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Does the state of the world often leave you frightened? Does Bible prophecy often leave you confused? You’re not alone. There are some strange and mystifying Bible passages that have bewildered generations of Christ- followers simply because the signs of the end times had not become apparent. It is our generation that is seeing end-time prophecies being fulfilled. Join NY Times Bestselling Author Donna VanLiere (The Christmas Shoes, The Time of Jacob’s Trouble) and Carmen LaBerge (host of Mornings with Carmen on Faith Radio) and listen to the podcast Things Are Looking Up, in which they shares significant and specific prophecies that only our generation has been able to understand, and discuss the very real connection between Bible prophecy and our world today.
Perspektiv på bøger, deres forfattere og den verden, som bøgerne manifesterer sig i. Udgangspunktet er Forlaget Klim, og de forfattere, korrekturlæsere, oversættere, filosoffer og andre fagfolk, som færdes der, og som alle har det til fælles, at de brænder for at formidle litteratur og viden på hver deres felt – det er disse mange mennesker, og den store pulje af viden, de besidder, der kontekstualiseres. Her tales både dansk og engelsk. Se mere om de bøger, der diskuteres, på
The Lawyering Podcast by Emma Fitzgerald, director of Lawyering Space is an inquisitive podcast dedicated to Lawyers. Its aim is twofold: to inspire lawyers and law firms alike, and to celebrate the good and stimulate change for the better of the profession. Emma has wanted to be a lawyer since she was just 12 years old. 20 years later, does the career of law live up to the dream? What does it take? And what could the profession be doing better: for us as stressed out, time-poor lawyers, and those in the community that rely on us to ensure the adequacy of the rule of law and access to the legal system. Emma shares some of her own stories and experiences as both lawyer, and consumer of legal services, with honesty and vulnerability. She chats to some interesting and inspiring lawyers and other professionals that can assist us to be the best, and healthiest, profession possible.