltag integrieren kannst? Hast Du schon mal angefangen zu meditieren und wusstest nicht wie Du dran bleiben kannst? Möchtest Du von inspirierenden Persönlichkeiten erfahren, wie sie Spiritualität tagtäglich leben? Dann bist Du hier genau richtig! Es wartet jede Woche eine neue spannende Folgen auf Dich rund um die Themen Beziehungen und moderne Spiritualität, vor allem wie Du es schaffst eine rundum glückliche Beziehung zu Dir selbst zu führen. Ich bin Miriam Kleyer, Meditations Coach und Unternehmerin. Ich möchte Dich einladen, mit mir auf eine spannende Reise zu gehen. Es erwarten Dich Coaching- und Meditations-Tipps, Erfahrungen aus meinem eigenen Leben und spannende Gäste zu den Themen moderne Spiritualität und Beziehungen. Der Modern Spirit Podcast ist für Dich genau richtig, wenn Du tiefer einsteigen möchtest in die ganz großen Fragen des Lebens: Warum bin ich hier? Was habe ich zu geben? Wie finde ich Sinn und Erfüllung in meinem täglichen Leben? Weil Du weißt, dass in Deinem Leben so viel mehr auf Dich wartet. Bist Du bereit? Dann höre jetzt die erste Folge!

Woo! There it is podcast

This podcast is a light-hearted take on all things Paranormal, Strange, and Weird.