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Free Yourself From Pyschological Fusion with the High Level Narcissist

The Narcissist in Your Life Podcast

Release Date: 05/04/2024

High Level Narcissists Without Concience or Empathy - Full Speed Ahead show art High Level Narcissists Without Concience or Empathy - Full Speed Ahead

The Narcissist in Your Life Podcast

Click below for links to my books on Amazon  Freeing Yourself From the Narcissist in Your Life Recovering and Healing After the Narcissist Click below to go to Mental Health Radio News Network

Free Yourself From Pyschological Fusion with the High Level Narcissist show art Free Yourself From Pyschological Fusion with the High Level Narcissist

The Narcissist in Your Life Podcast

Click below for links to my books on Amazon  Freeing Yourself From the Narcissist in Your Life Recovering and Healing After the Narcissist Click below to go to Mental Health Radio News Network

Clever Covert Narcissists Fool Almost Everyone show art Clever Covert Narcissists Fool Almost Everyone

The Narcissist in Your Life Podcast

Click below for links to my books on Amazon  Freeing Yourself From the Narcissist in Your Life Recovering and Healing After the Narcissist Click below to go to Mental Health Radio News Network

High Level Narcissist's Avarice - A Fever that Doesn't Break show art High Level Narcissist's Avarice - A Fever that Doesn't Break

The Narcissist in Your Life Podcast

Running a fever is a sign that we are fighting an infection. Your temperature rises; you are very hot. Your sweat glands activate and you cool down. Your fever has broken and you are in the process of healing.  The high level narcissist's avarice has no boundaries, no controlling force.  The lust for money and power in the high level narcisist is a fever, a sickness, a perverse uncontained pursuit.  Avarice is the singular preoccupation for many high level narcissists.  It isn't knowledge, wisdom, insight or inner peace they are seeking. It is knowing that they have...

Malevolent High Level Narcissist Re-Creates A Sparkling New Identity show art Malevolent High Level Narcissist Re-Creates A Sparkling New Identity

The Narcissist in Your Life Podcast

From the time he/she was very young, the budding narcissist was convinced that he was brilliant, talented, master of social graces, resourceful, socially gifted at magnetizing people to him/her. Often the golden child, these individuals are exceedingly self entitled, overflowing with hubris.  They are convinced that they are perfect---superior to others in every respect. They don't develop a conscience and blame their dirty deeds on siblings, friends, family members, acquaintances, rivals, enemies.  High levels are "climbers", determined to reach the highest summits of monetary and...

High Level Narcissist: A Fortress of Defense Mechanisms show art High Level Narcissist: A Fortress of Defense Mechanisms

The Narcissist in Your Life Podcast

Grandiose, filled with hubris, extreme self adulation, the high level narcissist creates a series of personas that feed his/her delusons of ultimate power and perfection Propeled by a lack of conscience, the high level narcissist sails past those who stand in his/her way to achieve master and control. The high level has perfected the creation of a series of false seleves that showcase his/her perfection and omnipotence. The high level possesses a dark venal shadow that ejects psychological venom on all those at hand. This narcissist is a masterful fabricator of lies. He/she is persuasive and...

High Level Classic Narcissists Demean You and Your Feelings show art High Level Classic Narcissists Demean You and Your Feelings

The Narcissist in Your Life Podcast

Classic narcissists, larger than life, bombastic, charismatic to some, sail through their days in the fast lane---always moving to their next cascade of narcissistic supply. If they are very successful they have more opportunities to be adored, praised and rewarded handsomely in this current world of rampant pathological narcissism.  Those at the top of their games don't do the hardest work. They have adoring followers, psychologically dependent individuals, hangers on, at their beck and call. If you have narcissists in your family, you are too keenly aware of how they demean you and/or...

Empaths Rescue Themselves from Marriage to High Level Narcissists show art Empaths Rescue Themselves from Marriage to High Level Narcissists

The Narcissist in Your Life Podcast

Empaths are highly perceptive, exquisitely sensitive individuals. They are finely attuned to their external and internal environments. They feel deeply and are often misunderstood by spouses, family members and the world at large. Empaths who are married or partnered with high level narcissists have a particularly difficult time. Many of you grew up as children of narcissistic parents. Demands and reprimands were daily occurrences. Narcissistic mothers and fathers gave you the message that you didn't and couldn't measure up to their expectations. You felt irredeemably flawed. For making great...

Freedom From Childhood Shame Projected by A Narcissistic Parent show art Freedom From Childhood Shame Projected by A Narcissistic Parent

The Narcissist in Your Life Podcast

Shame is a dreadful, intolerable feeling, a visceral reaction that goes deep inside of us. Often, children carry their shame into adulthood, especially if they are raised by narcissistic parents. When we feel ashamed we want to disappear and hide where no one can find us. The narcissistic parent expects perfection from his child. A child learns how to feel about himself/herelf through the loving attachment of the parent---the empathy, affection, acceptance of the son or daughter as a unique human being. The child with the highly dysfunctional narcissistic parent is never permitted to be...

Recovering from Chronic Exhaustion After the High Level Narcissist show art Recovering from Chronic Exhaustion After the High Level Narcissist

The Narcissist in Your Life Podcast

 "The narcissist is at all times a deceiver, never straight, clear or true. He/she has mastered the ability to delude himself and others. Like a socerer, he hatches intricate plots in secret..." (From: Freeing Yourself From the Narcissist in Your Life, Linda Martinez-Lewi, Ph.D., LMFT).  For many years you played your role of partner and spouse to the high level narcissist, knowing that he/she was psychologically toxic. You are exhausted at all times. You have chronic insomnia and can't sleep at night. You get up in the morning and drag yourself through the day.  You are now...

More Episodes

Click below for links to my books on Amazon 

Freeing Yourself From the Narcissist in Your Life


Recovering and Healing After the Narcissist


Click below to go to Mental Health Radio News Network
