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354 Keith Norris: Bread, Circuses, & Mind Control

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Release Date: 07/21/2020

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Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

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Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

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Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

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I know very well what propaganda is; I know what thought control is and how to avoid it from having been taught in schools in the military. What we're seeing right now in the US during the COVID-19 pandemic is text-book thought control. The first thing you want to do to break someone down or control them is no. 1 create confusion and no. 2 instill fear...What do we have going on right now? Confusion; wear a mask, don't wear a mask...wear a mask, don't wear a mask. They don't know. Social distancing? We don't know; is it 6 feet, 12 feet, 18 feet? Ask anyone on the street right now; what does the CDC say about face masks? Nobody knows. Then they instill fear by putting people in unusual circumstances; what is more unusual than social distancing and mask-wearing? It is textbook mind control. Step back and ask, Is this about health? Or is somebody trying to control me?- Keith Norris


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Wellness Force Radio Episode 354

CDO & Co-Founder of Paleo f(x), Keith Norris, explains how the government and organizations are instilling confusion and fear to enforce mass mind control, explores how humans are designed to live vs the modern-day American lifestyle, discusses the war going on inside our collective consciousness and unpacks the "bread and circuses" that are present amongst us today in Corporate America.


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Listen To Episode 354 As Keith Norris Uncovers:

[1:30] The Fire Inside To Search For The Truth

  • Cured Nutrition
  • Exploring how humans were designed to live vs what we're experiencing in modern-day America.
  • Why he decided to leave corporate America because of the bread and circuses it's creating to launch Paleo f(x) with his wife, Michelle Norris.
  • His transition from the military to work for the corporate pharmaceutical industry with the mission to help people.
  • The miserable emotions he and his wife were feeling living the "American Dream" to the point that they wondered if this dream was actually a lie.
  • The hunger he has always had inside to search for the truth in everything.
  • Why we should pause, observe, and question whether or not what we're reading in the mass media news is true or false.
  • Unpacking the reality we experience first hand and how we project that onto other people.


[19:00] The War Inside Our Collective Consciousness

  • Exploring the consciousness here in the 3D and where we actually are now in human history.
  • The huge spike of people getting interested in plant medicine and psychedelics for deep-dive self-exploration and contemplation.
  • His and Michelle's belief that the reason why everyone is all of a sudden interested in plant medicine is that the Universe is trying to wake up as many people as possible.
  • The importance of getting curious and questioning what is happening around you especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The old paradigm that is dying as we begin to figure out what we want to create together and what we want to be rebirthed through Mother Earth.
  • Breaking down the Bread and Circuses that we're experiencing today: A diet of entertainment or political policies on which the masses are fed to keep them happy and docile.
  • Questioning whether the government lockdowns, CDC guidelines, and face masks are about health or if someone is trying to control us.

[27:00] Taking Back Our Power From The 1%

  • Why cutting our connection to Mother Earth and the further we go is actually disconnecting us from both ourselves and our brothers and sisters.
  • The power of decentralization to ensure that fewer and fewer people with a motive are able to control our leaders.
  • Why it's so important to talk to people in real life about what's going on instead of allowing the mass media to hijack your thoughts.
  • The forced division of racism that is being driven in society to control people's thoughts, beliefs, and emotions.
  • How racism was handled during his military career and the fact that you were out of the organization if you displayed any behavior of it.
  • Why courage is grown over time and we need to begin to reach deep for the courage to question our own motives, what lense we are seeing things through, and our beliefs.
  • How plant medicine and psychedelics help to put people in a situation where they feel safe and they can disassociate enough from a story to question it objectively.
  • Why it is so hard for us to erase some things from the hard drive we developed between the time we were born and age 7.


[38:00] The Monumental Changes To Come in 2020

  • Shawn Stevenson - The Model Health Show
  • The fact that there are 60 million people just in the USA who don't have a job or are in massive financial stress due to COVID-19.
  • Why thresholds of pain like what COVID-19 has brought us can actually lead to something beautiful even if we cannot see it now.
  • The financial struggles Keith and Michelle faced in 2008 with the recession and housing crisis.
  • Important choices they had to make moving forwards including whether they should go back to work for corporate America or hold true to the course they set for themselves in 2006 which eventually led to Paleo f(x).
  • Other great entrepreneurial ventures that came from 2008 besides Paleo f(x) such as Airbnb.
  • How humans are designed to be resilient and push forward to create great change for their lives in the face of adversity.
  • What monumental changes he predicts will happen after 2020 that makes 2008 look like child's play.
  • Why the shared suffering we collectively experience will actually bring us closer to one another.


[46:00] The Courage To Speak Your Truth

  • Why the phrase, 'new normal,' has been hijacked by those in power as propaganda to control us.
  • How to not get caught in the idea that 'Zoom' is now the only way to communicate and face masks are now a part of daily life as the 'new normal.'
  • The criteria that the government has put out for large events such as Paleo f(x) and how they're planning to work around it including hosting mini-events all over the USA.
  • Why collaboration is key because no one is going to make it out of the mess that COVID-19 has caused alone.
  • How entrepreneurs are reaching out to one another to help during this difficult time.
  • The fact that we don't grow just by sitting back and being comfortable; we grow when we are thrown into the fire and are challenged to change.
  • Why those who are in control don't care how you react as long as you do react while they're playing not just one side of the story but all of the sides.


[55:00] How To Know When To Fight Or Let Go

  • The message he has received from plant medicine about when to know if it's time to fight for or to let go of something.
  • How to listen to your intuition and innate intelligence to know where the truth and love are by sitting back, taking a breath, and not get caught up in the whirlwind around you.
  • Why the emotion, anger (not irrational anger), can be a source of love if it's coming from a grounded, conscious, and centered place.
  • The stage fright Keith has faced and how he has worked to overcome it on his own and with people such as Bo Eason to switch that sensation from fear to excitement.
  • How Keith and Michelle are moving forward with Paleo f(x) and the Wellness Tribe they've created from 2008.
  • Why Paleo f(x) means so much more to them now than the house, cars, and their children's schools during their "American Dream" era.
  • The fact that materialistic things just don't mean anything anymore compared to having loved ones in your life once you realize that you don't need a lot to be comfortable and happy.


Power Quotes From The Show


The Universe Wants Us To Wake Up

"About three or four years ago, Michelle and I noticed this exponential growth in people who wanted to find out about plant medicines and psychedelics. Not psychedelics for party use but for deep-dive self-exploration and contemplation. We truly believe that the universe is trying, right now, to wake up as many people as possible. It doesn't a whole lot of nudging to get people to get to the point of questioning and that is the biggest hurdle. Do I sit back and accept what I'm being told or do I question it? Does it make sense? Do I feel like I'm being played or lied to? Is there a narrative of control, who would want to control me, and why? Don't stop asking, 'Why?'" - Keith Norris



Tuning Into Our Innate Intelligence

"How do I know when to fight or to let things be? You will know from your own innate intelligence where truth and love are. Trust your innate intelligence but the only way you can do that is if you stand back, take a breath, and don't get caught up in the whirlwind around you. You have to be quiet and in a calm place to be able to listen eternally. If you get caught up in the fanfare of the bread and circuses, it's not going to happen." - Keith Norris


How We Can Win Against Mind Control

"Those who are looking to control you are looking for you to react. You are being spun and spun up to create a diversion and profit for someone else. Truly those in control don't care if you react in favor of one thing or the other because really they're playing both sides and all sides; they're going to win either way. The only way they don't win is if there is calm and no reaction. We have to step back and see what is actually happening with the face masks, COVID-19 lockdowns, and social distancing regulations." - Keith Norris


Links From Today's Show 


About Keith Norris

Keith Norris: Bread, Circuses, & Mind Control WELLNESS FORCEKeith Norris is one of those few lucky souls who has been able to completely transition out of corporate America and dive headlong into his passion for bettering lives by teaching the art and science of physical culture. He not only “walks the walk” on a day-to-day basis, but his economic well-being hinges on his precepts of “proper exercise, stellar diet and lifestyle, and intelligent “hacks” and supplementation” forming the bedrock foundation for a long, healthy and prosperous life.

The Launch of Efficient Exercise

Keith, together with partner Mark Alexander, have molded Austin-based Efficient Exercise into one of the most highly regarded fitness venues in the nation. Keith’s mix of intelligent and highly effective exercise programming, coupled with Mark’s business savvy and proprietary equipment genius have made Efficient Exercise the preeminent wellness authority.

The Mission Behind Paleo f(x)

The very essence of Paleo f(x)™ is rooted in the idea of putting theory to practice; an idea that Keith is heavily invested in, having been blogging about these issues since early 2007. And his “30-thousand-foot view” for the Paleo f(x)™ enterprise serves as the movement’s guiding, north star.
And with a belief that intelligent “hacks” can help bridge the gap between our elegant evolutionary programming and sub-par environmental surroundings, Keith is continually ferreting out and backing the most promising of technological enhancements. As a founding partner of ID Life, Keith is helping to usher-in 21st century, optimal supplement dosing.

It might be said that Keith lives by the credo written by the Greek poet and soldier, Archilochus, over 2,600 years ago – “We do not rise to the level of our expectations. We fall to the level of our training”. And his vision for Paleo f(x)™ is that of a battle-tested warrior, preserving the right of everyone to fully, actively and enthusiastically engage in the human experience.



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