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Behind The O

Elena Aylott works at Oriflame – a Social selling Beauty company. Her profession is working with people, and her colleagues are gorgeous. Some people on the top are pitch perfect – glamorous Instagram, amazing LinkedIn profiles. But what hides behind all that? What was their path to the top, and is there a price for success? So, together with Elena, let’s go Behind the O – and listen to the stories of our incredible Oriflamians! Copyright © 2020 Oriflame Cosmetics AG

Let's Talk Norrbotten

Välkommen till Let’s Talk Podcast – ett program om Norrbottens väg mot att bli Sveriges mest välkomnande och nytänkande län. Här kan du möta människor med unik inblick i intressanta och aktuella ämnen. Vi bjuder på kunskap och nya tankar och utmanar förutfattade meningar. Let’s talk görs av Region Norrbotten för att lyfta frågor som är viktiga för Norrbottens utveckling. Samtalen leds av Malin Winberg, journalist, föreläsare och moderator. Ta del av idéerna och utmaningarna som formar Norrbottens framtid.

bookendsfp's podcast

Sharing impactful conversations about finances and money over a meal. A lunch n’ learn podcast and webinar nourishing body, mind and spirit.

Pipeline Technology Podcast

The Pipeline Technology Podcast (PTP) sponsored by Pipeline & Gas Journal launched in September 2020 and is hosted by Russel Treat. The monthly podcast is released on Wednesdays each month. The podcast was created through a conversation with PGJ editor Michael Reed to advance education about pipeline technology through the podcasting forum. Each monthly episode focuses on a specific area of current and emerging pipeline technology. The goal is to provide pipeline professionals with a greater understanding of the latest use of technology and upcoming trends that will impact how pipeliners perform their work.

Write Publish Market

The Write Publish Market podcast explores the book publishing process for business owners at any stage of their book process.

The Red Zone Retirement Program

In football, the Red Zone is where a team has to make small adjustments to ensure victory. As you approach retirement, you also need to make small adjustments to ensure success. Join John Mears of Mears Money Management each episode as he helps you understand the most important strategies that will help lead you to financial and retirement success. John has more than 20 years of experience providing comprehensive planning services to families throughout the Santa Clarita, California area. On this show, he'll breakdown the essential facets of tax planning, investing, retirement concerns, and much more. If you have a 401(k), IRA, Roth, pension or any other type of retirement account or savings vehicle then this is the show for you. Understand your savings and have some fun along the way with John Mears! Contact John at http://mearsmoney.com or by calling 661-775-3704.

Nugent Good News Podcast

Sharing good news to motivate, inspire, and uplift.

CEO Career Code - von Dominik Roth

Wie gelingt die Karriere in der Chefetage? Welche Eigenschaften kennzeichnen einen Top-Manager? Was bedeutet berufliche Selbstverwirklichung? Headhunter Dominik Roth ist jüngster Partner sowie Führungskraft der global führenden Personalberatung Mercuri Urval und entschlüsselt für Sie den CEO Career Code. Seine Erkenntnisse stützen sich auf seine Erfahrung aus mehreren hundert Rekrutierungen von Führungskräften (Executive Searches) sowie Kompetenz- bzw. Persönlichkeitsanalysen und tausenden Bewerbungsgesprächen mit Kandidaten aus der Chefetage. Zahlreiche Unternehmen verlassen sich auf seinen Rat in der Auswahl von Top-Managern. Neben den Themen "verdeckter Arbeitsmarkt & Bewerbung", "(strategisches) Netzwerken", "Führung & Management" erwarten Sie Empfehlungen zur Ausstrahlung von Kompetenz (sog. „Social Hacks“), denn beruflicher Erfolg hängt maßgeblich davon ab, ob man als kompetent erachtet wird. Psychologie, insbs. Sozialpsychologie, ist im Rahmen von Karriere-Tipps oftmals unterrepräsentiert. - Der CEO Career Code behandelt Karriere daher auf einer ganzheitlichen Ebene! Der Podcast beinhaltet Insidertipps und Inspiration für Top-Manager und jene, die es werden wollen. Abonnieren Sie den Podcast, um keine Episode zu verpassen! ---- Kontakt: Sie möchten mit Dominik Roth in Kontakt treten, da Sie als Unternehmen die passende Führungskraft suchen oder sich selbst als Manager umorientieren möchten? Er freut sich über Ihre Kontaktaufnahme: https://linktr.ee/dominik.roth


ACHTUNG vorweg: Hör diesen Podcast von vorne, beginnend mit der 1. Folge! Der Podcast ist inhaltlich so gestaltet, dass die Inhalte aufeinander aufbauen. Nun zur Beschreibung des Podcasts: "Such dir einen sicheren Job" - "Mach was Ordentliches, mein Kind" - Wieviele von uns haben derartige Ratschläge von unseren Eltern bekommen... Und schneller, als wir uns versehen, finden wir uns in einem Job wieder, der zwar unsere Rechnungen bezahlt (und das vielleicht sogar sehr gut), der uns aber eben nicht endgültig glücklich macht. Der Passionfindungs-Prozess von Oliver Steirl ermöglicht es JEDEM - von Schüler, über Topmanager, bis Rentner - genau das zu finden, wofür er wirklich brennt... Und nach jahrelanger erfolgreicher Arbeit mit Personen jeden Alters, verschiedenster sozialer Schichten und mit unterschiedlichsten Wünschen, gibt es diese wertvollen Inhalte nun endlich auch für die breite Öffentlichkeit: Herzlich Willkommen zum Podcast von "FINDE DEINE PASSION"!

Top of the Tower

Welcome to Top of the Tower, brought to you by Pinkerton Academy's Center for Career and Technical Education. Get ready to hear from a variety of business and workforce industry leaders, education experts and state and local officials as we explore the labor market, education and how these two can work together to help students, employers and employees. Your hosts are Doug Cullen, Pinkerton's Manager of Career Services and Donna Smith a faculty member in the Career and Technical Education Department.

Golden Rule of Selling with Katie Mullen

Katie Mullen is a professional speaker and founder of MMS Consulting. She has spent almost twenty years in sales, in industries ranging from insurance, to medical devices, to online media and even fundraising. In every industry, she observed that cold calling is very intimidating, even for the most seasoned sales reps, and most of them try to avoid it at all costs. She began to suspect that if we could just start thinking about how customers want to be treated, cold calling would be a lot less scary. If we could get inside their heads, what would they say? This curiosity led to a 3 year research project, where she surveyed customers in over 20 states and asked them the same set of questions: What are your pet peeves? What makes a sales professional stand out? What makes you want to avoid a certain sales rep? She then took the results of this research, combined with her many years of sales experience, and developed a sales training program and became a professional speaker. In this podcast, she will be sharing some important pieces of her training program, including customer research, tips and tricks, and even customer interviews. This podcast will help you gain confidence so you feel more comfortable picking up the phone to make those scary prospecting calls. After listening to this podcast, you will be able to start treating YOUR customers with the Golden Rule: Treat them they way they want to be treated!

The Executive Edge

The Executive Edge is the podcast that gives you an edge in life and business with practical skills that you can apply to achieve and maintain success. Hosted by UK psychologist and business adviser, Sue Firth. The show is a mix of interviews, tips, business insights and inspiration.