History Category
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Horrors and Healing is a podcast brought to you by the National Museum of Civil War Medicine. The National Museum of Civil War Medicine is located in Frederick, Maryland. The Museum is the premier center for the preservation and research of the legacy of Civil War Medical innovation and humanitarianism. As a living institution, we utilize artifacts, storytelling and the historic lessons derived from that era to educate the public and define the impact on today’s society. You can support the Museum by donating or by becoming a member at civilwarmed.org/support.
Welcome to EXIT 27, a Mount Holly, NC podcast. This podcast explores the history, people and current events of Mount Holly. Hosted by Greg Blackwood, and recorded downtown Mt. Holly in the historic Summey Building, EXIT 27 documents and brings to life the stories of our friends, family, and neighbors.
In this series, we will look back at one of Duluth, Minnesota’s dark moments in history, a time when an estimated 10,000 people participated in or were witness to a hate crime — then basically didn’t talk about it again publicly for more than 60 years. The Duluth Lynchings is produced by the Duluth News Tribune's Christa Lawler and Samantha Erkkila, with reporting by our newsroom staff. Music "We Three Kings" is composed by Jean “Rudy” Perrault and performed by the Gichigami Piano Trio. *A warning to listeners: Some episodes might have unsettling imagery or language.
Inspired by the people and events that have shaped Australian history and character, with his authentically Australian down to earth approach, Adam Blum explores and shares their stories. Learn how in the past and more recently, service, sacrifice and grit have and continue to play a central role in Australia's True Blue History.
Välkommen till Museimagasinet, Kalmar läns museums podcast om kulturarvet i din vardag! Här avhandlar vi högt och lågt och stort och smått med koppling till den lokala historien - från Lönneberga till Långe Jan, länsbor och annat löst folk. Mycket nöje! Ansvarig utgivare: Örjan Molander, Museichef Stötta vår podcast Museimagasinet! Gillar du vår podcast? Bra! Vi vore oändligt tacksamma om ni kan stötta oss via ett bidrag via Swisch när du har lyssnat färdigt. Även en liten slant kan göra stor skillnad, många bäckar små så att säga. Och har du inte möjlighet att hjälpa oss nu, så kanske sen! Men lyssna på vår podcast oavsett. 😊 Till detta nummer kan Swischa: 123 235 85 21. Märk gärna din inbetalning med vilket avsnitt du har lyssnat på!
The Prison Radio Show has two time slots on CKUT 90.3 fm http://www.ckut.ca.* The first time slot is: On the second Thursday of every month between 5-6 pm the Prison Radio Show is part of CKUT’s Off The Hour. The second time slot is: The fourth Friday of every month between 11am and 12pm. Occasionally the Prison Radio Show will have an additional show during the fifth Friday. All audio on CKUT 90.3 fm is archived for a minimum of two months, so if you miss a show, you can download it at ckut.ca or here on the blog. Prison Radio has been on the air in Montreal for more than a decade. The show seeks to confront the invisibility of prisons and prisoner struggle, by focusing on the roots of incarceration, policing, and criminalization, and by challenging ideas about what prisons are and who ends up inside. Prison Radio is dedicated to programming that is directly collaborative with people who are currently incarcerated. This is in the interest of forging stronger ties between incarcerated and non-incarcerated people, ensuring that prisoners have direct control over their representation, and that our understandings of prisons be informed by those who live inside their walls.