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The Miserable Life of an Adjunct

David Boles: Human Meme

Release Date: 05/19/2022

Beyond La Mataviejitas, the Hyena of Auschwitz, and the Beast of Buchenwald show art Beyond La Mataviejitas, the Hyena of Auschwitz, and the Beast of Buchenwald

David Boles: Human Meme

Ilse Koch, historically etched into memory with monikers such as "The Witch of Buchenwald," "The Beast of Buchenwald," and most infamously, "The Bitch of Buchenwald," embodies an enigma of evil that defies the very essence of humanity. Her rise to power and her reign of terror within the confines of the Buchenwald concentration camp during World War II remain a stark reminder of the depths to which human depravity can plunge, given the right mix of power, ideology, and circumstance. The story of Ilse Koch is not just a tale of individual malevolence but a complex interplay of societal,...

Broadway's Adaptation Addiction: Is Originality Dead on Stage? show art Broadway's Adaptation Addiction: Is Originality Dead on Stage?

David Boles: Human Meme

The allure of adapting familiar films into stage spectacles is manifold. Foremost, it guarantees an audience, a beacon for investors navigating the tempestuous seas of theatrical productions. Moreover, the cinematic blueprint provides a narrative scaffolding from which creators can craft musical marvels, easing the burden of birthing a story from the ether. This path of least resistance, however, steers us into murky waters, where the sirens of economic security might drown out the calls for bold innovation.

From Ashes to Action: The Legacy of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire and Its Lessons for Today show art From Ashes to Action: The Legacy of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire and Its Lessons for Today

David Boles: Human Meme

In the heart of Manhattan, at 2329 Washington Place, near Washington Square, on the New York University (NYU) campus, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, bustling with young immigrant workers—mostly women—caught fire. The factory occupied the top floors of the Asch Building, and when the fire erupted, it was swift and merciless. Flames engulfed the cramped workrooms, fed by piles of fabric and paper patterns. With exits locked to prevent theft and keep workers at their stations, escape routes were limited to a few inadequate fire escapes and elevators that soon failed as the fire spread. The...

Defending Helen Keller: Debunking Myths and Championing Disability Rights show art Defending Helen Keller: Debunking Myths and Championing Disability Rights

David Boles: Human Meme

In recent times, the remarkable legacy of Helen Keller has been clouded by a surge of skepticism and misinformation, particularly on social media platforms where her achievements are unjustly labeled as fabrications. Our conversation seeks to shine a light on the truth, offering a robust defense of Keller's accomplishments and the significant impact she had on disability rights and beyond.

Selective Mutism and the Moment of Understanding show art Selective Mutism and the Moment of Understanding

David Boles: Human Meme

06Selective Mutism is a complex childhood anxiety disorder characterized by a child's inability to speak in certain social situations, such as at school or in the community, despite being able to speak comfortably in more familiar settings, like at home with family. This condition transcends the idea of mere shyness or a wilful refusal to speak; it is deeply rooted in extreme social anxiety.

Cat Heads in Space! Episode 26: Great Kitty Litter Catastrophe show art Cat Heads in Space! Episode 26: Great Kitty Litter Catastrophe

David Boles: Human Meme

In the vast, litter-strewn corridors of the cosmos, our feline crew faces a crisis of unprecedented scale. The Kitty Litter Recycling Machine, a marvel of feline engineering, has ceased to function. We find our heroes in a state of... discomfort.

Exploring the Soul of the Blues: Legends, Evolution, and Future Insights show art Exploring the Soul of the Blues: Legends, Evolution, and Future Insights

David Boles: Human Meme

The blues emerged in the late 19th century, rooted in the African American experience in the Deep South of the United States. It was born out of African musical traditions, spirituals, work songs, field hollers, shouts, and chants. These elements fused together, forming the foundation of what we now recognize as the blues. However, the journey from these rudimentary forms to the genre's establishment is a story of resilience, creativity, and the human condition's complexity.

From Latchkey Kids to Helicopter Parents: Navigating Generational Shifts and Future Implications show art From Latchkey Kids to Helicopter Parents: Navigating Generational Shifts and Future Implications

David Boles: Human Meme

Let's start by painting a picture of the Latchkey Kid phenomenon. In the 1970s and 1980s, economic pressures and the rise of dual-income households meant that more children came home to empty houses. These kids were termed "Latchkey Kids" because they often wore their house key around their necks, a symbol of their self-sufficiency and the trust their parents placed in them to take care of themselves for a few hours each day.

Blue Light Therapy in Dermatology: Exploring the Pros, Cons, and Real-Life Effects show art Blue Light Therapy in Dermatology: Exploring the Pros, Cons, and Real-Life Effects

David Boles: Human Meme

Blue Light Therapy, also known as photodynamic therapy (PDT), was first introduced in the late 1990s as a promising treatment for various skin conditions. The therapy involves the application of a photosensitizing agent, typically aminolevulinic acid (ALA) or methyl aminolevulinate (MAL), to the skin, followed by exposure to a specific wavelength of blue light (415-495 nm). The photosensitizer is selectively absorbed by abnormal or precancerous cells, and when activated by blue light, it generates reactive oxygen species that destroy the targeted cells while leaving healthy tissue unharmed.

Disability is No Shield From Corruption: The Video Relay Service Fraud Case show art Disability is No Shield From Corruption: The Video Relay Service Fraud Case

David Boles: Human Meme

According to the Department of Justice, the fraud scheme involved VRS company owners, executives, and employees, as well as deaf individuals who placed the fraudulent calls. Callers allegedly dialed the companies and left the line open for long periods of time with no actual relaying of calls taking place. The companies then billed the FCC around 390 dollars per hour for these bogus calls.

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Not all university instructors are created equal. In this Boles.tv live stream highlight, David Boles digs into the miserable life of the Adjunct instructor at major universities. There are no benefits. No job security. No appreciation. It's just a lingering life of misery brought on by hope, contentment, and dedication to education.