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Ignoring natural immunity is not science

The Alan Sanders Show

Release Date: 08/08/2021

Conversation with Daniel Cameron - 1792 Exchange show art Conversation with Daniel Cameron - 1792 Exchange

The Alan Sanders Show

On today’s special bonus episode, we sit down for a few minutes with Daniel Cameron, the former Attorney General for the state of Kentucky and the current CEO of the 1792 Exchange. During the Road to Majority Conference held in Washington, D.C., put on by the Faith and Freedom Coalition, Daniel was a keynote speaker for an evening dinner. I wanted to get him to recap his career and his run for Governor for the state of Kentucky and what were the lessons he learned during COVID-19. Daniel Cameron has been a supporter of life, liberty and freedom and pushed that for his state against a...

There are two “Why now?” stories this week; plus, recapping Mar-a-Lago and climate fear porn show art There are two “Why now?” stories this week; plus, recapping Mar-a-Lago and climate fear porn

The Alan Sanders Show

On today’s show we open with diving more deeply into why Snopes decided to fact-check the “very fine people” quote from seven years ago. This leads to a discussion of Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, including a montage of stories and story lines from the last 7-8 years. Jake Tapper not only pushed the “very fine people hoax,” but also pushed the original Steele Dossier/Russia Collusion hoax. And they were all in on it, or were too dumb not to know they were being dutiful stooges for the Left and the intelligence community. Remember the 51 spies who lied? Well, Jeremy Bash was one of those...

Conversation with Father Frank Pavone, Priests for Life show art Conversation with Father Frank Pavone, Priests for Life

The Alan Sanders Show

On today's special episode, I had a chance to sit down with Father Frank Pavone who was attending the Road to Majority Conference in Washington, D.C., put on by the Faith and Family Coalition. We started off with a short recap of how he entered the priesthood and how he rapidly found himself drawn to the pro-life movement. Over the last few decades, his ministry has been about informing and educating parishioners and non-parishioners alike about what really happens during the process of terminating an unborn child and the long-lasting ramifications for the mother, physically, mentally and...

Road to Majority, Tara's Top 10, CNN's Kasie Hunt illustrates Leftist meltdown, CNN debate and remembering Philadelphia show art Road to Majority, Tara's Top 10, CNN's Kasie Hunt illustrates Leftist meltdown, CNN debate and remembering Philadelphia

The Alan Sanders Show

On today’s show, I open with a short recap of my time at the Road to the Majority Conference that was put on in Washington, D.C., put on by the Faith and Freedom Coalition. Each day for the next 13 weekdays, I will drop a special bonus episode of my interviews with many of the guests who spoke at the conference. So, depending on how you get my daily show, make sure to watch for the BONUS episodes each weekday. Then, because I did not have a show on Thursday or Friday, I open with Tara Bull’s Top 10 News items the Legacy/mainstream media likely didn’t talk about last week. It’s always...

More bad polling news, deeply flawed DoD, FCC hasn't connected one rural home and soft bigotry of low expectations show art More bad polling news, deeply flawed DoD, FCC hasn't connected one rural home and soft bigotry of low expectations

The Alan Sanders Show

On today’s show, I open with more polling data that has CNN beside themselves over how much of the Democrat base has shifted toward Trump. Just like with Reagan Democrats, I think we are going to have Trump Democrats and I believe a big piece of that is the tone of messaging from Trump versus Biden. I did want to remind you about what one of the whistleblowers said about the “deeply flawed” investigation the Department of Defense conducted around the failures of the National Guard being deployed on January 6, 2021. It’s important to remember just how insidious elements of our...

Dems are okay sacrificing Americans to stay in power, plus more lawfare, faux deep fakes and why Trump continues to win show art Dems are okay sacrificing Americans to stay in power, plus more lawfare, faux deep fakes and why Trump continues to win

The Alan Sanders Show

On today’s show, I open with more proof that the Democrat strategists behind the scenes have decided an acceptable number of Americans are going to be maimed, injured, victimized or killed in order to allow for a new, permanent underclass of voters. The illegal invasion continues to prove that with more innocent deaths, most of them violent and horrific, at the hands of repeat offenders and repeat border-crossers. The other lie they hope you believe is that their use of “lawfare” is only meant for Donald Trump. Even if that was their only intended victim, it is still wrong and...

Tara's Top 10, Yellen misleading, Biden lying and led off stage, debate, polling, voting, CNN's war on Republic and fake burgers show art Tara's Top 10, Yellen misleading, Biden lying and led off stage, debate, polling, voting, CNN's war on Republic and fake burgers

The Alan Sanders Show

On today’s show we open with Tara Bull’s Top 10 News items the Legacy/mainstream media likely didn’t tell you about this week. We usually drop that on Friday, but her list didn’t come out until late afternoon, so I put in Monday’s show. Janet Yellen found herself once again having to admit prices are high, but we are told the Biden Administration is ready to do something about it. Well, they have already had 3 ½ years. It’s a little late to pretend to care now. I do play a soundbite from around four years ago. The Morning Joe mocked and scolded anyone who believed the Hunter Biden...

Joe's debilitations, FEC and jurisdiction, a curious coincidence, redacted ghostwriter, not a democracy and big Fani's feewings show art Joe's debilitations, FEC and jurisdiction, a curious coincidence, redacted ghostwriter, not a democracy and big Fani's feewings

The Alan Sanders Show

On today’s show we open with a campaign spokeswoman for Biden saying the video and commentary of how he’s walking around and talking is all disinformation from MAGA people. In other words, we are not supposed to see just how lost, frail, slow and addled our President is at the G7 meeting. They want you to believe the footage is somehow doctored? Who was it that leaned in and put his forehead against the forehead of the Pope? I want to cover some of the discussion that was had in the House Weaponization Committee regarding the Alvin Bragg hush money case against Donald Trump. We get word...

Lying Yellen, Global Joe, 10 years of aid, Petrodollar, Wade in murky water, Fani's fit, House contempt and dumb AOC show art Lying Yellen, Global Joe, 10 years of aid, Petrodollar, Wade in murky water, Fani's fit, House contempt and dumb AOC

The Alan Sanders Show

On today’s show we open with Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen lying to the American people. But, when pressed about the state of the economy admits how bad things really are. President Biden is in Italy at the G7 summit and while there, made a creepy-laugh statement in praise of Larry Fink of Blackrock and the CEO of Microsoft and their globalist agenda. At the same time while there, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Biden was going to sign a 10 year support deal with Ukraine. While we have the most fiscally irresponsible people in government spending money like water, they let...

Inflation, terrorists allowed inside the US, reaction to Hunter Biden conviction and why we need Joe's audio show art Inflation, terrorists allowed inside the US, reaction to Hunter Biden conviction and why we need Joe's audio

The Alan Sanders Show

On today’s show we open with the latest inflation numbers. While the Biden regime is wanting to take a victory lap for a CPI that didn’t go up (or down), the number still represents a sharp increase from four years ago. In fact, if you are not making at least $12,000 more a year than what you were making four years ago, then you are not even breaking even. Speaking of breaking, it seems the news from last night is 8 members of ISIS-K were arrested across three cities here in the United States. All of them came across our southern border. In fact, the rise of people on the known terrorist...

More Episodes

It this epsiode, I discuss the recent phenomenon sweeping the country called vaccine fanaticism. The politization of Covid-19 variants, masks and vaccines has led to a disgusting fracture in our nation. Rather than keeping the discussion based on those with immunity versus those without it, we have gone all-in on pitting the vaccinated against the unvaccinated. 


Using a recent paper by Dr. Marty Makary of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine editor in chief of MedPage Today, I point out the utter fallacy of requiring all Americans to be vaccinated. First, let me say, I am pro-vaccine for those who need it or want it. The whole purpose of the vaccine is to prevent a serious illness leading to hospitalization or death. It does not mean you will never get sick again! 

However, the vaccine is a method of tricking your body to force a response from your immune system. By creating a similar spike protein found on SARS-Cov-2, the goal is for the immune system to learn how to fight it so when you do get infected, you will be able to fight it off more successfully.

We are well over 18 months observing patients who were infected and recovered naturally, gaining an immunity that is effective and long-lasting. That's because natural recovery means we develop antibodies to the entire surface of the virus, not just a spike protein faked by the vaccine.

The power of natural immunity was recently affirmed in an Israeli study, which found a 6.7 times greater level of protection among those with natural immunity vs. those with vaccinated immunity. In other words, though vaccines are a great way to provide protection, natural recovery is almost 7x times more powerful in protecting you from future infection. 

Dr. Makary states: 

Requiring the vaccine in people who are already immune with natural immunity has no scientific support. While vaccinating those people may be beneficial – and it's a reasonable hypothesis that vaccination may bolster the longevity of their immunity – to argue dogmatically that they must get vaccinated has zero clinical outcome data to back it. As a matter of fact, we have data to the contrary: A Cleveland Clinic study found that vaccinating people with natural immunity did not add to their level of protection.

So instead of talking about the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, we should be talking about the immune and the non-immune. Immunity is something people can test for with a simple antibody test. I would never recommend that anyone intentionally acquire the infection in order to get natural immunity, but vaccine passports and proof-of-vaccine documents should recognize it.


As I wrap up my discussion of vaccine fanaticism, I wanted to draw attention to the eggregious notion that children should be vaccinated. We know they are the least suseptible and will have mild to no symptoms. Conversely, we are seeing alarming instances of children having serious complications from the vaccine. Dr. Makary states:

When it comes to vaccinating healthy kids – and you could argue young people up to 25 – there is a case for vaccination but it's not strong. The COVID-19 death risk is clustered among kids with a comorbid condition, like obesity. Of the more than 330 COVID-19 deaths in kids under age 25, there's good preliminary data suggesting that most or nearly all appear to be in kids with a pre-existing condition. For kids with concurrent medical conditions, the case for vaccination is compelling. But for healthy kids?

It may be that the standard two-dose regimen is a dose too high and is inducing a strong inflammatory response causing these complications. A single dose of the vaccine may be highly effective in kids, as reported by Tel Aviv University. Researchers there found that one dose was 100% effective in kids ages 12 to 15. For now, until we get better data, I recommend one dose for healthy kids who have not already had COVID-19 in the past.

We must demand our public health officials update their talking points to make it about immunity vs. non-immunity. This is a much better way to convince those who have not yet achieved immunity to take appropriate steps, rather than creating an antagonistic atmosphere arrising from vaccine fanaticism. 

Be sure to like and follow The Alan Sanders Show on FacebookTwitter and Instagram! And, for something completely different, try out my other podcasts, The Wilder Ride and The Marriage Fit Podcast.