Obedience, Authority & The Common Good (Dr. Peter Kwasniewski) 3/14/24
Release Date: 03/14/2024
The Catholic Current
What if you are at Mass and the priest says, "In the name of the creator, the redeemer, and the sanctifier." What would you do? Let's take a closer look.
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In Let's Talk About This, Fr. McTeigue discusses IVF and the horrific practice of having frozen embryos turned into jewelry. How did we get to the point where we not only celebrate, but sentimentalize our sin? Father finishes with Weekend Readiness to help you prepare for the upcoming Sunday Mass. Show Notes
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We welcome back Dr. Michael Pakaluk of the Catholic University of America to discuss the corruption of the virtue of Charity, synodality, and the role of the laity in ordering secular affairs through his latest article in The Catholic Thing. Why do many Bishops defy the roles laid out by Vatican II? Show Notes
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When was the first time you began to suspect there's REALLY something wrong with the world? What have you done with that suspicion? Let's take a closer look.
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We welcome back Stefano Gennarini of C-Fam to discuss recent changes in United States foreign policy, abuses of international aid, and national sovereignty. Might the country be moving closer towards a core element of Catholic Social Teaching: subsidiarity? Father finishes with Timely Thoughts. Show Notes
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How are we to respond to those who claim that there are "more important things to do" besides serving the Truth? Can such moral relativism ever be the "pastoral approach"? Let's take a closer look.
info_outlineThe Catholic Current
In Let's Talk About This, Fr. McTeigue discusses cooperation with the living God, the power of nature, and the modern idolatry of technology. Are we the masters or the servants of the tools that we have created? Father finishes with Weekend Readiness to help you prepare for the upcoming Sunday Mass. Show Notes
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We welcome back Dr. Jennifer Morse of the Ruth Institute to discuss the recent Executive Order regarding gender ideology. What is the right way to respond to body dysmorphia, and what are the ramifications of returning discourse at all levels to biological reality? Show Notes
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Why is it more courageous to rescue a child rather than a case of Bud Light from a burning building? Is there a distinctively Christian form of Bravery? Let's take a closer look.
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We welcome back Shawn Carney of 40 Days for Life to take the temperature of the Pro-Life movement with the change in the American administration. Where does he think we should go next, and how likely is that to occur? Father finishes with Timely Thoughts. Show Notes
info_outlineWe welcome back Dr. Peter Kwasniewski for the first discussion on his latest book with Angelico Press: Bound by Truth. What does it mean that we're in a crisis of obedience, and what is the true common good?
Show Notes
Tradition and Sanity by Dr. Peter Kwasniewski | Substack
Dr. Peter Kwasniewski | Website
True Obedience in the Church: A Guide to Discernment in Challenging Times
Obedience and Hope In Times of Trial (Dr. Peter Kwasniewski & Fr. Joseph Fessio, S.J.) 04/13/22
Thomas Aquinas: De Regno | English & Latin
Read Fr. McTeigue’s Written Works!
Listen to Fr. McTeigue's Preaching! | Herald of the Gospel Sermons Podcast on Spotify