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114 Liana Werner-Gray: Healing From Food Addiction With The Earth Diet

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Release Date: 05/30/2017

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Get ready for an incredible podcast as we discuss openly about food addiction and how to use natural foods to create a life where you no longer have to be a slave to junk food and the emotions that drive their consumption.

What is the real difference between the food cravings of our mind to calm stress and the body's signal that it's in need of real nutrients?

In a busy world, where big food advertising inundates us with immediate gratification through unhealthy choices, it can be easy to succumb to a quick fix from these feel good foods to pick ourselves up and give us that deep breath we're looking for.

But at what point does the occasional fast food meal, bags of chips, or candy purchases lead us to slide down the rabbit hole of uncontrolled and unhealthy habits that sabotage our wellness goals?

No matter how much we try to eat healthy, if our stress and sleep go unmanaged, it can be sometimes almost impossible to turn away from processed, sugary, and carb-laden foods. Even though that tasty Big Mac may bring us pleasure for just a brief moment, sooner or later we know that our food choices can backfire on us.

The moment we let our food cravings win, we may feel unwell, drained and maybe even depressed because yet again, we failed to make a healthy choice.

When a stressed-out mind demands junk food, what the body is really craving is natural foods, that provide us with specific nutrients that satisfy us deep down.

With patience, focus, and understanding, we can tune into the body to discover what natural nutrients it really needs to heal, thrive, and stay strong. Whether in our brain, gut, or thyroid gland, our bodies have this incredible ability to tell us when there's something wrong with our health.

Emotions, Habits, Food, & The Earth Diet

What emotions or physical sensations come to mind when you find yourself in a cycle of eating sugary, fried, junk food?

For Liana Werner-Gray, she was trapped in a constant shame spiral. Even though her food choices were constantly making her feel bloated, sick, and unhappy, she couldn't seem to shake off her sugar addiction.

Then one day, Liana received a life-changing wake up call. Doctors at the hospital discovered a pre-cancerous tumor in the lymphatic system in her neck. This discovery was just what Liana needed to begin the process to end her food addiction. Before she knew it, she was able to heal her body by eating natural foods.

Today, speaker, health advocate, podcast host of Hay House Radio, creator of The Earth Diet and author of The Earth Diet book, Liana Werner-Gray is helping thousands of people to lose weight, live a healthier life, and improve health conditions such as cancer, diabetes, addictions, depression, acne, heart disease, obesity, and more.

As we listen to her incredible journey on this special Wellness Force Radio episode, Liana teaches us about how she overcame her food addiction and found joy by focusing on The Earth Diet Principles, Body Maintenance, Shadow Work, and Mirror Work.

The Earth Diet Principles:

  • Eat from your backyard or from a local store that sells whole, seasonal foods.
  • Honor and acknowledge your cravings to make your own tasty, healthy recipes.
  • Include raw foods in your meals more often including juicing.

Listen To Episode 114 As Liana Uncovers:

  • Liana's background story about growing up in Outback Australia with aborigines.
  • How Liana became addicted to junk food when she left the outback to live in Brisbane City to study film and acting.
  • Liana's family and genetic history connection to addiction, depression, and cancer.
  • The steps Liana had to take to break her sugar addiction and depression.
  • Liana's wake up call that she needed to begin to take care of her health when she discovered that she had a pre-cancerous tumor in the lymphatic system in her neck.
  • How Liana began to fight back against her sugar addiction and write The Earth Diet Blog and only eat clean, nutritious foods from the earth.
  • What is shadow work and how does it help descend addiction?
  • The Earth Diet Principles
    • Eat from your backyard or local, whole, seasonal foods.
    • Honor and acknowledge your cravings to make your own tasty recipes.
    • Include raw foods in your meals more often.
  • What do you do if you don't have a backyard garden to eat homegrown foods from?
  • How Liana handles her food cravings with Shadow Work and the Earth Diet.
  • Liana's core principles to encourage self-love and self-care so that her healthy habits stick with her.
  • How Liana takes care of herself through Body Maintenance by spending an hour each day dedicated to focusing on her body.
  • What Liana focuses on during her Mirror Work time and how it helps her create a positive self-image.
  • How something as simple as juicing can help your body get better and healthy again.
  • Liana's process of trusting that what she's doing to improve her health is working for her.
  • What blocks people from living a healthy lifestyle?

Top 3 Takeaways From The Show

  • Juicing is one of the best ways to get in a ton of great nutrition at once. By creating a natural juice with only raw, nutritious foods, it's like drinking a daily vitamin that has so many wonderful benefits for our bodies. Some ingredients like beets can really clear out anything in the digestive system that's blocking the body from receiving the nutrients that it needs.
  • We need to focus more on our bodies as something powerful that we've been blessed with. To appreciate the body more, take time to do Mirror Work. Like Liana, take a moment to acknowledge what's in the mirror and accept it for what it is. If we have our health, then we have everything.
  • It might be difficult, but we need to trust the process of getting healthy. For Liana, it took just three months to begin seeing a difference in her health and for her tumor to dissolve by following the Earth Diet, exercising, and juicing everyday. It can be difficult to be patient and wait to see a change, but it's part of the healing journey.

Power Quotes From Liana Werner-Gray

[tweetthis]"The healthier we are internally, the healthier the choices we will make in every aspect of our lives." - @TheEarthDieter  [/tweetthis]

  • "It is easier to achieve a natural lifestyle when you are surrounded by like minded people who can help hold you accountable and who also share a goal of achieving a consistent healthy lifestyle." - Liana Werner-Gray
  • “When I was alone, a sense of anxious discomfort and heaviness would come over me.
    I wrestled with thoughts of going to get a pizza or a hamburger. After awhile I'd give in and
    then be so disappointed with myself. I would think, 'I blew it! The day is already ruined! I might
    as well eat more.' " - Liana Werner-Gray on how she used to struggle with her food addiction.
  • “Getting a tumor was a blessing in disguise. It gave me the extra push I needed to make a
    real change in my life. It finally brought me to the day when I thought 'This is it!" - Liana Werner-Gray on her wake-up call to live a healthier life.
  • "The best possible way to eat and be healthy is to be connected with the earth, to be in harmony with the earth, and to literally take food from our backyard. That's how we get the most nutritious value and a high vibration energy as well from food." - Liana Werner-Gray on how we can be more connected with nature through food. 
  • "At every single meal and drink, just think to yourself, 'Okay, how much nutrition am I actually getting from this right now?' The idea of The Earth Diet is to get nutrition at every single meal and with every single drink." - Liana Werner-Gray on how The Earth Diet can help you re-think your meals to make sure they're always nutritious. 
  • "Trust the body because the body will crave protein, fats, and oils. If you're craving those fried foods, there's a good chance that you're craving those fats for your brain. So instead of french fries, you could get healthy fat from avocados, chia seeds, or flax seeds." - Liana Werner- Gray on making the switch from junk food to natural foods when we have specific cravings.
  • "If I'm going to live to be 80 or 90 years old, I want to continue this practice of 1 hour Body Maintenance each day because until then I want to be flexible, enjoy good posture, and be in good physical shape for the rest of my life." - Liana Werner-Gray on the benefits of spending one hour each day to Body Maintenance. 
  • "The purpose of Mirror Work is to stand in front of the mirror and accept who we are. When I do Mirror Work, I discover things that I don't like about my physical appearance, but I know that I need to accept them to create this rich inner world and peace inside of myself." - Liana Werner-Gray on the benefits of doing Mirror Work. 
  • "We can't go wrong with eating nutritious foods every single day. We can't go wrong with eating more fresh foods that come straight from our backyard. And we can't go wrong with have fresh juice every single day." - Liana Werner-Gray on the importance of following a healthy, natural diet. 
  • "We all want the same thing. We're all striving for this soul journey to feel peace, full self-expression, and love. Even if we're addicted to it, nobody wants pain and suffering. Every single person wants to heal and stop what's making them suffer. We're all looking for something that can make us feel better and help us heal." - Liana Werner-Gray on what she's noticed is common among people from all over the world after visiting 17 different countries. 

About The Earth Diet by Liana Werner-Gray

Beauty queen People’s Choice Miss Earth Australia Liana Werner-Gray got a wake-up call at the age of 21, when she was diagnosed with a precancerous tumor in her throat. Realizing that health issues were holding her back, including in her entertainment career, she decided to change her lifestyle. Through juicing and using the whole-food recipes shared in this book, Liana healed herself in only three months.
This success inspired Liana to create the Earth Diet and make information on the incredible power of plant-based and natural food available to others. She has since used her recipes to help thousands of people with cancer, diabetes, acne, addictions, obesity, and more.
When you get the essential vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients your body needs, you can’t help but feel better. In this book, you’ll find more than 100 gluten-free, nutrient-dense recipes that provide proper nutrition, tips for shifting out of toxic habits, and lifestyle recipes for household and personal-care products to help you heal in all areas of your life. The Earth Diet is inclusive, with recipes for every person, ranging from raw vegans to meat eaters. It also features specific guidelines for weight loss, boosting the immune system, increasing your energy, juice cleansing, and more. If you’re looking for great-tasting recipes to help you live your healthiest life ever, then this book is for you.

About Liana Werner-Gray

Liana Werner-Gray is a sought-after speaker and advocate for natural healing using a healthy diet and lifestyle. After healing herself of many negative health conditions including a pre-cancerous tumor, digestive issues and disorderly eating through embracing a natural lifestyle, Werner-Gray began lecturing and teaching about The Earth Diet internationally. Liana has visited 33 countries to date.

Hay House published Liana's new book "The Earth Diet" on October 28th 2014. Werner-Gray is the founder and owner of The Earth Diet, where she directs a team that helps people all over the world find recipes that work for them. Through her company, she has helped thousands of people improve, and in some cases even entirely heal, conditions such as cancer, diabetes, addictions, depression, acne, heart disease, obesity, and more.

Werner-Gray was born and raised in outback Australia, Alice Springs. In her final year of schooling at Charles Darwin University she received the school’s award for the arts, the Liana Nappi Award. She was named Miss Earth Australia in 2009 by People’s Choice, the third largest beauty pageant in the world. During the same competition, she was also awarded “Best in Environmental Speech,” “Green Achievers,” and the “Innovators Award.”

Werner-Gray has starred in films that received international praise and awards. She continues to work in the entertainment business, as well as promoting a healthy lifestyle. Her intention is to live her life the best she can, and hopefully to inspire others to live the lives of their dreams through a healthy lifestyle.


Resources Mentioned by Liana & Josh

[tweetthis] "We all want the same thing for this soul journey. We all want to feel peace, full self-expression, and love." - @TheEarthDieter [/tweetthis]

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