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Verkaufen ist einfach, Punkt! Viele Menschen haben mit dem Wort Verkaufen eine negative Beziehung aufgebaut und sind sich gar nicht bewusst, dass Sie genau dieses böse Verkaufen doch jeden Tag auf einfachste Art und Weise selber anwenden. Und du kannst das auch! In diesem Podcast geht es nicht um Fachchinesisch und irgendwelche Rhetorik-Zauberformeln, sondern um einfachste Bildsprache, um immer und jeden zu begeistern. Und du wirst direkt merken, wie einfach Verkaufen sein kann. Punkt! Viel Spass beim anhören und viel Erfolg beim persönlichen umsetzen! Dein Oliver Webseite:
Welcome to the weekly podcast of Purpose Church led by Chad Dinkel. Purpose Church is located in downtown Baton Rouge. Services are held Sundays at 10:30 a.m at The Lyceum Ballroom, 124 N. 3rd St. To learn more visit our website at Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @PurposeChurchLA . Don't forget to subscribe!
Döden, tvivel, vad är maskulinitet och hur funkar egentligen intuition? Kan det goda samtalet skingra det mörker som ibland hotar omsluta oss? I podden Björn & Navid tar vännerna Björn Natthiko Lindeblad och Navid Modiri upp en rad olika existentiella ämnen som önskats av lyssnare över hela landet. I tankeväckande, varma och reflekterande samtal ger de båda sinsemellan olika männen inga färdiga svar, bara inspiration till hur vi alla kan bli bättre på att prata med och lyssna på varandra.
Rianka R. Dorsainvil, CFP® is a powerhouse in the world of financial planning. As a successful experienced millennial, she offers a unique perspective on not only on the current state of the financial service industry, but on how to move the financial planning profession forward into the future. In her latest project, she has launched the podcast 2050 TrailBlazers. Conversations around diversity and inclusion have been happening in the profession and industry. Entire panels have been formed, but we’re still struggling to find solutions for building a more inclusive profession. This podcast is intended to create a space to start these necessary conversations. Nobody here is pretending to have all of the answers, but we do know that by being honest and bold, we can spark a fire of change.
How can we communicate research in science, the social sciences and humanities to ensure it has positive, real-world impact? That's the question being explored in this podcast, presented by Peter Barker, the director of research communications agency, Orinoco Communications. In each episode Peter chats to someone who's doing particularly interesting and inspiring work to engage the public with research.