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#108: Managing Screens and ADHD

Shining With ADHD by The Childhood Collective

Release Date: 04/10/2023

#158: Balancing Structure & Flexibility: Summer Strategies for Kids with ADHD show art #158: Balancing Structure & Flexibility: Summer Strategies for Kids with ADHD

Shining With ADHD by The Childhood Collective

SHINING WITH ADHD  EPISODE #158: Balancing Structure & Flexibility: Summer Strategies for Kids with ADHD The Childhood Collective 5/29/2024 SUMMARY Popsicles aren’t the only thing that can melt down in the summer. Our kids with ADHD can struggle during the school break due to the lack of routine and structure. On the flip side, they still need the space to learn new skills, experience boredom, or go on an adventure. Finding alignment is possible! In today’s episode, we share five tips to ease your family into summer so you can have less frustration and more FUN! MEET OUR TEAM...

#157: ADHD and Nutrition: Separating Fact from Fiction with Dr. Taylor Arnold show art #157: ADHD and Nutrition: Separating Fact from Fiction with Dr. Taylor Arnold

Shining With ADHD by The Childhood Collective

SHINING WITH ADHD  EPISODE #157: ADHD and Nutrition: Separating Fact from Fiction with Dr. Taylor Arnold 5/22/2024 SUMMARY Nutrition advice and ADHD can be so tricky. From empty product promises to misleading marketing, finding support for your child’s diet seems to be one discouragement after another. You buy all the supplements, limit all the things, and notice a minimal difference. Our goal has always been to support families. It’s no secret that balanced nutrition is part of a healthy start for kids, but what about all the other information? In today’s episode, we interview...

#156: I Didn’t Mean to Do That! Impulsivity and ADHD show art #156: I Didn’t Mean to Do That! Impulsivity and ADHD

Shining With ADHD by The Childhood Collective

SHINING WITH ADHD  EPISODE #156: I Didn’t Mean to Do That! Impulsivity and ADHD The Childhood Collective 5/15/2024 SUMMARY “Why did you do that?”  “What were you thinking?” Sound familiar?  When our kids act impulsively, it is easy for us to get frustrated and confused. We might start asking our kids why they behaved the way they did.  The truth is, initially, they often don’t even know. Once everyone is regulated, it is easier to figure out what happened. As parents, we naturally want our kids with ADHD to slow down and consider their actions, but it's a...

#155: Med Shortages, Melatonin and More: A Pediatrician's Perspective on ADHD with Dr. Mona Amin show art #155: Med Shortages, Melatonin and More: A Pediatrician's Perspective on ADHD with Dr. Mona Amin

Shining With ADHD by The Childhood Collective

SHINING WITH ADHD  EPISODE #155: Med Shortages, Melatonin and More: A Pediatrician's Perspective on ADHD with Dr. Mona Amin 5/8/2024 SUMMARY We often talk about how supporting kids with ADHD takes a village. Building your child’s team of professionals is SO important. From educators to therapists and pediatricians, their experience and understanding are key to helping kids shine. Today, on the podcast, we have Dr. Mona Amin. She is a board-certified pediatrician, parenting coach, and mother. In this episode, she shares her perspective on current med shortages, using melatonin, and...

#154: Why Kids with ADHD Lie and What to Do About It show art #154: Why Kids with ADHD Lie and What to Do About It

Shining With ADHD by The Childhood Collective

  SHINING WITH ADHD  EPISODE #154: Why Kids with ADHD Lie and What to Do About It The Childhood Collective 5/1/2024   SUMMARY Most of the time, we don’t need to see growing noses to know if our kids are telling us a lie. We catch the lie, and then all the feelings come. We might feel angry, hurt, worried, or downright annoyed. Navigating our own reactions can be tricky. As parents, it's important to keep in mind that our kids have differences in their executive functioning. We want to empower you with 4 strategies you can use to navigate lying (and encourage honestly!) in your...

#153: Understanding ADHD in Girls with Psychologist Stephen Hinshaw show art #153: Understanding ADHD in Girls with Psychologist Stephen Hinshaw

Shining With ADHD by The Childhood Collective

SHINING WITH ADHD  EPISODE #153: Understanding ADHD in Girls with Psychologist Stephen Hinshaw 4/24/2024 SUMMARY When people think of ADHD, they often picture the wiggly 6-year-old who struggles to keep his hands to himself and loves making his classmates laugh. We don’t often picture the little girl with a busy brain and loves to talk. For years, girls were overlooked in the research for ADHD. This resulted in a misunderstanding of their need for support as well as options for evidence-based treatment until adolescence. Getting these amazing girls the right treatment as early as...

#152: Lost Socks and Missing Chargers: Organize Your House in a Way That Works for You show art #152: Lost Socks and Missing Chargers: Organize Your House in a Way That Works for You

Shining With ADHD by The Childhood Collective

SHINING WITH ADHD  EPISODE #152: Lost Socks and Missing Chargers: Organize Your House in a Way That Works for You The Childhood Collective 4/17/2024 SUMMARY If you’re anything like us, you have a Pinterest board FULL of cute home organization ideas and products. It all seems so lovely. Let’s be real; sometimes it works, and sometimes it is just not sustainable for YOUR family. We want to help. In today’s episode, we are sharing our favorite organizing tips so you can stop looking for socks and arguing over chargers! These strategies will help you discover how to organize in a way...

#151: Growing up With Undiagnosed ADHD with Therapist Holly Blanc Moses show art #151: Growing up With Undiagnosed ADHD with Therapist Holly Blanc Moses

Shining With ADHD by The Childhood Collective

SHINING WITH ADHD  EPISODE #151: Growing up with Undiagnosed ADHD with Therapist Holly Blanc Moses 4/10/2024 SUMMARY As kids are evaluated and diagnosed with ADHD, it is not uncommon for parents to look back on their childhood. Many adults experience a lightbulb moment when they reflect on their educational and social journey. Knowing what they know now sparks a personal process of considering an adult diagnosis. This is especially common for women since ADHD in girls is sometimes hard to spot. Our guest today, Holly Blanc Moses, shares her experience of growing up with undiagnosed ADHD...

#150: What Should I Say at My Child’s First ADHD Appointment? show art #150: What Should I Say at My Child’s First ADHD Appointment?

Shining With ADHD by The Childhood Collective

SHINING WITH ADHD  EPISODE #150: What Should I Say at My Child’s First ADHD Appointment? The Childhood Collective 4/3/2024 SUMMARY You’ve researched providers, you’ve verified insurance, made it through the long waiting list, and it is FINALLY time for the first ADHD appointment - the intake. We know you want to make the most of the visit to support your child, but it can get overwhelming between the questionnaires and forms. You may have a running list in your notes of everything in your head but have no idea what to mention and when. We’ve sat on the professional and parent...

#149: Understanding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and ADHD with Therapist Natasha Daniels show art #149: Understanding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and ADHD with Therapist Natasha Daniels

Shining With ADHD by The Childhood Collective

SHINING WITH ADHD  EPISODE #149: Understanding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and ADHD with Therapist Natasha Daniels 3/27/2024 SUMMARY In our culture, we hear the term “OCD” thrown around a lot. “I’m so OCD about…” While this isn’t intended for harm, it does foster confusion about what it really means to have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It’s far more nuanced than the common idea of constant hand-washing or organization. OCD can be common in kids with ADHD, so in today’s episode, we talk with OCD therapist Natasha Daniels to hear from her 20+ years of experience with...

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EPISODE #108: Managing Screens and ADHD

The Childhood Collective




We’ve all been there. You give a “five-minute warning,” but no matter how many times you say it, they look at you in surprise when it’s time to turn off the iPad or stop playing video games. The argument quickly escalates, right? It starts with negotiation, which spirals into a meltdown, and you wonder if you should just take away screens for the next 100 years. As parents, we can create an environment where we are proactive AS A FAMILY regarding screen time. In this episode, we will give you some tips we use in our homes to manage screens in a healthy way. 



We are Lori, Mallory, and Katie. Lori and Mallory are Child Psychologists, and Katie is a speech-language pathologist. Most importantly, we are moms, just like you.

After working with families over a combined total of 40 years, we saw a need to provide ongoing support and education to parents raising children with ADHD. 



We can’t have your attention and not mention  Time Timer As parents, we are looking for anything that will support our kids and make our lives easier. The original Time Timer does just that. In our homes, it allows us to teach our kids how to visualize time. This helps with activity transitions, independence, and building executive function skills. Trust our pro-tip; it’s a game changer! Bonus: Head to Time Timer and use the code TCC to get a site-wide discount.



Free Parenting Guide - 6 Keys

Creating Calm - Online Parenting Course 

Time Timer


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