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Buying Real Estate in high Interest Rate, Inflation and Recession Periods

Gary's Gulch

Release Date: 07/15/2022

Finding Peace during Turmoil - The Dog that Doesn't Bark show art Finding Peace during Turmoil - The Dog that Doesn't Bark

Gary's Gulch

Challenges are inevitable in life. We know not when or how often they will come, nor how they will turn out, but remembering that Challenges and Opportunities are the same thing, separated only by how you respond is one of the keys to continuing to thrive in the face of unexpected change. I'm going through a substantial and unexpected business change right now and was reminded of many of the tools I've learned to navigate these times. Since my primary audience is business owners seeking resiliency and Agency, it is fitting that I pass along these observations and recommendations for when you...

Leadership is more than just Herding Cattle  show art Leadership is more than just Herding Cattle

Gary's Gulch

I play a powerful speech from a scholar of decades ago clearly defining the difference from our constitutional republic and the democracy, the socialist equality that the left is so feverishly trying to put in place. Our founding fathers warned us time and time again to not go down this path. Please listen and help me protect this 250 year old experiment in freedom!   Highlights Difference between leadership and management Advisors should empower others to be the hero Individual empowerment and the American Dream Critique of politicians and centralized power The impact of weak leadership...

Choose Liberty of a Republic, not Serfdom of a Democracy show art Choose Liberty of a Republic, not Serfdom of a Democracy

Gary's Gulch

I play a powerful speech from a scholar of decades ago clearly defining the difference from our constitutional republic and the democracy, the socialist equality that the left is so feverishly trying to put in place. Our founding fathers warned us time and time again to not go down this path. Please listen and help me protect this 250 year old experiment in freedom! Highlights Constitutional Republic vs. Democracy. Impact of Donations on Voting. Historical Speech: America’s Founding Principles. Founding Fathers’ Fear of Democracy. America’s Misidentification as a Democracy. Tocqueville...

Growth comes from Embracing Crisis as Opportunity show art Growth comes from Embracing Crisis as Opportunity

Gary's Gulch

Personal business challenges I'm working through today reminded me that continually learning and sharing those lessons for the collective betterment of society. It is how we as a species evolve and prepare ourselves for even bigger challenges to come. It is the spice of life and what makes it worth living. Embrace it, you will look back and realize you are 10x the person for having overcome that crisis, for having seized the opportunities that it presented. MAGA! Links and Resources from this Episode Connect with Gary Pinkerton    Review, Subscribe and Share If you like what you...

Integrity - the Key to Success in the 21st Century show art Integrity - the Key to Success in the 21st Century

Gary's Gulch

In the face of artificial intelligence, state controlled mainstream media blitzes and a move to One World Government, how do you remain safe and prosper? How do you know what is true and what is AI or CGI? Integrity is the key. Be consistent and in alignment with who you are. When others seem inconsistent, not in alignment, maybe that is AI. Ask questions. You have to hone your skills of detecting the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing. Highlights 01:12 - Humans as problem solvers. 02:00 - Stewardship of God’s gifts. 02:18 - Defining integrity. 03:04 - Misconceptions about integrity and righteousness....

MAGA! and 25% Guaranteed Return? show art MAGA! and 25% Guaranteed Return?

Gary's Gulch

I lay out why it is vital to influence those in your circle to vote for freedom over tyranny. This is likely the last time we will get to vote if tyranny takes power in 2025. Please, lay down your reservations about specific issues or mannerisms, this is a simple fight for world freedom over tyranny. We need help from sane Americans to preserve freedom here and across the globe, and to prevent World War III. I also talk about changes you can make in your life, a simple shift in focus that can provide guaranteed returns and propel you towards Agency. Highlights Discussion on Biden’s Tax...

Want Agency? Build the Wall - Asset Protection (Part 2) show art Want Agency? Build the Wall - Asset Protection (Part 2)

Gary's Gulch

We all work hard to achieve Agency for our family and to sustain it after we are gone. Many mistakenly think you can build it with just offense, then protect with defense, but successful families and businesses focus on both consistently. Listen in, we'll build the castle together. Highlights Retirement misconceptions and financial fears. Analogy of the medieval kingdom for asset protection. Political views on Trump’s influence on American prosperity. The risks of open borders and property rights. Different layers of asset protection. Using entities like LLCs for asset protection. The...

Agency is betting on You, Asset Protection (Part 1)  show art Agency is betting on You, Asset Protection (Part 1)

Gary's Gulch

I provide a summary and insights from a course I'm teaching monthly in major cities around the country on how to create and hold onto Agency - you need a good defense. Listen in and if this resonates, come join me at one of these events later this year. We'll be in Los Angeles, Denver, Chicago, New York/New Jersey, Miami, Orlando and Houston at a minimum. Highlights Importance of defense in asset protection. The parallel paths of protection and wealth accumulation. The risks of relying on market-based financial advice. The dangers of passive investments during economic downturns. Building a...

Agency and Family Banking show art Agency and Family Banking

Gary's Gulch

Agency - What is it, why is it vital to flourishing as a human and how to implement the best tool I know of to bring it into your life for generations, a Family Banking strategy. Highlights The financial lessons learned from losing half his net worth during the Great Recession and his realization of the need for control over personal finances. His philosophy and approach to financial education and control, derived from Ayn Rand's teachings on being a producer and growing agency in one's life. The specialized design of overfunded whole life insurance known as the Family Bank, detailing how it...

Going Vertical With Masterminds And Join Me At An Event This Year! show art Going Vertical With Masterminds And Join Me At An Event This Year!

Gary's Gulch

Do you have skills in your real estate or conventional business that you can share with others so that we strengthen agencies across the country? I share the lessons I've learned from my dear friends and clients Drew and Rachel Thomas while attending their Salon Owner Mastermind last week. And I'm going to be at several events across the country each month in 2024. Come join me for free as a guest. Email or text me if interested. Highlights Future events in Salt Lake City that listeners can attend and learn How his client and friend are successful in the plumbing industry Takeaways from the...

More Episodes

I discussed why purchasing the 1-4 family properties still makes sense even though we are entering a recession and loan rates have doubled. I also covered the powerful Master Key Part 21.


  • What to watch out for at the Think Realty Expo
  • Why investing in a single-family makes sense in this economy
  • What the purpose of a cash flow is
  • What IDEAL stands for
  • How equity talk works
  • What to consider when investing in a single-family home
  • What build to rent is
  • How OPM or Other People’s Money works
  • What were Gary’s takeaways from the powerful Master Key Part 21
  • What the real interest of democracy is

    Links and Resources from this Episode
  • Perpetual Wealth by Kim Butler
  • Connect with Gary Pinkerton
  • https://www.paradigmlife.net/
  • [email protected]
  • https://garypinkerton.com/