Business Category
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Our goal at CWBB is to help God's daughters build successful and profitable businesses that bring him glory and change their lives for the better! This podcast will include interviews with top faith-based business owners, experts, and influencers to learn practical ways that they have built their business as the Body of Christ and with Biblical principles. We will also cover topics focused on how to build our business as Believers, and you will get to hear from some of our incredible coaches as they share on topics related to their areas of expertise such as website and branding, legal issues, sales and offer creation, finance, tech, marketing strategies on and off of Social Media as well as health and keeping our energy protected as business owners. We hope you will subscribe to our Podcast for weekly episodes, join our free community on Facebook with the Christian Women Business Builders group, and check out our Free library of resources at
The #1 Marketing Podcast for Private Practice Hearing Care Clinics The Business of Hearing Podcast shares the real insights into how you can grow your private practice hearing care clinic in today’s challenging and competitive market. Hosted by leading industry marketing consultant Oli Luke, the podcast is a combination of interviews with private practice leaders, external experts and authors, as well as insights into what the best performing clinics in the world are doing right now to grow marketshare, drive record growth and build stronger businesses. The Business of Hearing podcast was developed to be YOUR ear to the ground and bring innovative ideas direct from the source. Contact Oli on WhatsApp! +1 (945) 228-7369 Visit: for more!
From Facebook Ads to the latest/greatest CRM, I’m sharing everything a modern Loan Officer needs to thrive in the 21st century. I share everything I learn about Mortgage marketing - ad platforms, automated follow up, referral strategies, sales/conversion tips, team building strategies, and building the mindset of a champion so that you too can defy the odds and win. This show is for Loan Officers and mortgage brokers who understand that technology will either crush their business or transform it. We tell the stories of countless Loan Officers who have adapted and transformed their business models to dominate in this digital era.
Forskning kan bidra till att stärka Sveriges konkurrenskraft och till att lösa samhällsutmaningar, om ny kunskap omsätts i nya produkter och tjänster inom industri och offentlig sektor. Här har den behovsmotiverade tillämpade forskningen och RISE en nyckelroll att spela. Genom att komplettera Sveriges stora satsningar på grundforskning med satsningar på behovsmotiverad tillämpad forskning och innovation kan Sverige försvara och utveckla vår roll som ledande kunskaps-, innovations- och industrination. I den här podden diskuterar och utforskar vi ämnen som berör omställningen av svenskt näringsliv och samhälle, tillsammans med intressanta gäster från både industri och offentlig sektor.
Join David Nicholas as he discusses all things finance, faith, and free-markets. David will look back at the political and economic lessons of history to gather wisdom on how we should conduct public and social policy today. Topics will include thought-provoking commentary on economics, political philosophy, theology, and literature.
What’s new in retail? Everything! The entire industry is going through a massive realignment that puts a premium on customer engagement, store safety, and operational efficiency. Join tech power couple Sarah-Jayne and Dean Gratton as they take an expedition into the world of retail innovation—exploring everything from touch-less technologies to RFID robots.
Join Food Industry Finance Expert Sarah Delevan as she breaks down the need-to-know financial concepts for running a profitable food business, shares case studies and lessons from around the food industry, and highlights the many different ways to build a successful food business on your own terms through conversations with founders and industry experts.
As a non-US citizen living and working in the United States, you face many new challenges when it comes to learning and understanding a completely new financial and tax system. Pension plans, taxation of income (both here and abroad), and investments, along with retirement accounts and estate planning considerations can seem overwhelming. This often leads to inaction and mistakes. The goal of this podcast is to help non-US citizens and cross border families living and working in America implement effective strategies to take full advantage of the opportunities to create wealth offered to you in the United States, both while you are in America and even once you have left. Sit back and listen as you go behind the scenes with financial planner, author, and speaker Jimmy Miller to learn how to make your time in America as financially rewarding as possible. Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on any future episodes. Visit for more information and free resources.
Welcome to Cribl: The Stream Life, a podcast for IT pros trying to take control of their observability data with a no-compromise approach. With each episode, our hosts will cover the latest insights, trends, and emerging technologies to help IT organizations achieve observability in their operations. We’ll also address specific challenges we’ve seen with hundreds of enterprises over the last several years and sketch out the fundamental capabilities required to overcome them.