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362 Zach Bush MD: Saving The Soil, Saving Humanity

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Release Date: 09/15/2020

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More Episodes

The whole secret sauce of Farmer's Footprint is going to be to tell the narrative of healing at every level. We cannot extract the human health story from the planetary story anymore. It's so intermixed; you literally cannot create human health if we don't solve these agricultural systemic issues. In the same way, we can't solve the agricultural problems unless we come to understand the value of human life and start to reallocate the valuation of food correctly. It's really a failure to understand the value of life that's leading to the human behaviors that are driving the agricultural decisions that we're making. - Zach Bush MD


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Wellness Force Radio Episode 362

Triple board-certified physician, Founder and CEO of ION*Biome, Zach Bush MD, returns to share how his company, Farmer's Footprint, is reuniting us with the soil for greater human health, how they're creating greater independence for farmers across the world, the connection between seeds and soil health plus how a strong immune system can combat disease, prevent rapid aging, and keep your body charged to heal faster.


How can you become a soil health advocate to help heal Mother Nature and save humanity?
Discover the real agriculture revolution and incredible resurgence in both health and vitality that is happening right now with Farmer's Footprint


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Listen To Episode 362 As Zach Bush MD Uncovers:


[1:30] An Incredible Resurgence Of Health & Vitality


[16:00] How We Can Help Mother Nature & Humanity Heal

  • What steps we can start taking moving forward as a community to help Mother Nature and humanity heal.
  • The origin story of Farmer's Footprint and Dr. Zach's involvement with it from Day One up to now in 2020.
  • How Farmer's Footprint first set out to tell a story of the human health crisis and better understand the relationship between common household pesticides like Roundup and the decline of our wellbeing.
  • The devastating accumulation of pesticides that traveled through the Mississippi River creating Cancer Alley between Baton Rouge and New Orleans.
  • How Farmer's Footprint helped to reverse the effects of pesticides and lower the cancer rates in the southern USA within a 10 year period.
  • What steps they took to discover the connection between gut health, soil, and pesticides in their model of cancer.
  • The moment that changed his understanding of the soil's cycle and the Farmer's Footprint mission moving forward.


[21:00] A Real Agricultural Revolution

  • Why falling into the "anti-trap" and saying that the old narratives are wrong isn't helping us move forward and change as a society.
  • What made Dr. Zach and Farmer's Footprint realize that they can't just be anti-glyphosate and anti-Roundup but they need to imagine a new future with decentralization as their focus.
  • Explaining why decentralization should be the focus of every industry from the government to hospitals to nutrition to pharmaceuticals.
  • Unpacking how nature is consistently proving the power of decentralizing life and what we can learn about it from a single cubic centimeter of soil.
  • How Farmer's Footprint is creating a real agricultural revolution through human relationships.
  • The secret sauce of the Farmer's Footprint to tell the narrative of healing at every level.
  • Exploring the question, 'How can we be creating such a horrible environment for children at school if they are so important for humanity's future?'
  • How we are failing to see the value of human life as we feed children Grade D meat at school.
  • The relentless journey of being a farmer and how Farmer's Footprint is here to support them each week.


[30:30] How You Can Become A Soil Health Advocate

  • What positive changes you can start making by becoming a soil health advocate in your community.
  • The power in farmers helping each other and how that is still present today in 70% of the world that is still being fed by peasant farming communities.
  • How the US farming community has lost its identity as we moved forward into chemical agriculture, forced isolation, intense competition, and system of co-dependence with banks and USDA crop insurance.
  • The future that Farmer's Footprint envisions with farmers no longer fighting for dominant success but working together.
  • His hope that we will create highly diverse soil that will help feed the gut microbiome so that we may no longer need to rely on supplements.


[36:00] The Future Of Business In A Supportive Ecosystem

  • What he envisions for the future of business and how brands can work together in a supportive ecosystem.
  • Why the future CEOs of the world will see themselves as a resource manager across ideas rather than a product developer.
  • His invitation to all companies to think more about acting as a GE by putting old capital into new and innovative spaces all over the place.
  • The benefits of planting biodiverse plants not just on farms but also on our own lawns and playgrounds for our children, their health, and humanity's future.
  • Exploring the various soil, water, and air projects that Farmer's Footprint's parent non-profit, Project Biome, is developing right now.
  • Why our natural energy sectors could be our greatest gift to the planet if we start focusing on improving them even more.


[41:00] Seeds Have All The Magic

  • Exploring what first steps we can take to eating healthier and creating a better world including growing a garden.
  • The power of history repeating itself as the US went out and bought every last seed in the stores to grow their own gardens during COVID-19 very much like the Victory Gardens that were grown after World War II.
  • How our independence is a product of our resilience during difficult moments.
  • The ideal garden we should be creating in our backyards and why it shouldn't be perfect.
  • Why you should have low expectations when you start growing your own garden and don't call yourself a failure because you're already helping the planet win.
  • What makes a farmer great including one that allows Mother Nature to do her work and doesn't get in the way of it.


[46:00] Embracing The Journey To Helping Farmers

  • How Farmer's Footprint is helping farmers with whatever point they are at along their life journey.
  • Their roles as bridge builders as they work on finding out what direction they want to go in for the best possible outcome with corporations and investors.
  • How the COVID-19 pandemic has actually helped accelerate their mission dramatically as philanthropic investments are aiding the country.
  • What COVID-19 has done for Farmer's Footprint's mission including pointing out hot spots that need immediate help to bring communities healthier soil, water, and air; plus build a decentralized system that can serve those areas simultaneously.
  • How, as a parent, he is inspiring his children to leave the world a better place than how they found it and what they in return are teaching him about life and the world.
  • What problems younger generations are seeing in the world from their point of view, how they believe they can fix it, and how we can support them.
  • Why young generations are prone to depression and becoming unproductive if we fit them into the old paradigm and tell them they are failing at their goals.
  • The similar approach to parenting like gardening: let the children be who they want to be and allow them to face the obstacles they want to overcome.
  • Non-Toxic Neighborhoods Playbook - Farmer's Footprint


Power Quotes From The Show

How We Are Failing One Another


"We are failing to see the value of human life and so we behave as we do. So, of course, all of our mistakes are coming out of the failure of that Golden Rule. If we really loved ourselves then we would treat our neighbors so much more differently. Sadly, whether farmer, physician, patient, chemical company CEO or commodities and crop owner, we're not loving ourselves and so in the end, FarmersFootprint.us is a story about us. It's a story about if we don't start looking at each other's eyes and acknowledging the miracle of life that's within each of us, then we're going to keep making mistakes. There's no scientist that's going to prove our way out of this; it is a fault of valuation and that valuation isn't of a crop or of a soil - it's of the human standing on that soil." - Zach Bush MD


If Children's Health Is So Important...


"If children's health is so important, then why does school food look like school food? If children are important than why does their school look like it does; why does it look like a jail so much of the time? Why do we sequester them away from nature 8 hours a day instead of putting them in nature 8 hours a day? If children are really valuable souls in exquisitely miraculous bodies, why would anybody give them a Coke? Why would anybody hand them a high-fructose corn syrup-laden anything? Why would anybody put them in an environment where they can't connect to the fresh air but one with mold and old HVAC systems and then traffic them Grade D meat that's dying at the time of harvest?" - Zach Bush MD


Solving The Crisis For Human & Planetary Health

"If your farm is inundated with weeds and pests, then it's because your rate of repair within that plant system has dissolved, the biophotonic energy within your soil has been depleted but if we regenerate the biophotonic energy within the soil i.e. the relationship between the sun, soil, and plant, with resilience and energy, then we're going to get to this point of extraordinary explosive delivery of health and vitality. The soil will become so vibrant that the plants that grow in it are so resistant to any problems and the weeds that have been terrorizing for two generations are gone within a single season because you've created a biodiverse, biophotonic energy within that soil system. When we talk about organic vs regenerative organic, what we're really looking at is the vitality of life between sun and soil and how can you integrate carbon cycling at all of those levels to speed up the vitality of life within that system. If you do that, not only do you solve for human health crisis but also planetary health crisis." - Zach Bush MD


Links From Today's Show 


About Zach Bush MD

Dr. Zach BushZach Bush MD is a physician specializing in internal medicine, endocrinology, and hospice care. He is an internationally recognized educator and thought leader on the microbiome as it relates to health, disease, and food systems. Dr. Zach founded *Seraphic Group and the non-profit Farmer’s Footprint to develop root-cause solutions for human and ecological health.  His passion for education reaches across many disciplines, including topics such as the role of soil and water ecosystems in human genomics, immunity, and gut/brain health.  His education has highlighted the need for a radical departure from chemical farming and pharmacy, and his ongoing efforts are providing a path for consumers, farmers, and mega-industries to work together for a healthy future for people and the planet.


Farmer's Footprint

Click here to learn more about Farmer's Footprint

Farmer's FootprintThe Farmer's Footprint Misson: We are a coalition of farmers, educators, doctors, scientists, and business leaders aiming to expose the human and environmental impacts of chemical farming and offer a path forward through regenerative agricultural practices.

We address systemic change and scalability challenges facing our food and agriculture systems. We focus on 3 pillars: Awareness, Education, and Economics


How You Can Support Farmer's Footprint

There are many ways you can support Farmer's Footprint and your local community:

  • Know your farmer
  • Join the network
  • Clean hygiene
  • Ethical apparel
  • Shop wild
  • Share the film
  • Make a donation



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