History Category
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Welcome to High Street Tales. A Historic England podcast. Starting in Autumn 2020, specially commissioned writers on seven high streets across England began work on High Street Tales: a new storytelling initiative by Historic England to uncover the hidden histories and celebrate the everyday magic of the high street. Working both online and offline where they could, they spoke with local people to uncover memories, reflections, personal histories and local legends on and around the high street. What emerged was a set of modern High Street Tales which explore the connection between history, memory and place and paint a vivid portrait of the high street. High Street Tales is part of Historic England’s high street cultural programme; four years of nationwide cultural activity helping to make high streets more attractive, engaging and vibrant places for people to live, work and spend time. The programme is run by Historic England, in partnership with Heritage Lottery Fund and Arts Council England. For more information go to HistoricEngland.org.uk/highstreettales or follow us on social @HistoricEngland or by using the hashtag #HighStreetTales.
Do you enjoy learning about military history? How about listening to stories of individuals who’ve experienced war and conflict? Have you ever wondered how to research a family member’s military service? How do individuals and organizations capture, preserve, and make military history available to the general public? All of these topics and more are explored in the Camp Iron Mountain Podcast! Join our community that looks to inspire people to conduct research, collect stories, and share the military history of veterans, civilians, and military units to honor their memory and service.
The Gun Room is a podcast dedicated to the sporting firearms we carry in pursuit of game. A base-level knowledge of firearms and their workings is synonymous with hunting. By its very nature, the pursuit of game demands the user become familiar, if not proficient with a weapon of their choosing. TGR will dive headlong into all things surrounding the incredible diversity of sporting firearms we used in the field today. We will examine the history and technology in the development of modern sporting rifles and shotguns through conversations with the folks that were there. We will talk to the gunsmiths who have worked on thousands of firearms from English Bests to hardware store specials. We will speak with the collectors, curators, and enthusiasts who help maintain the vast body of knowledge surrounding the tens of thousands of types of modern rifles and shotguns. TGR will attempt to dispel common myths while building the collective knowledge base of our listeners through open discussion with leaders in the industry. Our focus and subject matter will be the firearms themselves. Their inner workings and foibles, the artistry and the utility. All things that make a rifle or shotgun special. From the manufacturer's machinery to the gunsmith's bench, from the rack at your local dealer to the fields and woods we will explore the story behind the guns we carry for sport to live our passion.
In the early 1900s, the great and good at the Paris Opera buried an urn full of “living voices”—Gramophone recordings of famous opera stars—to be disinterred after a century. When those urns were opened, mysterious recordings were discovered. Who made them? And why?