Q + A Day: The back story of Resistance and a few other topics
Release Date: 12/14/2017
FREE DISCOVER LAB: Enjoy this limited time free access to this first module from The Beautiful Life Lab! LINK: If you’d like to join us in the Beautiful Life Lab, for a limited time, use promo code INSIDER20 for 20% off: Also - I mentioned a new WELLNESS MADE SIMPLE class I taught on Monday night and I think you’ll love this new pathway. I've uploaded the recording + kit links here: see all HOL:FIT lives coming up:
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Are you overwhelmed with the amount of information out there about how to live a healthy lifestyle? Enjoy this audio recording of my recent WELLNESS MADE SIMPLE class where I teach you about the simple morning supplement routine that will revitalize your health. The supplements are pure innovation with the highest absorption + retention. This 2 min morning routine I teach you with the supplements + peppermint oil will have you feeling amazing and on an upward trajectory in your health this year! And for the 2nd half of the class I teach a 'speed dating session' with the Top 12 Essential oils...
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Enjoy this limited time free access to the Financial Lab … one of 10 modules in If you’d like to join us in the Lab, you can use promo code INSIDER20 for 20% off this month. Full details, links + worksheets to go with this episode:
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Enjoy this overview of the 2024 doTERRA convention! All new product info + shopping links If you would like to join us for 30 days of simple wellness routines … 👉 Purchase your Uplevel Kit (or if you're purchasing from Canada) 👉 Then
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Enjoy this limited time free access to the Calendaring Lab … one of 10 modules in If you’d like to join us in the Lab, you can use promo code INSIDER20 for 20% off this week. Worksheets to go with this episode:
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Enjoy this deep dive class where I I teach about the current metabolic health obstacles and how this contributes to chronic conditions and aging. I provide an overview of the products in the doTERRA MetaPWR Kit and how they work to balance blood sugar, top up NAD + Collagen levels and reverse signs of aging. I also review our 30 day team META30 program which you can join by purchasing your MetaPWR kit at 25% off: With your purchase, you'll have immediate access to our new team META30 program which I review at the end of this class: 📽️ If you would prefer to watch this class: ...
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In this scrub stream, I review ways to organize + cleanse your finances to plant the seeds of abundance and a readiness for more ✨ This is a reading of the Cash Flow chapter of the Seasonal Scrub workbook Learn more about the Seasonal Scrub here: hol-fit.com/seasonalscrub
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In this scrub stream, I review methods for cleaning out + organizing your linen closet and laundry room. This is a reading of the Linen chapter of the Seasonal Scrub workbook Learn more about the Seasonal Scrub here: hol-fit.com/seasonalscrub View the most popular DIY on my blog ... the laundry recipes: hol-fit.com/blog/diylaundry
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In this scrub stream, I review ways to unclog in more areas than just our drains ✨ Methods for organizing, green cleaning and taking natural care This is a reading of the Bathroom chapter of the Seasonal Scrub workbook Learn more about the Seasonal Scrub here: hol-fit.com/seasonalscrub View my skin shop here: hol-fit.com/healthyskinshop
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In this scrub stream, I review ways optimize our kitchens to be the hub of health + happiness in our homes. This is a reading of the Kitchen chapter of the Seasonal Scrub workbook. Learn more about the Seasonal Scrub here: hol-fit.com/seasonalscrub View my recipes page: hol-fit.com/eat Healthy Kitchen Blueprint: hol-fit.com/thehealthykitchen
info_outlineNote: The information shared is my personal perspective + opinion and does not represent the opinion of anyone else or another brand.
- Cracking open 4 of the most common areas of resistance people experience before using a natural tool like essential oils.
- Dec 20th is the last podcast for 2017 which will be focused on reflecting and planning for 2018!
- How to go from eating a high sugar/processed diet to healthy, Whole Foods?
- I’m a newer Wellness Advocate and want to kill it in this business - and I don’t have a circle of friends interested in oils (at all). Where do I go from here?
- We all know this business is a personal devleopment business. It forces to to grow and become a better version of yourself. You begin to see the world differently and notice things in your life that are not aligned. How do you continue to be in a positive state when you are noticing that the close family/friends around you (even your spouse) are not growing at the same rate you are? They are in a place still contollled by ego, negativity and scarcity?
- What does the process from enrollment and on look like for you? I'm working to value my time and my family's time more as priority but I find that it is SO difficult to get people to schedule a membership overview anytime other than evenings. That plus classes equals few nights with family. I've tried to draw boundaries and people then don't want it. So maybe I need to create clearer value? Along with this I would just love to know the rhythms and systems you use to share content/value with your wholesale customers. Strategizing for my next level and would LOVE to hear your wisdom ♥
- Rocking Vibe HOL:FIT piece: http://bit.ly/hfrockingvibe
- Article by Yoni Freedhoff / Weighty Matters: http://www.weightymatters.ca/2017/12/youll-gladly-die-for-your-children-why.html
- doTERRA Empowered Success Tools: https://www.doterra.com/US/en/empowered-success
- Subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/holfittalks
- Join LIVE on Facebook: www.facebook.com/holfit
- Watch the video recordings: http://bit.ly/hfqanda
- Submit your question for the show: http://bit.ly/holfitq
- Episodes + Show Notes on website: http://www.hol-fit.com/p/holfit-talks.html
- Learn more: http://bit.ly/hfgetstarted
- Purchase at 25% off: http://bit.ly/hfoilswc