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Coping With Anxiety - Episode 11

Up! Uplifting, Inspiring, Practical

Release Date: 02/02/2021

The Power of “Wei Chi” Episode 98, Season 4 show art The Power of “Wei Chi” Episode 98, Season 4

Up! Uplifting, Inspiring, Practical

How you think about something makes all the difference as to how you deal with it. When you realize that crisis is actually made up of both, danger and opportunity, as summarized by the Chinese character “wei chi,” you can handle the crises that inevitably crop up in every life more effectively. That is exactly what you can discover in this podcast. You’ll not only think about a crisis differently but discover a way so it doesn’t just beat you down. Listen to all Up! Podcasts .

Want More Job Kudos? Supercharge Your Work! Episode 97, Season 4 show art Want More Job Kudos? Supercharge Your Work! Episode 97, Season 4

Up! Uplifting, Inspiring, Practical

What if there was a way to achieve more success at work? Whether your work is as an employee or as your own boss? Without sacrificing your every waking moment to “the job”? In this podcast, find out how to supercharge your work by looking at what is your value to your work now and how you can harness that value for your increased success. Listen to all Up! Podcasts .  

Taking versus Receiving, Episode 96, Season 4 show art Taking versus Receiving, Episode 96, Season 4

Up! Uplifting, Inspiring, Practical

You might think you’re more powerful if you can simply take what you want, but in truth, that’s the road to long-term unhappiness. People resent being taken from, yet they will offer that same exact thing you want, freely, when you practice the fine art of receiving. Which is what this podcast is for: to help you discover two easy ways to receive what you want so you don’t have to pry it from unwilling hands. Listen to all Up! Podcasts .

Developing Trust, Episode 95, Season 4 show art Developing Trust, Episode 95, Season 4

Up! Uplifting, Inspiring, Practical

How do you know who to trust? With your true inner self, with your hopes and dreams. Those things that are precious to you, that you don’t want someone stomping all over. In this podcast, you’ll explore two easy techniques to develop trust so you can have the rich and rewarding relationships you deserve!   Listen to all Up! Podcasts .

How to Be Supportive, Episode 94, Season 4 show art How to Be Supportive, Episode 94, Season 4

Up! Uplifting, Inspiring, Practical

How powerful are the words we use, the things you say, or others say to you? Are your words helpful or hurtful?  Do what others say to you make you feel self-confident or fill you with doubt? What if in this podcast, you discovered not only are your words powerful, but that there’s a way to make sure you are being supportive rather than unnecessarily critical? Indeed! Listen to all Up! Podcasts .  

Getting Unstuck, Episode 93, Season 4 show art Getting Unstuck, Episode 93, Season 4

Up! Uplifting, Inspiring, Practical

What if there was a way to make change happen more easily in your life? What if you could, just by altering what you use as your reference points for the change you want, get things to happen more successfully for you? In this podcast, find out how to make change something you actually can look forward to, and how you can harness it to be happier in your life! Listen to all Up! Podcasts .  

A Matter of Strategy, Episode 92, Season 4 show art A Matter of Strategy, Episode 92, Season 4

Up! Uplifting, Inspiring, Practical

Ever wished life were simpler? That whatever you wanted in the realm of improved or better relationships could just happen with a snap of your fingers, as if by magic? Sigh. Unfortunately, wishing doesn’t make it so, but in this podcast, you’ll be introduced to an approach that, when properly implemented, can indeed feel “like magic.” Listen to all Up! Podcasts .

Short Term Gain vs Long Term Pain, Episode 91, Season 4 show art Short Term Gain vs Long Term Pain, Episode 91, Season 4

Up! Uplifting, Inspiring, Practical

In our perpetual pursuit of “do it, have it, get it now,” we often forget to look at the long- term consequences of our instant decisions.  In this podcast, you’ll explore how to make choices so you get what you want, but in a way that doesn’t ruin your life.  Listen to all Up! Podcasts .  

The Power of Setting Limits, Episode 90, Season 4 show art The Power of Setting Limits, Episode 90, Season 4

Up! Uplifting, Inspiring, Practical

Why, when you just want to chill but your partner is demanding, do you just cave into them, shelving your needs, and ending up resentful? In this podcast, discover a way to satisfy your partner’s needs without sacrificing your own. Wouldn’t that be nice! Listen to all Up! Podcasts .

Put An End to Self-Blame! Episode 89, Season 4 show art Put An End to Self-Blame! Episode 89, Season 4

Up! Uplifting, Inspiring, Practical

Ever notice how when you’ve made a mistake or failed at something, your immediate reaction is to see yourself as dumb, stupid or a complete loser? In this podcast, find out how you can quit hurting yourself with self-blame and deal constructively with the mistakes and failures we all fall into!  Listen to all Up! Podcasts .

More Episodes

There’s garden-variety anxiety, and then there’s panic attacks. Heart-thudding, breath-catching, mind-racing panic that comes out of nowhere. In this podcast, you’ll explore what panic attacks can be about, and some ways to deal with panic so it doesn’t ruin your life.