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CarlGould-#70secondCEO-Acquisition Part 4 -Geography

Carl Gould #70secondCEO

Release Date: 07/24/2020

Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-OrganizationalChart-Part 2 show art Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-OrganizationalChart-Part 2

Carl Gould #70secondCEO

Organizational Chart - Part 2 Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. This is a surefire way of creating the structure for your business because you will learn what are the tasks that you can delegate and which you cannot and soon you will start handing off these tasks to other people. We'll organize those tasks later ,for now put them in your journal, put them in your notebook over the next 18 over the next two weeks, list those tasks and the time that it takes to do those tasks and let me give you an...

Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-OrganizationalChart-Part 1 show art Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-OrganizationalChart-Part 1

Carl Gould #70secondCEO

Organizational Chart - Part 1 Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. You'll notice as you look at the organizational chart, there is you on top, the CEO, you're the CEO of me Incorporated. And on the left hand side, as you look on your page, that's all the activities of the business that bring in customers and cash. That's the D and the I side of the organizational chart, anything that brings it in and on the right side is the S and C part of the organizational chart and that's everything that keeps...

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Carl Gould #70secondCEO

Is Business Rocket Science - Part 3 Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. In order to get that maximum lift, in order for you to maximize the launch of your business, you want to become what we call an MVP organization. How do you do that? You complete the stage 1 planning that we’ve laid out for you and you want to complete the stage 1 planning that we were refer to in the coming chapters. Become an align, resolve organization based on your dreams, your vision, your mission, your values and your...

Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Is Business Rocket Science-Part 2 show art Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Is Business Rocket Science-Part 2

Carl Gould #70secondCEO

Is Business Rocket Science - Part 2 Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. So, what is mass? Mass is the amount of internal strife or misalignment or lack of alignment in the business, meaning the more internal strife, the more in fighting, the less alignment it will create more weight or more mass and won’t allow for as much energy to go outward because if you have a lot of mass that means there’s a lot of internal energy and you want to minimize the internal energy so you can give the most...

Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Is Business Rocket Science-Part 1 show art Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-Is Business Rocket Science-Part 1

Carl Gould #70secondCEO

Is Business Rocket Science - Part 1 Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results.  And that analogy is that business is rocket science. I was speaking once to a group of entrepreneurs and I did not realize we had a rocket scientist in the audience and I said “come on folks, this is not rocket science, building a business is very simple and systematic” to which the person raise their hands and said I have a correction for you, I am a rocket scientist and let me tell you that business very much is...

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Carl Gould #70secondCEO

The Real World-Part 3 Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. So they joke with me and (unclear) like so did you take your vitamins today or you know whatever–so I put in on there because the smart phones I think I’ve been and the recurring  appointment and technology has been one of the best things ever to help us organize our lives, our smart watches are getting there too just unbelievable but I’m–what I do at the beginning of every years as I’ve–I plan all of my me stuff first and...

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Carl Gould #70secondCEO

The Real World-Part 2 Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results.   Get up in the morning and I have a couple of routines. I do some stretching, I got some challenges with my back, I had an inversion table at home that I use but I’m listening to my goals, what’s important to me all morning. There’s certain music that I play where the streets have no name that was right, man in the box, I got some—I have music that keeps me going and then when we—when I get in the car in the morning or I’m...

Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-The Real World-Part1 show art Carl-Gould-#70secondCEO-The Real World-Part1

Carl Gould #70secondCEO

The Real World-Part 1 Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. And I have spoken all of my goals into my phone, into my audio recorder, I get up and I could tell you it’s 9 minutes long, I put on my wallet in a shower and I listen to every goal I have for the next 30 years, that’s what I focus on. So, I wanna know what the weather is and I know—I wanna know what’s going on in the world around me base on—because I got to be somewhat relevant, I got to wear really close when I leave the house...

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Carl Gould #70secondCEO

Career Change-Part 3 Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. That’s when we have the hashtag hang up the hammer, I said “we got to hang up the hammer”, I—this is exhausting, it’s killing me and so that was the process we went through, I mean I own that business for 8 more years but what I was I started to run the parts of the business I liked and I—and I leverage out the business parts that I didn’t like and so yeah, I mean—I kept on going because until I can build the six figure...

Carl-Gould-70secondCEO-Career Change-Part2 show art Carl-Gould-70secondCEO-Career Change-Part2

Carl Gould #70secondCEO

Career Change-Part 2 Hi everyone, Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over a one minute investment every day for a lifetime of results. So, there are was he’s laughing–he couldn't back under it’s like yeah they got you. Yeah, I could–I’m here to tell you I know how hard it is to get line paint out of your hair you know. So, it was on that day and I just, I remember thinking I drive out and I’m going why—what am I doing? You know I’m driving a dump truck, I said there’s got to be a better way, this can’t be my life. I was, what is that thirty, yes it was...

More Episodes

Don't miss the last in the Acquisition series! Find out how to expand your empire with geography. 

Read full transcript:

Hi everyone Carl Gould here with your #70secondCEO. Just a little over one minute investment every day for a lifetime of result.

You bought your revenue, you bought your talent, you bought your systems. How about this if you buy a company that's in like the service area next to you? Now, you've expanded your geography. You've bought your each footprint, you know, naturally literally, right? So if you're in Collier County you just bought, what's the next one over? Lee County. If I bought more if I'm in Morris, I just bought Passaic County, right? So now I've expanded my geography and you know, I've gone wide now this gives me the opportunity to get more concentration within that and I can further build out that territory.

So my buying by acquiring a company you will also sometimes buy reach and then ultimately you're buying out a competitor. You're buying somebody who's in a business you taking the player off the board, right? Or your owning that player so here it is so Gibbons you can go in one of two directions. You take them off the board by putting your name on the side and now you're a bigger company right or you leave them with that name and every time you put in a proposal you have your other company put in another proposal now, you know, because what do most people do they either get three or they get five estimates.

Like and follow this podcast so you can learn more. My name is Carl Gould and this has been your #70secondCEO.