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Rock Solid: Godly Wisdom from First Peter (5)

Awake Us Now

Release Date: 06/28/2021

The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 27 show art The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 27

Awake Us Now

This teaching is from Matthew 19:13-30 and Matthew 20:1-16. This teaching starts with a focus on children. The disciples didn’t like that people were bringing little children to Jesus, these children were babies, infants, toddlers, and the disciples were thinking Jesus is trying to talk to the adults and they’re bringing kids to him, taking time away from Jesus speaking, that they were noisy and disruptive and that it just wasn’t appropriate. But Jesus says, “Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” What’s Jesus...

Foreshadowings #2 - Noah's Ark show art Foreshadowings #2 - Noah's Ark

Awake Us Now

God provides remarkable glimpses of Jesus in the Old Testament. In Genesis 6-8, can an object be a foreshadowing of Jesus? What does the Ark of Noah show us about both God's judgement and His saving grace?

Foreshadowings #1 - Abraham & Isaac show art Foreshadowings #1 - Abraham & Isaac

Awake Us Now

Throughout the Old Testament, God uses foreshadowings (a literary device that hints at what is to come) to point us to Jesus, the fulfillment of the Hebrew Scriptures. God provides remarkable glimpses of Jesus in the Old Testament. In Genesis 22, why did God first tell Abraham to sacrifice his only son, and then provide a substitute sacrifice instead?

The Living One - Week 24: Unknown Known! show art The Living One - Week 24: Unknown Known!

Awake Us Now

This account takes place on Paul’s second missionary trip, on his trip to the city of Athens, A city that prided itself on knowledge and education, learning, culture and the arts. It was also a city filled with idols. As Paul looked around and saw all the idolatry it just really riled him up and he began passionately sharing the gospel message in the synagogues and even in the market places. He worked to draw people to Jesus and not to idols. His impassioned message caused much interest, but also much controversy. Paul teaches us to not give up - when we are confronted with issues or by...

Rescued by Truth: Week 37 show art Rescued by Truth: Week 37

Awake Us Now

The discovery of the ancient ruined city of Sodom proves that the Biblical account of this city is no fairy tale, and shows us a picture of the final judgment. In Biblical times, people did not understand what was coming nor heed the warnings, but these stories are real and they have a lot to teach us!  Jesus pointed to the destruction of Sodom and the devastation of the Great Flood to warn His people of the coming final judgment and to call them to repentance and eternal life in Him. We, too, need to know not only WHAT the future holds, but WHO holds the future. Matthew 24:37-39.

Greatest Stories Ever Told - The Shrewd Manager show art Greatest Stories Ever Told - The Shrewd Manager

Awake Us Now

Jesus warns that no one can serve two masters. Will you be devoted to God, or to "stuff?"

Two Year Gospel Study Week 37 show art Two Year Gospel Study Week 37

Awake Us Now

Scripture - Luke 16:19-31, Luke 16:14. “The Rich Man and Lazarus” is a parable in which Jesus portrays two ways of living — and two destinies after death. What will your destiny be? This is many times a misunderstood parable. Jesus told this parable in response to the laughter and scorn of the pharisees. Pastor sets the stage for this parable sharing that no one is saved by: 1. Right Doctrines - We are not saved by knowing the doctrines of the faith because it is not what you know, it’s WHO you know. You can have the right doctrine, but be absolutely messed up in your relationship with...

Greatest Stories Ever Told - The Pharisee & Tax Collector show art Greatest Stories Ever Told - The Pharisee & Tax Collector

Awake Us Now

Jesus told this story of two prayers, and the two pray-ers. One prayed about his own righteousness; the other prayed in humility and repentance. Which man went home forgiven?

Greatest Stories Ever Told: The Good Samaritan show art Greatest Stories Ever Told: The Good Samaritan

Awake Us Now

Jesus often answered a question with a question of His own. But when asked, "Who is my neighbor?", He answered by telling a story -- a story that asks the same question of us today.

The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 26 show art The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 26

Awake Us Now

This teaching is from Matthew 18:21-35, the Parable of the Unforgiving Debtor, and Matthew 19:1-12 on the topic of Divorce. Peter asks Jesus if he should forgive someone seven times. Jesus responds with seventy seven times. The meaning of Jesus saying seventy seven times is that forgiveness in the face of genuine repentance does not keep track of numbers and Jesus is calling us to forgive as we have been forgiven. Then Jesus tells this “Parable of the Unforgiving Debtor,” a story where a servant of a king owes millions of dolors to the king. When the king call the debt to account and be...

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Peter reminds us that we cannot have true faith without practicing that faith. God's desire is that we walk before Him in humility, faith, and obedience until the day He returns.