FREE DISCOVER LAB: Enjoy this limited time free access to this first module from The Beautiful Life Lab! LINK: If you’d like to join us in the Beautiful Life Lab, for a limited time, use promo code INSIDER20 for 20% off: Also - I mentioned a new WELLNESS MADE SIMPLE class I taught on Monday night and I think you’ll love this new pathway. I've uploaded the recording + kit links here: see all HOL:FIT lives coming up:
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Are you overwhelmed with the amount of information out there about how to live a healthy lifestyle? Enjoy this audio recording of my recent WELLNESS MADE SIMPLE class where I teach you about the simple morning supplement routine that will revitalize your health. The supplements are pure innovation with the highest absorption + retention. This 2 min morning routine I teach you with the supplements + peppermint oil will have you feeling amazing and on an upward trajectory in your health this year! And for the 2nd half of the class I teach a 'speed dating session' with the Top 12 Essential oils...
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Enjoy this limited time free access to the Financial Lab … one of 10 modules in If you’d like to join us in the Lab, you can use promo code INSIDER20 for 20% off this month. Full details, links + worksheets to go with this episode:
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Enjoy this overview of the 2024 doTERRA convention! All new product info + shopping links If you would like to join us for 30 days of simple wellness routines … 👉 Purchase your Uplevel Kit (or if you're purchasing from Canada) 👉 Then
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Enjoy this limited time free access to the Calendaring Lab … one of 10 modules in If you’d like to join us in the Lab, you can use promo code INSIDER20 for 20% off this week. Worksheets to go with this episode:
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Enjoy this deep dive class where I I teach about the current metabolic health obstacles and how this contributes to chronic conditions and aging. I provide an overview of the products in the doTERRA MetaPWR Kit and how they work to balance blood sugar, top up NAD + Collagen levels and reverse signs of aging. I also review our 30 day team META30 program which you can join by purchasing your MetaPWR kit at 25% off: With your purchase, you'll have immediate access to our new team META30 program which I review at the end of this class: 📽️ If you would prefer to watch this class: ...
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In this scrub stream, I review ways to organize + cleanse your finances to plant the seeds of abundance and a readiness for more ✨ This is a reading of the Cash Flow chapter of the Seasonal Scrub workbook Learn more about the Seasonal Scrub here: hol-fit.com/seasonalscrub
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In this scrub stream, I review methods for cleaning out + organizing your linen closet and laundry room. This is a reading of the Linen chapter of the Seasonal Scrub workbook Learn more about the Seasonal Scrub here: hol-fit.com/seasonalscrub View the most popular DIY on my blog ... the laundry recipes: hol-fit.com/blog/diylaundry
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In this scrub stream, I review ways to unclog in more areas than just our drains ✨ Methods for organizing, green cleaning and taking natural care This is a reading of the Bathroom chapter of the Seasonal Scrub workbook Learn more about the Seasonal Scrub here: hol-fit.com/seasonalscrub View my skin shop here: hol-fit.com/healthyskinshop
info_outlineHOL:FIT Talks
In this scrub stream, I review ways optimize our kitchens to be the hub of health + happiness in our homes. This is a reading of the Kitchen chapter of the Seasonal Scrub workbook. Learn more about the Seasonal Scrub here: hol-fit.com/seasonalscrub View my recipes page: hol-fit.com/eat Healthy Kitchen Blueprint: hol-fit.com/thehealthykitchen
Today’s Broadcast:
- If you haven’t watched the Blueprint vid, be sure to take some time to watch. Totally FREE and no catch;)
- Marketing for today not the 80’s
- Visibility
- Reflections on recent Leader Retreat
- Takeaways from seeing Rob Bell Live. Highly recommend seeing him if he is your area!
HOL:FIT Programs + Mentions:
- 2018 Beautiful Life Blueprint: http://bit.ly/2018lifeblueprint. Tag your creation! #holfitlifeblueprint
- Branding: http://bit.ly/hfbranding
- Jessie Reimers blog: http://www.getafreshstart.com.au/guide-becoming-leader-leaders-hope-dealer/
- Rob Bell Podcast: https://robbell.com/portfolio/robcast/
Q’s for today:
- Hi, Ange! I love your weekly broadcasts - thank you! I am a brand new Gold with doterra and have been thinking the past couple months about creating a brand for myself. Do you have any tips on how to do that? What kind of questions do I ask myself? What made you decide on Hol:Fit? I have been thinking about this for awhile and can’t seem to get a clear vision of what I want my brand to represent. I have lots of ideas! But no clarity. Any tips? Thank you so much!
- When you feel like you have exhausted your immediate group of friends/family/ coworkers, where do you go next?
- What are some ways to detox children from sugars, processed foods, toxins, etc... Love your podcasts Ange!!
- What are your best tips for motivating and encouraging your leaders to lead and build?
- Ange, You are always saying how you are a self led person. That you always have been. Do you think it is just in the nature of your personality or is it something that you had to build on? Ive struggled with this for all of my so far life. I have waited for the approval of pretty much everyone around me , or have felt guilt if I didn't fulfil everything I thought I should be doing. I long to be a self lead women with confidence to seal it. Where is a good place to start in personal development?
Broadcast Info:
- Subscribe on iTunes: http://bit.ly/holfittalks
- Join LIVE on Facebook: www.facebook.com/holfit
- Watch the video recordings: http://bit.ly/hfqanda
- Submit your question for the show: http://bit.ly/holfitq
- Episodes + Show Notes on website: http://www.hol-fit.com/p/holfit-talks.html
Essential Oils:
- Learn more: http://bit.ly/hfgetstarted
- Purchase at 25% off: http://bit.ly/hfoilswc