Society & Culture Category
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If you've ever wanted to have a conversation about race but were afraid of saying the wrong thing, or not being heard or trivialized, this podcast is for you. Everyday Conversations on Race is a cross-race conversation on race. It brings people together across differences for open comfortable conversations about race in a casual setting. This is crucial for organizations and businesses that want to build cultures of inclusion that support diversity, equity and innovation. It's essential in our global society that we learn how to build relationships and work effectively with people from any group, across any difference. We have guests from different backgrounds, race, age, gender, sexual orientation, etc., senior executives, ex-felons, musicians, educators and just every day people. The show is insightful, enlightening and entertaining. Our mission is to disrupt the way race is talked about, break racial silos and have a global impact on how people interact with each other. Let's break through fear of difference, and build connections together.
As a natural born side hustler, blogger, and educator Teacher Ces wants to give you the pieces to create multiple streams of income and save money all while living the best life possible. Teacher Ces takes a laid-back approach for those who have fifty - eleven (see Urban Dictionary) things going on, in an edutaining way! The Teacher Ces Podcasts will explore side hustles, travel, life, and the occasional interview. Teacher Ces will give you the best that she has in creating revenue in a fun and efficient way. Contact the show at [email protected]
The Saved Millennial Podcast hosted by Evangelist Shane of You can expect to be encouraged in the faith, learn how to be effective in sharing the gospel, and hear Evangelist Shane's latest Playlist Picks featuring Christian artist on the rise and some oldies but goodies.
INSIDE CRIME takes you behind the scenes and beyond the headlines. You’ll hear candid conversations with every day people whose lives have been impacted by crime. Host Angeline Hartmann delivers fresh and honest perspective from law enforcement, victims’ families, and survivors about their unique experiences inside crime.