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2/1 Exodus 20* - The "Why" Behind the Ten Commandments

Key Chapters of the Bible

Release Date: 02/01/2025

3/11 1st Samuel 8 - Trying to Copy the World show art 3/11 1st Samuel 8 - Trying to Copy the World

Key Chapters of the Bible

There are times when the world seems to have all the glitz & glamor and we can be tempted to follow their ways. Today we’ll see that this attitude motivated the Israelites to seek a king. Although the Lord gave them their request, it was not without stern warning.  DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    The podcast opens with the social context of this chapter. How might the Philistine’s success have tempted the Israelites to copy the ways of the nations?  2.    How old was Samuel at this point? What was his plan for the succession of authority after him?...

3/10 1st Samuel 4 - Rabbit's Foot Theology show art 3/10 1st Samuel 4 - Rabbit's Foot Theology

Key Chapters of the Bible

Sometimes people try to manufacture good luck through some kind of “rabbit’s foot” thinking. It might be through an actual item or perhaps some ritual or deed. Today we’ll see that when the Israelites treated God like a “rabbit’s foot”, it didn’t go so well. Join us!  DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    Who were the Israelites battling in verse 1? How did their battle go in verse 2? How is that different from their previous battles that we’ve looked at over the past several months? 2.    What did the people decide to do in verse 3? What did this...

3/9 1st Samuel 3 - The Call of God show art 3/9 1st Samuel 3 - The Call of God

Key Chapters of the Bible

What kind of heart is God’s servant supposed to have? Today as we study 1st Samuel 3, we’ll read about God’s call of Samuel and we’ll look at how Samuel responds. Join us!  DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    What did we learn yesterday in our study of 1st Samuel 2, about Eli and his sons? How do you think that contributed to the spiritual condition of Israel during this time? 2.    What was Samuel doing in verses 2 & 3? Why was he doing that?  3.    Who spoke to Samuel in verse 4? Was this an audible voice? Why didn’t Samuel recognize...

3/8 1st Samuel 2 - Praying or Playing show art 3/8 1st Samuel 2 - Praying or Playing

Key Chapters of the Bible

One of the most common accusations against Christians is that they’re “hypocrites”. While this accusation is often not justified, sometimes it is. Today we will look at 1st Samuel 2, which is a study in contrasts. We’ll see the contrasts between a godly woman, hypocritical leaders, and a godly young man. Join us for another practical study in God’s Word. DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    In our study, yesterday, of 1st Samuel 1, what did Hannah pray? What did she do with Samuel when the Lord answered her prayer? 2.    Verses 1 to 11 contains one of the longest...

3/7 1st Samuel 1 - Broken-Hearted Faith show art 3/7 1st Samuel 1 - Broken-Hearted Faith

Key Chapters of the Bible

There are times in life when God answers our prayers in ways that are slower than we’d like. Today, we’ll look at 1st Samuel 1, and see how Hannah trusted the Lord as she waited for Him to answer her prayers. Join us!  DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    What did the podcast say about the religious stability of the people of 1st Samuel during these opening chapters? What led to this condition?  2.    In verse 2, Elkanah has two wives. Although this was technically permissible in the Old Testament, what kinds of problems did the podcast explain that these...

3/6 Judges 2 - Struggling to be Faithful show art 3/6 Judges 2 - Struggling to be Faithful

Key Chapters of the Bible

Sometimes we struggle in our faith, and today in our study of Judges 2, we will see that the people wavered in their faith and struggled in fellowship with God, and suffered the consequences for it. We’ll also see that their struggles lay out key principles for living a life of faith today. Join us for another key study in God’s Word! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    Who is addressing the people in verse 1? What in verse 1 helps us decode who this is? Why is this important to understand?  2.    What did the people fail to do in verse 3? What was the Lord’s...

3/5 Joshua 6 - Walking in God's Promises show art 3/5 Joshua 6 - Walking in God's Promises

Key Chapters of the Bible

As we continue to walk with the Children of Israel, today we turn to Joshua 6 and the Fall of Jericho. While the events of this chapter are straightforward, the spiritual and practical gems of this chapter are rich and numerous. Join us as we mine out key principles of God’s Word! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    Jericho was a well-fortified city on a hill. In normal conditions, it was safe and secure. However, what does verse 1 tell us about the state of the city? What does this show us about their perspective of the threat of the Jews? 2.    What did the Lord...

3/4 Joshua 3 - Taking a Step of Faith show art 3/4 Joshua 3 - Taking a Step of Faith

Key Chapters of the Bible

Today in our study of Joshua 3, we’ll look at how the Children of Israel literally stepped out in faith and watched God do a wonderful miracle of necessity and confirmation. We’ll glean several principles for faith and obedience. Join us in another faith-strengthening study in God’s Word! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    Where are the Children of Israel in verse 1? Practically speaking, what kinds of things do you think were necessary to move two million people across the Jordan River into the Promised Land? What does verse 15 tell us about the banks of the river? Was this...

3/3 Joshua 2 - Redeeming Our Lives show art 3/3 Joshua 2 - Redeeming Our Lives

Key Chapters of the Bible

Why does God use sinful people? Or more specifically, why does God use really sinful people? Well, in today's study of Joshua 2, we'll look at the faith of Rahab and how God uses her, despite her sin. Join us for another thought-provoking study in the key chapters of God's Word! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    Joshua 2 opens with the Children of Israel on the Plains of Moab on the Eastern Side of the Jordan River. Why did the podcast suggest that they were there? How might have Joshua’s prior experience as a spy influenced where they were considering entering the Promised...

3/2 Joshua 1 - Be Strong & Courageous show art 3/2 Joshua 1 - Be Strong & Courageous

Key Chapters of the Bible

One of the great things about following the Lord is that it’s the way that we walk into the place of God’s blessings. Today we’ll study Joshua 1 and discuss the Lord’s exhortations to Joshua to be strong and courageous and how Joshua’s obedience brought himself and all of the Children of Israel into the place of God’s blessings. Join us! DISCUSSION AND STUDY QUESTIONS: 1.    In Joshua 1, the Lord calls Joshua to lead the children of Israel into the Promised Land. In general terms, was Joshua a young man at this point? Why was a man of his age leading the Children of...

More Episodes

The Ten Commandments are pretty well known, but what is less known is why God has given them and today, in our study in Exodus 20, we're going to look at this extremely important passage, in its overall context to understand why God gave the Ten Commandments and how they still point to our purpose as His people today. Join us! 


1.    The podcast opened with an explanation of how the 10 Commandments came to the Jews in a form of a covenant that is laid out in Exodus 19 to 24. What was the agreement that the Jews were making with God in this larger context? 
2.    In Exodus 19:10-11, the Lord tells the people to consecrate themselves before they would hear His laws. Why do you think this step was necessary? How do you think this prepared the people to listen to the Lord’s instructions? When you prepare to gather with God’s people at church, how do you (or should you) prepare your heart to receive God’s truths?
3.    The First commandment (in Exodus 20:1) was to have no other gods before the Lord. On the one hand this may seem obvious, but it bears asking the question: Why should nothing come before the Lord? In your own life, is there anything that you’ve placed in greater worth than Him? 
4.    The Second Commandment (in Exodus 20:6) ends by commanding the people to not make an idol or likeness of anything that the people might use to represent the Lord in their worship of Him. How do people sometimes violate this command today? How do people often portray the Jesus? Is that how Jesus really looked? In light of this command, should a Christian ever pray to a picture or stature or image of Jesus?
5.    The Third Command in verse 7 tells the people to not take the Lord’s name in vain. How did the podcast explain what this command relates to? How does it address more than just using the Lord’s name as profanity?
6.    The Fourth Command was to hold to a Sabbath day of rest each week. What does it mean to keep the Sabbath holy? What kinds of things should have been avoided on that day? How would the obedience of this command shape the entire Jewish culture? Is this command still valid today?
7.    What are the remaining six commands given in Exodus 20:12, Exodus 20:13, Exodus 20:14, Exodus 20:15, Exodus 20:16, Exodus 20:17? The podcast points out that all these commands were really the “high level” commands and that each one represented far deeper waters. Which of these commands do you find the most challenging in your own walk with the Lord?
8.    The podcast points out that the commands are given in a “You shall not” format. How does this opening wording for these commands make them personal for each person? 
9.    How would these 10 Commandments set the Jews apart from the surrounding nations? How do they set apart God’s people still today? Does your life reflect an obedience to these commands?

Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

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YouTube: Key Chapters of the Bible on YouTube.

As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music.