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Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Dr Mary Travelbest Guide

Release Date: 09/30/2023

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Phnom Penh, Cambodia



I’ve been on a 90-day trip to every time zone around the globe. My mission is world peace through cultural exchange. I was sustainable when I could by using local transportation, buses, and trains. I was solo, carrying a small backpack, called a “personal item,” that fit under the seat in front of me on a plane.


In this episode, the FAQ is: Should I bring earplugs on my trip?


Today’s Destination is Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Today’s Mistake- I left my phone at the bus office.

Travel Advice: Keep a pen handy


FAQ: Should I bring earplugs on my trip?


Yes. You can first step away from the noise, turn the volume down, or try these tips to save your hearing. Noise-canceling headphones may be preferred, but you can use earplugs if traveling light. Do they work well? They are better than nothing. Here are three steps to using foam earplugs: Roll, pull, and hold. Roll them to fit your ear, pull back your ear, and then insert them until they fit comfortably. The show notes have tips to help you out.





Today’s destination: Phnom Penh, Cambodia


…..before you go, read up on the region's history and try to understand the heartbreaking things that happened in this country. The country went through some tough years in the last century. They are a comparatively less developed country, but the people have hope for the future. Phnom Penh, Cambodia’s capital, meets at the junction of the Mekong and Tonlé Sap rivers. Historically, it became a trading hub for the Khmer Empire and French colonialists. Listen to the Siem Reap podcast if you can later on.


I flew here from Ho Chi Minh City, but taking a bus and a lot cheaper would have been easy. Cambodia Angkor Airlines is reputed to have the best safety standards in the country, although I noticed that my plane was very seasoned. It was a much older model.




US citizens need to apply for a Cambodia visa. Cambodia e-visa cost: The Total fee is USD 36, and the E-visa processing time takes 2 - 5 business days. I had to change the date of birth on my visa application, as it was incorrect, which was easy to accomplish. Between when I first submitted it and it printed out, the date got switched, so I fixed it ahead of time.

Rice (bai) is the most essential food in the country, and more than 2,000 species once grew in Cambodia. There's hardly a dish that does not contain rice, including noodles made from rice, desserts, cakes, and alcoholic beverages, and no Khmer meal is complete without boiled rice.


Although Cambodia's official currency is the Riel, the US Dollar is used in most transactions, so I recommend taking some US Dollars in cash (with some small denomination notes).


The city’s walkable riverfront is lined with parks, restaurants, and bars, including the ornate Royal Palace, Silver Pagoda, and the National Museum, displaying artifacts from around the country. At the city’s heart is the Art Deco Central Market. I did a lot of mid-day walking along the river at Sisowath Quay, the most popular downtown promenade. There were few people there mid-day. It is scenic; you can see boats on the Tonle Sap River and look across a beautiful vista. Walk here between the Royal Palace and Wat Phnom.


My hotel in Phnom Penh was across the street from the Independence Monument and near the Cambodia Friendship Monument. They called it the Monument District. At night, the locals, by the hundreds, walked in a counterclockwise direction around the park to get some fresh air and exercise. It was a social experience, too. Families and singles all gathered here. I was part of the walk since I had been too hot to walk much during the day's heat.


The Independence Monument in Phnom Penh was built in 1958 to memorialize Cambodia's independence from France in 1953. It stands on a roundabout at the intersection of Norodom Boulevard and Sihanouk Boulevard in the city's center.




In the Khmer Rouge's Security Prison S-21, it was here that some of the regime's worst torture atrocities were carried out. More than 17,000 people passed through these gates between 1975 and 1978, accused of betraying the revolution in some way. The Tuol Sleng Museum was where prisoners were housed, a former school. You can see photographs of what happened here. You can walk through the prison rooms, formerly classrooms. It’s two stories, with offices and rooms with evidence of those killed. The detailed notes and photographs remain along with some of the remnants of furniture and statues of those who died. I took a tuk-tuk to visit this sad place at Street 113, Phnom Penh. I was unhappy but hopeful for a better future when I left here.

Today’s Mistake- I left my phone at the bus office.


While waiting for the bus, I entered the station and met the people working for the bus tour company. I had about an hour to wait, so I said hi and then sat down to relax from the sun. What I forgot at the desk was my phone. About ten minutes later, the driver arrived and said it was time to board the bus. In my rush, I left my phone on the desk. We started down the road, and then I remembered, so I told the tour guide I needed to get out. He said he would call and make sure they had it, and we would soon go back for it after we dropped someone at the hospital. I thought that was strange, but that’s precisely what happened. That was my second time leaving my phone behind on this trip. I was learning a lesson again. Not to leave my phone anywhere. Don’t be like me. I was lucky. You may not be so fortunate.


Today’s Travel Advice-Keep a pen handy


In today’s world of digital technology, one thing you will still need is a pen. There will be a time you need to write down something to remember. It could be a code, a phone number, or a key phrase. Keep something to write with nearby.


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