R.E.A.L. Man Series
What is True Freedom? Are you FREE? Can you mow your yard, pick up objects, walk 3-5 miles everyday? If you can not then you are not truly FREE. Listen in as I break down what true Freedom really is.
info_outline Earthstrong principle RecapR.E.A.L. Man Series
These 13 principles make up the Earthstrong Ethos Movement. GOD Sunlight Basic Nutrition Grounding Sleep Hydration Positive Thinking Strength Elements Warrior Short Memory Movement Tribe Listen in to all of them for more insight and how you can become more Earthstrong.
info_outline Earthstrong Principle #13 TribeR.E.A.L. Man Series
To be truly Earthstrong you need a Tribe. No man can do it alone in all aspect of their lives. I have fallen numerous times only to have other men pick me up. A tribe is someone in your army and God's that is there for you. Someone who want to see you excel and be successful and understands when things don't go your way how to help you cope. If REAL men are going to make a return to earth then we must form a tribe of like minded men to get the job done that God calls us to do.
info_outline Earthstrong Principle #12 MovementR.E.A.L. Man Series
Principle #12 Movement is so important. If you do not move correctly and enough you will never realize you full potential. That is why it is one of the principles of the Earthstrong Ethos movement. Get moving and move correctly to become more Earthstrong
info_outline Earthstrong Principle #11 Short MemoryR.E.A.L. Man Series
In life there are thing that will go well and things not so well. What you need to remember that things do not last forever unless you keep them bottled up in your mind. That is why you need a short memory and move forward. With life being short you can not waste time dwelling on the past. You need to look forward and move on.
info_outline Earthstrong principle #10 WarriorR.E.A.L. Man Series
Earthstrong Ethos principle number 10 is being a "Warrior". You need to have the warrior mindset to conqueror your enemies, and overcome your weaknesses. Listen in to this very powerful podcast.
info_outline Earthstrong Principle #9 ElementsR.E.A.L. Man Series
Elements are things around us that we can not control. This is the weather, climate, how someone might act towards us etc... So if you want to be Earthstrong you must hear this podcast as it dive right at it being an Earthstrong individual.
info_outline Should men become stronger as we age?R.E.A.L. Man Series
Should men become stronger as they age? That is an important question all men should be asking themselves. Why as we age do we become weaker and more fragile, yet we have more to protect as we age. If you are a man and have the backward thinking of age making your softer/weaker, you have it wrong.
info_outline Strength Principle #8R.E.A.L. Man Series
All men must have strength, but that does not mean gym strength, they need earthstrong strength being able to work outside and not breaking because something is too heavy etc...
info_outline Positive Thinking Princple #7R.E.A.L. Man Series
Positive Thinking has got to be one of the things you change about yourself in your life. If you want to get ahead and make an impact you must have the right mind set.
info_outline- In this episode of the REAL MAN i speak with Nick Mayhugh:
- Nick Mayhugh is the 100m World & American Record Holder and 200m American Record Holder, dual Team USA Athlete, midfielder for the United States Para 7-a-side National Team, Sprinter for the US Para Track & Field National Team and Public Speaker.
- Nick has a form of Cerebral Palsy.
- Ever since he can remember, Nick has had a numbing feeling along the left side of his body. Growing up, he always knew something was “wrong,” but when he mentioned it to his teachers, doctors, coaches, and even his own parents, no one believed him. He was always told what he was experiencing was normal and decided to keep his head down, hold onto that chip on his shoulder, and keep it a secret for as long as he could, while proving to those around him what he knew all along, that he could continue to play soccer at the highest level, even without the use of his left side.
- “Throughout my entire childhood, no one understood me when I would express that my norm was different from those around me. My doctors and family were unaware of the numbness and side effects I was experiencing until we later learned that it was the result of a stroke that occurred in utero. In 2010, I suffered a grand mal seizure, biting through both sides of my tongue and was rushed to the hospital for tests and scans, which ultimately led to the discovery of a dead spot on the right side of my brain. All the dots started to connect from the symptoms I had experienced earlier in my childhood. I was finally given an explanation for my norm. The stroke created the dead spot which is responsible for the lack of feeling, motor movement, and sensation mainly in my left arm, hand, and leg. It was then that I was formally diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy.”
- Nick was told he would NEVER play sports again...
- Check out Nick at https://www.nickmayhugh.com/
- Real Man: https://realmanseries.com/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn8m52_BDR0l0Zwv0pHrl-A