History Category
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Today, the Navajo Nation has no guaranteed right to use the water that flows in and around their reservation. In this season of "Reclaimed: The Lifeblood of Navajo Nation," journalist Charly Edsitty follows the history of oppression and exclusion that kept the Navajo from their water -- and traces the fight to reclaim their sovereignty. Now, the Navajo people are demanding their water back, and they’re closer than ever to securing this basic human right. Last season, “Reclaimed: The Forgotten League” told the stories of professional baseball’s often-overlooked greats and how newly acknowledged Negro Leagues statistics could rewrite history books. Earlier seasons included “The Story of Mamie Till-Mobley,” recognized with the Edward R. Murrow Award for Best Podcast, and “Tulsa’s Buried Truth,” on the search for mass graves beneath Tulsa, Oklahoma, and the fight for justice for the descendants of the Black Americans killed in the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre.
This season of Marginalized Murder we dive into "The Case of the 51 largest active serial murder mystery in the county. Over the course of twenty years at least 51 women were strangled to death in the South and West side of Chicago . I speak with Thomas Hargrove, the founder of the Murder Accountability Project and the creator of the algorithm that cracked this cold case wide open. We also meet some of the victim's family members like Sharon Pritchett, whose beloved sister Gwendolyn Williams was stolen from her by a killer who the Chicago DA refused to prosecute. Then there are community activists and local politicians like Reverend Hood and Senator Patricia Van Pelt, who fight to keep this case alive and bring answers to the heartbroken family members and friends left behind. Join me as I attempt to uncover who killed the majority of these women, who were murdered by not one, but potentially two to three serial killers. A story with little answers; until the summer of 2021 when a major break in the case is unearthed: the reemergence of a confession tape from a convicted serial killer who admits to murdering victims to death across five states, including Illinois. Help me try to find peace to the victims, justice to the perpetrators, and cast an eye of scrutiny to a justice system that overlooks marginalized victims living on the fringes. It all starts in Chicago..
Muddermaskiner, svedige havnearbejdere, søsyge heste, pakhuse, glade badegæster og bjerge af kul. Velkommen til en podcast-serie på 11 afsnit om Hobro havn. Vi begynder med et intro-afsnit om havnens spæde begyndelse fra midt i 1800-tallet til forvandlingen til en lille, pulserende industrihavn i 1900-tallet med lokale og nationale perspektiver. Derefter dykker vi ned længere ned i havnens temaer i hvert afsnit: Om de hårde havnearbejdere, de stolte pakhuse, havnens toldboder, Hobro Gasværk ved havnen, senere tiders glade badegæster ved havnen og meget mere. Podcasten er lavet i et samarbejde mellem Nordjyske Museer, Gasmuseet, Kunstetagerne i Hobro og Himmerlandsteater.
Scary Savannah and Beyond is a podcast featuring paranormal, true crime, and oddities from Savannah, Georgia and beyond. We're based out of Savannah, Georgia - the most haunted city in America. Join Brett and Crystal and their dogs Layla and Coffee for some spooky fun! New episodes on YouTube and audio podcasts bi-weekly on Sunday at 8PM ET!
This podcast is a folklore revival project by Jackie Piper and Andrew Wilkinson. Researching and retelling stories from our past, based in the UK. Recorded in Trenton, New Jersey. Research and narration: Jackie Piper Production and music: Andrew Wilkinson Photo editing and artwork: John Piper
RUSI Journal Radio, the inaugural podcast of the RUSI Journal, is a new series dedicated to exploring some of today's biggest issues in defence and security. Join hosts Demi Starks, Emma De Angelis and Ed Mortimer as they go beyond what’s written on the page. Every two weeks, they chat with experts who have written for the RUSI Journal on a range of defence and security issues, from misinformation and terrorism to AI, healthcare and climate change. The views or statements expressed by guests are their own and their appearance on the podcast does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. Views and opinions expressed by RUSI employees are those of the employees and do not necessarily reflect the view of RUSI.
This is a podcast for men and women of color. This was birth out of personal experiences with grief. We will tackle therapy in our community, and healing from what has had us by the neck. We will destroy the chokeholds of our lives through community love, acceptance, and acknowledgement.
Det är i år 500 år sedan Martin Luther översatte Bibeln till folkspråket tyska. Han reagerade mot sin tids kyrka och, som han upplevde det, kyrkans förtryck av den enskilda människan. I den här poddserien på tre delar samtalar Dagens ledarskribent Fredrik Wenell med Lutherkännarna Peter Strömmer och Göran Agrell. De talar om Luthers Bibel, hans drivkraft för att tillgängliggöra Guds Ord, men också hans relation till kulturen och platserna där allt utspelades.