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#103 Mastering Stress and Hormesis

How Humans Heal

Release Date: 04/05/2022

#234 QT Scan Revolutionizes BREAST IMAGING for Women with Dr. Yvonne Karney! show art #234 QT Scan Revolutionizes BREAST IMAGING for Women with Dr. Yvonne Karney!

How Humans Heal

I'm excited to introduce you to Dr. Yvonne Karney. She's a traditionally trained gynecologist who realized she needed more tools to be able to serve her patients better. Dr. Karney transitioned into offering integrative care to her patients and has now gone into offering a new form of breast imaging for women called a QT scan. When it comes to breast health, the earlier we can identify an issue, the better. Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer women experience. Mammograms have been used for screening imaging for over 50 years, but they are associated with risks. Has technology not...

#233 High-Risk HPV: 5 Crucial Facts Every Woman Needs to Know show art #233 High-Risk HPV: 5 Crucial Facts Every Woman Needs to Know

How Humans Heal

In this episode I’m covering five things that all women should know about high-risk HPV virus. This information is crucial for women's health and well-being.   As a naturopathic doctor and women's health expert, I've dedicated my career to helping women understand and navigate complex health issues, and high-risk HPV is certainly one of those.   It's a topic that often comes with a lot of confusion, fear, and misinformation. My goal today is to clear up some of that confusion and empower you with knowledge and practical steps you can take to protect your health.   Thanks so...

#232 Brain Retraining and Recovery from Chronic Fatigue and Anxiety with Ashok Gupta show art #232 Brain Retraining and Recovery from Chronic Fatigue and Anxiety with Ashok Gupta

How Humans Heal

In this episode I'm excited to introduce you to Ashok Gupta, founder of the Gupta Program, and expert in brain retraining.   He's been researching and teaching about neuroplasticity and limbic retraining for decades. His work is helping people with both chronic emotional and physical conditions. We're talking about anxiety, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, long COVID - these are conditions that people are suffering with for a lot of their life and looking for answers and solutions.   Ashok has identified and developed a solution that he offers through an app that you can use...

#231 Natural HPV Treatment: A Guide to Clearing High-Risk HPV show art #231 Natural HPV Treatment: A Guide to Clearing High-Risk HPV

How Humans Heal

I know how scary and overwhelming it can be when you first find out that you're testing positive for a high-risk HPV virus and potentially abnormal cells. I'm Dr. Doni Wilson, and I've been helping thousands of women for over 24 years to address high-risk HPV virus, get it to negative, and protect themselves from cancer caused by high-risk HPV. I understand it because I've also dealt with HPV myself. When you first hear from the doctor's office, when you first get that pap smear result back and it says "abnormal," sometimes in red letters, it can feel like your whole world stops. Yet at the...

#230 Dance Your Way to Healing: The Power of Transcendance with Jennifer Jimenez show art #230 Dance Your Way to Healing: The Power of Transcendance with Jennifer Jimenez

How Humans Heal

Hi and welcome to How Humans Heal. Today I'm excited to introduce you to my friend Jennifer Joy Jimenez, who is the creator of Transcendance™. Jennifer is also the visionary founder and director of the health and well-being division of the Brave Thinking Institute. I'm thrilled to have her join us today to talk about Transcendance, which I think is such a brilliant use of dance for healing. It's so needed in the world.   Ever since Jennifer and I met, we started realizing that we both love dance. When she told me about Transcendance, I thought it was such an amazing concept. I’m...

#229 Why Your Body Can't Get Rid of HPV (And How to) show art #229 Why Your Body Can't Get Rid of HPV (And How to)

How Humans Heal

Have you been wondering why your body hasn't been able to get rid of the HPV virus?   Have you tested positive for high-risk HPV, and it's been positive for more than two years—potentially on and off, or even for 5, 10, or 15 years? If so, you've likely thought to yourself, "What the heck? Why can't my body get rid of this virus?" You may have even heard from a practitioner that it's not possible to get rid of the virus.   I'm here to tell you that this is not the case. To me, it's simply a matter of looking deeper. In this video, I'm going to share three main situations that I...

#228 Dr. Whitfield Reveals the Truth About Breast Implant Illness! show art #228 Dr. Whitfield Reveals the Truth About Breast Implant Illness!

How Humans Heal

In today’s episode I interviewed Dr. Robert Whitfield. He is an expert plastic surgeon who's helped thousands of women with explant surgery for breast implant illness.     Dr. Whitfield is the author of the book "SHARP: Strategic Holistic Accelerated Recovery Program" as well as the host of the podcast "Breast Implant Illness." I'm really glad he's here today to share with us his expertise in this area.    Empowering people with knowledge about their condition and the recovery process is crucial for successful outcomes. People who understand what's happening in their...

#227 How to Get Rid of HPV Naturally: A Guide to Boosting Immunity and Clearing the Virus show art #227 How to Get Rid of HPV Naturally: A Guide to Boosting Immunity and Clearing the Virus

How Humans Heal

In this episode I want to challenge a common misconception about HPV. Many people are told that once they test positive for HPV, they'll always test positive and can never get rid of the virus.   However, I'm here to tell you a completely different version of that story: it's actually possible to eliminate the HPV virus from your body.   This information is crucial because it offers hope and empowerment to those who have been diagnosed with HPV. It's important to understand that you're not powerless against this virus, and there are steps you can take to protect your health.  ...

#226 Cellular Health and Longevity: Wellbeing Tips to Reduce Oxidative Stress with Dr. Monisha Bhanote show art #226 Cellular Health and Longevity: Wellbeing Tips to Reduce Oxidative Stress with Dr. Monisha Bhanote

How Humans Heal

Today I'm really looking forward to introducing you to Dr. Monisha Bhanote. She is the bestselling author of "The Anatomy of Well-Being" and she also is a quintuple medical board certified in integrative medicine, culinary medicine, as well as cytopathology and clinical pathology.   A pathologist literally studies human cells. And Dr. Bhanote now specializes in helping people improve longevity by taking care of their cells!   Longevity and cell health is a topic that is increasingly relevant in our modern world, where we're constantly seeking ways to improve our health and extend our...

#225 Clearing HPV Naturally: An Inner Healing Approach to Cancer Prevention show art #225 Clearing HPV Naturally: An Inner Healing Approach to Cancer Prevention

How Humans Heal

You know how you've been wanting to clear the high-risk HPV virus, and you've done all this research, but you still have so many questions?   Things you're not sure about, like: What are the best supplements to take? What diet changes to make? Why is this happening to me in the first place? These are all real concerns when you're dealing with a powerful virus like HPV and wanting to win your body back and prevent cancer from happening, right?   Well, I'm Dr. Doni, and I've helped over 5,000 women clear the HPV virus so it doesn't come back and to prevent cervical cancer. If you want...

More Episodes

In this episode of How Humans Heal, I share about my theory of health and healing, and my newest book, Master Your Stress, Reset Your Health, which is due to release on May 3, 2022. 



There are many misconceptions about stress and what to do about. So much so that I am even hesitant to say the word. Sometimes simply the word stress causes us to stress more! 


So how can we NOT stress about stress? How can we be healthy and thrive even when exposed to stress?  


This is the question I have asked myself… throughout my whole life. And I want to share with you what I have discovered. 


-Stress is part of being human 


-You’re going to have a response to stress – that is a given 


-We need to find a way to have compassion for ourselves as stressed humans 


-And figure out how to support ourselves under stress 



How do we give ourselves enough support to recover from stress? 


I believe what we are lacking is anti-stress. We have a deficiency of anti-stress. 


That is when symptoms happen. Anxiety, depression, sleep issues, cancer, fertility issues, digestive troubles, infections, etc. 


It is not just about age. We can’t blame all our health issues on age and throw in the towel, so to speak. 


I’ve definitely had times of more stress than anti-stress.  


I had migraines for over 20 years. My migraines taught me – if I don’t have enough stress recovery, I’m going to get a migraine. 


I didn’t want to be reliant on a medication.  


I wanted to look deeper and figure out how not to have a migraine.  


The same can be true for what you are experiencing in your health.  


The irony is that the solution is not to overdo anti-stress either.  


We are so willing to push harder, do more, and put in more of an effort… but too much of anything can result in more of a stress response. 


So we have to outsmart stress and really we need to outsmart our own stress response. 


It is in the gentle-ness that we get the most stress recovery.  


In the process of recovering from stress myself, I identified a 3-phase.  


If we skip one of the steps, stress recovery backfires. 


We need all 3 phases to become resilient to stress. But it is not exactly the same process for all of us. 


As humans, we all have a stress response that involves cortisol and adrenaline, but in actuality it is different for each of us. 


Since our response is individualized, our treatment needs to be individualized as well. 


To be most effective about your stress recovery, you need to first know how your body responds to stress so that you can then give yourself the correct treatment to recover. 


For example, your cortisol could be too high, or too low, at different times of day. 


And your adrenaline could be too high or too low. 


I caution you not to assume that we all have the same response to stress.  


And not just your immediate response to stress, but how stress affects you over time. 


When you are in stress mode, and experiencing symptoms, we need to know your cortisol and adrenaline levels.  


This is what I refer to as your Stress Type.  


Don’t just guess. It’s important to treat based on your stress type in order to effectively recover from stress because the treatment is different for each Stress Type. 


Even once you know your Stress Type, it is important to understand the concept of hormesis in order to optimize your recovery. 


Hormesis is a concept that tells us that your body will respond to change. A small change can create a beneficial effect. Too big of a change ends up triggering a stress response.  


This is why in our stress recovery we need to harness small changes that result in a beneficial effect in your body.  


At the same time, we need to not overdo it, or else we will find ourselves right back where we started.  


By implementing small incremental changes based on your Stress Type, you are increasing your chances of recovering from stresses of all types more quickly and efficiently.  


I want you to be successful becoming resilient to stress and improving your energy, sleep, focus, mood and how you feel in your body.  


I know it is possible to recover from trauma, loss, overwhelm and the stress we are exposed to as humans. And to be able to feel good doing what we feel passionate about.  


It is possible to thrive even when stressed. I want that for you. If this resonates for you, be sure to order my new book – Master Your Stress, Reset Your Health – and follow along with me this month and next as I guide you to use the information in the book. You can order the book at your favorite book seller and then come to DoctorDoni.com/msrh to tell me you ordered the book. This way I can send you gifts and support and include you in the special LIVE stress reset starting May 2nd.  


I can’t wait to support you in the process of becoming resilient to stress!  


Dr. Doni 




Connect with Dr. Doni: 





Weekly Wellness Wisdom Newsletter: HTTPS://DOCTORDONI.COM/WWW  




Books and Resources: 


Pre-Order my new book: https://www.amazon.com/Master-Your-Stress-Reset-Health/dp/1953295576


Stress Warrior Book (FREE) 



Stress Warrior Stress Resiliency Facebook Group (FREE) 



7-day Stress Reset (FREE) 



HPV & Cervical Dysplasia Guide (FREE) 





Personalized Solutions: 


If you’d like to meet with Dr. Doni one-on-one for your health, request a Health Breakthrough Session: HTTPS://DOCTORDONI.COM/BREAKTHROUGH  


To get an idea of more comprehensive options, read about Dr. Doni’s Signature Consultation Programs: HTTPS://DOCTORDONI.COM/SERVICES


Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are product links and affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission at no cost to you. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.