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278 Dr. Michael Ruscio: What's Really Going On With My Thyroid?

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Release Date: 06/11/2019

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More Episodes

Gut health symptoms can look like thyroid hormone symptoms but they're actually gut-driven symptoms. The challenge is that so many symptoms are non-specific. You can be fatigued and depressed from a gut issue or hypothyroidism. - Dr. Michael Ruscio


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Are your gut health issues actually a thyroid problem?

On Wellness Force Radio episode 278, doctor, clinical researcher and best-selling author of Healthy Gut, Healthy YouDr. Michael Ruscio, returns for the fourth time, to discuss the differences between thyroid health and gut health, why there are so many misdiagnoses when it comes to thyroid and dysbiosis, gut health testing and whether or not some are necessary, and the first steps you can decipher whether you have a gut or a thyroid problem with Dr. Ruscio's simple gut quiz.

Listen as Dr. Ruscio explains the deep misunderstanding between systematic approaches and root healing causes of thyroid and gut dysfunction


Buy your own copy of Healthy Gut, Healthy You here


The good news is that almost any ailment including depression, fatigue, weight gain, autoimmunity, insomnia, and hypothyroidism can be healed. The key is not just managing the symptoms but treating the root cause: the gut. Restoring this crucial part of your overall health improves the performance of your whole body from the inside out and it's easier than you think to get started.

You don't have to follow crazy diets or spend a fortune to get healthy. Instead, read this book to discover

  • how the gut works and its role in your body,
  • practical diet and lifestyle advice to support your gut health,
  • simple and actionable tools to repair your gut, and
  • an innovative, user-friendly plan to heal, support and revitalize your gut.

A vibrant, healthy you begins with your gut start healing your body today!

If you are confused and not sure where to start, take our quiz to get to the root of your symptoms.


Listen To Episode 278 As Dr. Ruscio Uncovers:

  • Differences between the gut and thyroid health.
  • Why there are so many misdiagnoses when it comes to the thyroid and the gut.
  • How to tell whether or not someone has hyperthyroidism.
  • The impact of over-diagnosis of hyperthyroidism and what the problem could actually be instead.
  • How diets such as Paleo and Keto can impact the thyroid's health.
  • Why taking TSH and 3T4 tests are the best way to know if you truly have a problem with your thyroids if you're not on hormone medication already.
  • The impact of nutrition on your body and how to begin really tuning in and listening to what it's telling you.
  • His stance against completely useless microbiome mapping tests such as those from uBiome.
  • What publication bias is and why we should wait 6 months to a year to collect data and understand the real effect of a new product.
  • The concerns of over-supplementation and why it might be good to take a break from them from time to time.
  • How some supplements can actually irritate the gut.
  • First steps you can take to decide whether or not you have a gut or a thyroid problem including taking the gut quiz that Dr. Ruscio offers on his website.
  • Why it's so important for women to take their hormone balance into account if they're experiencing thyroid problems and how natural, herbal medicines can help.
  • What the amino acid protein structures, MK 677 and BCP 157 are, how they can help trigger different hormones to support the body, and which sources are the best ones to buy from.
  • The remarkable improvements he and his team have seen for patients who had prior high levels of anxiety and depression once they improved their gut health.
  • How professionals can come together and respect one another despite opposing viewpoints.


Josh Trent and Dr. Michael Ruscio

at Paleo f(x) 2019

Dr. Michael Ruscio Josh Trent Paleo f(x)


Power Quotes From The Show


"I don't think there are certain foods that would just cause thyroid dysfunction compared to inflaming your gut and just making you generally unwell. However, there have been some completed studies that show simply going on a Paleo diet can improve thyroid function and immunity." - Dr. Michael Ruscio
"The primary cause of hyperthyroidism is autoimmunity. So, if the primary regulator of your immune system, your small intestine, and the primary cause of hyperthyroidism is autoimmunity and immune imbalance, there's your connection. If you eat foods that irritate your small intestine, that will likely rev up your immune system and will make the autoimmune symptoms worse or conversely, if you're eating foods that are healthy for your gut, you can see a decrease." - Dr. Michael Ruscio
"If you're on a medication and you suspect that you were not correctly diagnosed; especially if you saw an integrative, progressive, or alternative provider, most models of misdiagnoses are from these providers. These providers are not doing it with any bad intention but you should always check your lab work from before you went on thyroid hormone medication and if the lab range didn't flag you high TSH and low T4, then there's a very high probability that you don't need the medication that you're on. Now, don't do anything else before the first meeting with a clinician who can walk you through this and a conventional endocrinologist will probably do a very good job with helping you discover what support is best for you." - Dr. Michael Ruscio


Links From Today's Show


About Dr. Michael Ruscio


Dr. Ruscio’s best-selling book, Healthy Gut, Healthy You, has paved the way for a ‘start with the gut’ philosophy which has enabled doctors and patient to obtain improved outcomes with minimal expense and effort.

He is leading the charge to make alternative medicine more affordable, effective and practical, through a pragmatic application of evidence-based therapies. Dr. Ruscio’s ability to objectively analyze medical literature has made him a trusted voice of reason, a voice he shares on his top-rated podcast and website.


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