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286 J'aime Radow: How To Be A Catalyst For Truth & Love

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Release Date: 07/19/2019

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More Episodes

Most of us don't trust ourselves and that is why we ask for permission. So, if we constantly show up like a really good friend and gently ask ourselves how we are feeling every single day, we start to trust ourselves and we get closer to the truth. - J'aime Radow

How can you connect with your authentic self, be in a present state of flow, and become a powerful catalyst for truth and love?


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Wellness Force Radio Episode 286

Life Coach, Cultural Anthropologist, Motivational Speaker, and Personal Brand Alchemist, J'aime Radow, shares her mission to bring people back to love, how to honor and accept your emotional bandwidth, and why the real change you want to see in the future starts with you being curious and honest with yourself now.

Listen and find out how J'aime is using all of her marketing, branding, and cultural anthropologist skills to help others find and channel their true selves


Private Coaching with J'aime

Click here for coaching, speaking, retreats, and more

Are you ready to begin the journey?

The benefits of the transformational 12-week private coaching program include a personalized experience in your discovery, and together creating the road map to getting you where you want to be. Through exercises and questions, we focus in on what it is you really want to achieve. Then we build an action plan that you will be held accountable for following through with. Through this work you will gain confidence in yourself and your choices, an emphasis is put on the value of authenticity, preparation, and follow-through.

After the Intro Session, J'aime will walk you through the following three steps:

  • Point A
  • Point A to Point B
  • X Marks The Spot


Corporate Consulting

Click here for coaching, speaking, retreats, and more

As a corporate consultant I have presented personal branding workshops to both small start-ups as well as Fortune 500 companies, worked with corporate attorneys on building a niche in their law practice, coached professionals on how to communicate and network effectively, as well as how work/life balance is imperative to success, and how to achieve it.

Projects can be custom-tailored to fit each specific client’s needs and goals. The work may be done in a group/team setting, privately with individuals, or a combination of the two. A shortlist of tailored examples include:

  • Suit & Tie Yogi
  • Personal Brand Management
  • Leadership & Success



Listen To Episode 286 As J'aime Radow Uncovers:

  • The fact that her name, J'aime, means "I love" in French and how that has now full-circle become her identity, mission, and the legacy that she wants to leave behind.
  • Fully honoring and accepting all of your emotions from happiness and hope to grief and anger.
  • Why wellness isn't a luxury but a conscious choice to live life well.
  • Exploring the social constructs of what it means to be masculine vs. feminine and how that will shift in the future.
  • Disconnection and how it is the root of so many of our health challenges, concerns, and problems.
  • Landing in your body to fully embrace and express your feminine or masculine self.
  • Real change begins in our world when we're kinder to ourselves first.
  • High expectations that we, especially women, have for ourselves yet we don't create enough space four ourselves to just 'be.'
  • Why channeling the masculine can help women get the tasks done that they need to accomplish.

Embracing Your Role

  • Allowing women to release their expression of emotions, be sensitive, and embrace their feminine.
  • Quick change of gender roles and what it means to be masculine and feminine in the world we live in with today's technology.
  • The challenge of understanding exactly what programming we have gone under and then figuring out what needs to be reprogrammed.
  • Exploring the ego our need to create something big that we'll be remembered by forever because of it.
  • Why we place so much value on what's good vs bad when everything that's happening is actually neutral and everything that happens is so much bigger than ourselves.
  • How to be in flow with the various challenges we face in life and put in trust when things are out of control or not going our way.
  • The fact that the eyes that we looked out of as a child are now the same eyes we look out of today and how that connects with our emotional intelligence and expression as a skill.
  • Expression as a very necessary skill for all humans to keep themselves thriving.
  • The need we have to ask permission to do even the simplest things when we don't even have to ask for it.
  • How we can let our walls down to be authentically ourselves and open up to emotional and physical connection in romantic relationships.


 J'aime Radow


Power Quotes From The Show


Finding Truth In The Breath

"We need to look for the truth and So many people are looking for the truth but they're looking outside. To find truth within, it can be just as simple as a practice of getting comfortable sitting in a chair, putting both feet on the ground, feeling the ground, taking 3-deep inhales through the nose, exhale through the mouth, and just getting really quiet and asking yourself how you are in this moment." - J'aime Radow


Showing Up For Yourself Every Day

"The practice of creating space for oneself is such an important first step. I could give more steps but I am all about keeping things simple and showing up and doing one simple, profound thing every day. What this practice is really teaching you is to develop a deeper sense of trust with yourself. Most of us don't trust ourselves and that is why we ask for permission. So, if we constantly show up like a really good friend and gently ask ourselves how we are feeling every single day, we start to trust ourselves and we get closer to the truth." -  J'aime Radow

Being Curious & Getting Honest

"To be present and create the future that we want, we have to be curious, ask questions, practice telling ourselves the truth. Practicing being present and honest with ourselves sounds simple but we really string together a lot of stories that aren't our truth and we just navigate our life with them. So, being curious, honest with ourselves, and then practice coming into community and conversation with those we feel safe with and trust in telling the truth is a massive step." - J'aime Radow

Links From Today's Show


About J'aime Radow

J'aime Radow

J'aime Radow advises conscious women leaders to powerfully communicate their unique mission to themselves & the world.

She has spent the last decade as a trusted advisor to executives at Fortune 500 companies, attorneys at Am Law 50 firms, entrepreneurs, physicians, professional athletes, and creatives. Guiding them to redefine themselves, their business, pivot, or up-level, and step into an expanded version of themselves. To create and fully express an aligned personal brand. 

She infuses her experience as a futurist and corporate brand strategist with practical personal development tools and experiential integration. She has been called an “essence translator & activator”, and believes, “Your person comes before your brand.”

J’aime is also is the founder of the Queen Being Alliance, created to help women leaders build deeper connection, clarity, and confidence within themselves, and through community. The QBA offers coaching, multi-day retreats, and experiences.


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