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MFP 237: How to Parent When You are Exhausted

Messy Family Podcast : Catholic Conversations on Marriage and Family

Release Date: 05/08/2023

MFP 286: Learning to Love by Being Loved show art MFP 286: Learning to Love by Being Loved

Messy Family Podcast : Catholic Conversations on Marriage and Family

The most important challenge you can take  What does it take to be a great parent and have a joyful family? We think it all boils down to three essential elements. We have turned these three elements into the Play and Pray Challenge!  More than ever, we need to celebrate the love of Jesus in the month of June, because it is HIS love and lordship that will truly fulfill all our deepest longings!  What is the challenge? In the month of June do these three things with your family -  Organize and execute an amazing FAMILY DAY, plan and go on a DATE NIGHT, and proclaim Jesus...

MPF 285: Tech Traps for Boys and Girls show art MPF 285: Tech Traps for Boys and Girls

Messy Family Podcast : Catholic Conversations on Marriage and Family

Summary In this next part of our series on tech, we talk about the specific challenges that tech use brings to boys and girls.  Just as men and women have different gifts, they also deal with different temptations in their tech use.  Because of this, parents must be proactive in teaching boundaries to their children so they can use tech with freedom when they leave your house and enter the world of adulthood. During this conversation, we give you some principles that you will need to discuss with your spouse to make a tech policy of your own. Every family must have some boundaries,...

MFP 284: Is Your Child Addicted to Screens? show art MFP 284: Is Your Child Addicted to Screens?

Messy Family Podcast : Catholic Conversations on Marriage and Family

The destructive effects of video games are not on boys' cognitive abilities or their reaction times, but on their motivation and their connectedness with the real world. ~Dr. Leonard Sax Technology can be a blessing or a curse. It can be used for great good and yet it can expose people to grave evil. Helping our children learn how to responsibly navigate the use of technology, especially social media, is one of the immense parenting challenges of our age.  In this podcast, we look at the unique challenges that technology presents to parents and why parents must meet this challenge...

MPF 283: Marriage, Divorce, and Hope show art MPF 283: Marriage, Divorce, and Hope

Messy Family Podcast : Catholic Conversations on Marriage and Family

“We can only see our spouse clearly when we look at Jesus first.” - Dan Lawson   Summary In this podcast, we tackle some hard issues in marriage.  What makes couples believe that they need to get divorced?  Why is it essential for couples to have a vision for their individual lives and for their marriage?  What is the pattern in successful marriages that we can emulate?  We even talk about what to say to a person who tells you they are getting a divorce - a very difficult and sensitive topic, but one that we have to discuss.  Dan Lawson is a Catholic therapist...

MFP 282: These People are Driving Me Crazy! Growing in Patience show art MFP 282: These People are Driving Me Crazy! Growing in Patience

Messy Family Podcast : Catholic Conversations on Marriage and Family

It’s easier to be patient after we come to realize how patient our Heavenly Father is with us.   Why is it so hard for parents to be patient with their children?  People who thought they were good and normal adults find themselves tearing their hair out over the things done by a child half their size and a fraction of their age!  One thing we tell parents over and over is that parenting is supposed to change you.  It is supposed to form you.  It is supposed to be challenging, so if you are struggling, that is OK!  But we do have some tips for you and some...

MPF 281: Your Intimacy Questions Answered show art MPF 281: Your Intimacy Questions Answered

Messy Family Podcast : Catholic Conversations on Marriage and Family

“I now am taking this kinswoman of mine, not because of lust, but with sincerity.  Grant that she and I may find mercy and that we may grow old together.” Tobit 8:7   Summary Physical intimacy between spouses is a topic that is difficult to talk about, but one that is absolutely essential in Catholic circles.  You see, Satan’s plan is for people to have as much sex as possible BEFORE they are married and as little sex as possible AFTER they are married!  These lies and confusion need to be addressed in a way that is respectful but also practical for married...

MFP 280: 12 Parenting Tips show art MFP 280: 12 Parenting Tips

Messy Family Podcast : Catholic Conversations on Marriage and Family

Parenting is not an inborn skill. It is something that we learn over time from trial and error and with help from others.    Summary Over the past 28 years raising our 10 kids we have made a lot of mistakes, but also learned from them!  In this podcast, we go over 12 tips that we have found make a big difference in the life of a family.  They are principles that we live by and how we have gotten where we are today.  None of them are rocket science - but they are things you may not have thought of before or realized how essential they are.  We have released this...

MPF 279:  What do Families Need?  Interview with Archbishop Naumann show art MPF 279: What do Families Need? Interview with Archbishop Naumann

Messy Family Podcast : Catholic Conversations on Marriage and Family

Summary Most of us rarely have an opportunity to sit down and talk to a priest, let alone a bishop!  We were so blessed to have a conversation with not just a bishop, but an archbishop and one who loves the Lord, loves families, and who leads with the heart of a shepherd.  Join us as we talk to Archbishop Naumann of Kansas City who shares his story of growing up without a father and how his mother and family gave him the stability and security he needed to flourish and become the man God called him to be.  He provides insights to families in our conversation along with a good...

MPF 278: Conversations with Kids show art MPF 278: Conversations with Kids

Messy Family Podcast : Catholic Conversations on Marriage and Family

Summary In this episode, Mike and Alicia Hernon explore the transformative impact of conversations with children. They emphasize the importance of fostering a family culture centered around meaningful dialogue. From toddlers to teens, discover practical strategies for nurturing curiosity, understanding, and mutual respect within the parent-child relationship. Don't miss out on this engaging discussion that highlights the profound influence of conversations in shaping both children and parents alike. For more information on this and other topics visit:   Key Takeaways Conversations...

MPF 277:  Girl Power! An interview with the Given Institute show art MPF 277: Girl Power! An interview with the Given Institute

Messy Family Podcast : Catholic Conversations on Marriage and Family

“Thank you, every woman, for the simple fact of being a woman! Through the insight which is so much a part of your womanhood you enrich the world's understanding and help to make human relations more honest and authentic.” ~ John Paul II, Letter to Women   Summary Women have particular gifts to bring to the world which were identified by John Paul II as the “genius of women”.  The Given Institute was created by religious superiors of the major orders in the United States and works with young women in all states of life to help them realize that they are gift, work to discover...

More Episodes

“You know that feeling you get after a good night’s sleep?
Yea, me neither.” - Every Parent Ever

If you feel like you are living in a state of almost constant exhaustion, you are not alone.  It's not just the sleepless nights and crazy days - that’s a reality that parents have always had to deal with.  We believe parents are more exhausted today because  there are certain elements of our culture that do drain our energy more than parents in the past experienced. In this podcast, we pinpoint those elements so you can see them, recognize them for what they are, and learn how to manage them.  You do not have to be worn down all the time!  Managing the stressors of parenting is possible and hopefully we can help you with these tips and tricks!

Play and Pray Challenge - www.messyfamilyproject.org/challenge/

Catholic Couples Getaway - www.catholiccouplesgetaway.com/    

Watch here - https://youtu.be/inI8NPgFzsg