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Rock Solid: Godly Wisdom from First Peter (5)

Awake Us Now

Release Date: 06/28/2021

Greatest Stories Ever Told - The Pharisee & Tax Collector show art Greatest Stories Ever Told - The Pharisee & Tax Collector

Awake Us Now

Jesus told this story of two prayers, and the two pray-ers. One prayed about his own righteousness; the other prayed in humility and repentance. Which man went home forgiven?

Greatest Stories Ever Told: The Good Samaritan show art Greatest Stories Ever Told: The Good Samaritan

Awake Us Now

Jesus often answered a question with a question of His own. But when asked, "Who is my neighbor?", He answered by telling a story -- a story that asks the same question of us today.

The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 26 show art The Gospel According to Matthew - Week 26

Awake Us Now

This teaching is from Matthew 18:21-35, the Parable of the Unforgiving Debtor, and Matthew 19:1-12 on the topic of Divorce. Peter asks Jesus if he should forgive someone seven times. Jesus responds with seventy seven times. The meaning of Jesus saying seventy seven times is that forgiveness in the face of genuine repentance does not keep track of numbers and Jesus is calling us to forgive as we have been forgiven. Then Jesus tells this “Parable of the Unforgiving Debtor,” a story where a servant of a king owes millions of dolors to the king. When the king call the debt to account and be...

Greatest Stories Ever Told: The Sower show art Greatest Stories Ever Told: The Sower

Awake Us Now

In the parable of the sower, Jesus compares the Word of God to seed falling on four different kinds of soil: hardened, shallow, thorny, and productive. Which soil does God's Word find in you?

Greatest Stories Ever Told: The Wise & Foolish Builders show art Greatest Stories Ever Told: The Wise & Foolish Builders

Awake Us Now

Is your life built on a solid foundation, or on an unstable one? What did Jesus say was a solid foundation?

The Living One - Week 23: Grace Alone! show art The Living One - Week 23: Grace Alone!

Awake Us Now

As the church began to grow with believers both Jew and Gentile, a division between the two started, especially as Jews began to be out numbered by gentile believers who brought in their customs. Many gentile believers were God-fearers who believed in the Old Testament but weren’t circumcised and didn’t eat kosher, yet went to the synagogue to worship God. Other Gentiles were proselytes and were circumcised and ate kosher and followed rituals prescribed by the Hebrew Scriptures. As a result of the growing number of God-fearers, a division between Jew and Gentile began to grow. One group of...

Rescued by Truth: Week 36 show art Rescued by Truth: Week 36

Awake Us Now

There will be a judgment to come - the final judgment - and only those who are found in Christ Jesus can face that judgment with confidence and without fear. When we live in faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, live in faith in the Father who sent the Son, and live in faith in the Holy Spirit who speaks God’s truth into our hearts, we have nothing to fear! Everything is all about God, about His goodness, because we have Jesus as our Provision and our Savior.

Fingerprints of God #6 - Steadfast Love show art Fingerprints of God #6 - Steadfast Love

Awake Us Now

Steadfast Love – by Pastor Chris Dodge Lamentations may be the saddest book in the entire Bible. Yet even in the heart of this rather grim lament there are words of amazing comfort and assurance. The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. - Lamentations 3:22-23 (ESV) God’s steadfast love is sure and certain no matter what may be happening in our lives. He is dependable even when nothing else is. We live in a culture that often trivializes love and underestimates evil. Real love is costly and...

Two Year Gospel Study Week 36 show art Two Year Gospel Study Week 36

Awake Us Now

Luke 15:11-32; Exodus 34:6; Numbers 14:18; Psalm 86:5, 15; Psalm 103:8; Psalm 145:8; Joel 2:13; Jonah 4:2; Luke 15:10. This parable is called The Prodigal Son, but perhaps a better name for it is: “Prodigal Son - Prodigal Father.” Why? The dictionary has 2 definitions for prodigal: 1. Wasteful - One who recklessly squanders what he has been given (This is the youngest son in this story) 2. Extravagant - One who abundantly gives and lavishly blesses (This is The Father) The parable is the story of a son who asks for his inheritance early, leaves with it, squanders his newly given wealth in...

Fingerprints of God #5 - The Resurrection of Jesus show art Fingerprints of God #5 - The Resurrection of Jesus

Awake Us Now

Christianity makes this dramatic claim: Everything stands or falls on one event in history - the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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Peter reminds us that we cannot have true faith without practicing that faith. God's desire is that we walk before Him in humility, faith, and obedience until the day He returns.