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Society & Culture Category

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The Political Orphanage

Politics minus bile plus jokes. Comedian and avowed independent Andrew Heaton interviews authors and thought leaders about policy and big thinky stuff.

I'm Speaking Now

I'm an expert in communications, professionally and personally, and I love to discuss the art of communication itself! So whether it's communication relative to work, texting, intimacy, awkward conversations, email, or even encounters with strangers I'm interested in reflecting on the value, or lack thereof, that these exchanges bring to our lives.

Bonn Park Podcast

Welcome to Bonn Park, where podcast hosts Marshall Ward and Sara Geidlinger chat in-depth with fascinating people living, working, and creating in Waterloo Region. Each episode features a different guest, with artists, writers, experts, entrepreneurs, activists and other folk talking about their motivations, inspirations, and aspirations. Marshall is a longtime newspaper columnist who has interviewed Hollywood celebrities and local characters; Sara is a photographer and filmmaker who loves to find out what makes people tick. Together, their show emulates the feel of sparking up a conversation with an interesting stranger in a park, which is how Marshall and Sara met (in Waterloo's Bonn Park) and discovered their shared interest in Waterloo Region's creative community. Find us at https://www.bonnpark.com/ Please subscribe and follow and find us on instagram @bonnparkpodcast

Unfolding Sevenfold

Welcome to Unfolding Sevenfold. This is a podcast where I, Shawn Hart, do a weekly, song by song, breakdown of the band Avenged Sevenfold.

Dział Zagraniczny

Dział Zagraniczny to podcast o wydarzeniach na świecie, o których w polskich mediach słychać niewiele, lub wcale. Więcej wiadomości, oraz informacje o autorze, znajdziesz na: http://www.dzialzagraniczny.pl/

Gray Beard Chronicles Podcast

Welcome to Gray Beard Chronicles, the podcast (and occasional video cast) home of two gray-bearded patriots who love God, our families and friends, and our country! We are here to educate, inform, and inspire you on a myriad of topics we are passionate about and have a strong desire to share with you to help you live your best life!

Plant Daddy Podcast

Your digital plant friends, here to help you take your indoor jungle/desert/bog to the next level since 2019! Plant Daddy Podcast is hosted by Stephen and Matthew, two passionate hobbyists who love sharing plant care experiences and stories that speak to plant parents of all experience levels. Whether you are just starting your houseplant journey or already managing an indoor jungle, we are here to share growing techniques and methods, new and unusual plants, or the background and history of familiar ones. Each host brings different perspectives and tastes in plants, but both have enjoyed the great privilege of learning their own local and online plant communities, and they seek to pay this forward to anyone interested in taking their hobby to the next level. Or just enjoy some geeky banter. Plants are enriching and fun, endlessly rewarding, and Plant Daddy Podcast is excited to be your digital plant friends!

Pistolando Podcast

Um mancebo catarinense de Exatas por fora e Humanas por dentro. Uma quarentona carioca que estudou uma coisa com a qual não trabalha e trabalha com uma coisa que não estudou. Ambos amantes de ciências, política, literatura. Desde junho de 2018 têm o privilégio de conversar quinzenalmente com gente altamente gabaritada sobre assuntos relevantes, tratados com a seriedade que merecem. O resultado é um programa de conteúdo independente que junta informação, entretenimento e política.

Reflections on Multicultural Competence Podcast

Reflections on Multicultural Competence is a weekly podcast, hosted by psychologist Sonya Lott, Ph.D., and produced by CEMPSYCH, LLC. The intention of the podcast is to encourage mental health professionals to reflect on, challenge, and transform the narratives we have created about ourselves and others through the socialization process and our experiences with power, privilege, and marginalization based on our many intersecting cultural identities. This self-reflection is the foundation of multicultural competence, that which is required to adhere to ethical standards of doing no harm and really seeing, hearing, respecting, and appreciating those we serve. Also, understanding oneself more fully as a cultural being with multiple identities, provides a pathway for healing any sense of separation felt within oneself as well as with others.

Seismic Shift

The current era of disruption in society has many of us asking existential questions. What matters? What’s possible? How can I help? Seismic Shift sits down with people from a range of professions who are reinventing themselves and leading radical change in their communities. What can their stories tell us about re-crafting our own work for a better future? From a bus driver turned rising star chef to a millennial who's opened a cafe for civic dialogue and more - join us for cool conversations and inspiration.

Something Private

Something Private is a podcast about everything related to the vagina. From sex, to health, and the society. Hosted by Nicole, we’re gonna have three am sleepover conversations about love, life, and why you have that wart on your vagina. Featuring stories from gynaecologists, experts, and your everyday girl, it’s about time we had these conversations out loud. Produced by WII.FM, reach us at [email protected].

Familias Todo Terreno

Es un espacio de entrenamiento para familias en el cual se formarán para afrontar todo tipo de problemas. Esta plataforma brinda conocimiento, tips y las herramientas más practicas, para contribuir al éxito en tu familia y un desarrollo sano. Familias Todo Terreno busca impactar a familias de manera positiva y te explicamos de manera practica las herramientas mas eficientes en un mundo tan complejo como el de hoy.