Former Private Secretary / Chief of Staff to Princess Diana - My interview with Patrick Jephson
Release Date: 01/29/2025
Executive Office Insights
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info_outline159/063 Best of: Patrick and I did a live Expert Talk interview in December 2020 which was a huge success. We had assistants from all over the world attending. Some, however, could not make it because of time zone difficulties, so I promised I will interview Patrick again for my podcast. Here we go - I trust you will love the stories he is about to share.
A little information on Patrick first:
For eight years Patrick Jephson was Princess Diana’s private secretary (chief of staff), responsible for every aspect of her public life and private organization. He travelled with the Princess to five continents, working with officials up to head of state and encountering unforgettable figures in politics, philanthropy and the arts such as Hillary Clinton, Margaret Thatcher, Mother Teresa, Bono and Luciano Pavarotti. Under relentless media scrutiny, his tenure covered the period of Princess Diana’s greatest popularity as well as the constitutional controversy of her separation from Prince Charles.
He is now a consultant, journalist, broadcaster and New York Times bestselling author, based in Washington DC. His byline has appeared in every UK national newspaper and international titles as varied as TIME magazine, Vanity Fair, People, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and Paris Match.
A published authority on corporate and personal branding, Patrick equally enjoys coaching C-suite executives, advising UHNWIs on reputation management and addressing PR conferences worldwide. Having worked for an internationally high-profile woman, he feels a special affinity for cross-cultural, protocol, gender and communications issues.
He also writes, presents and advises on factual and drama TV programs, appearing on every major US network. He is currently an expert consultant to the award-winning Netflix series The Crown.
Check out his website:
So, it is time to log in now and enjoy this talk. So many take aways will be waiting for you. Let us know how you liked it and give us a review on Apple Itunes.
Thanks and best from Diana xoxo
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