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169 Jeff Sanders: The Free-Time Formula

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Release Date: 02/13/2018

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More Episodes

If I'm automatically defining my life as "busy," then what does that say about my life? Am I living the life I want to live or am I just filling my time with busy activities that ultimately makes me feel overwhelmed and stressed out? The process to better productivity starts by acknowledging where you're wasting time the most and then figuring out where to go from there. - Jeff Sanders

When can too much ambition be a bad thing and how can you set healthy boundaries?

In Wellness Force Radio episode 169, keynote speaker, Host of The 5 AM Miracle Podcast, Founder of The Rockin' Productivity Academy, and Author of both The 5 AM Miracle and his latest book, The Free-Time Formula, Jeff Sanders shares how we can get rid of distractions, take advantage of breaks to recharge our batteries, and start living a more productive life.

Discover what free-time actually is and why it's so beneficial to get work done and make the most out of each day. 

Win A Copy Of The Free-Time Formula

The Free-Time Formula by Jeff Sanders

The Free-Time Formula by Jeff Sanders comes out on February 28, 2018, but two of our lucky listeners will get to win a copy for free! Visit the Wellness Force Community Facebook Page to enter to win!

The Free-Time Formula helps you slow down time and get the important things done. We're all overworked, stressed, and always being asked to do more, and do it better; the days aren't getting any longer, so something has to give—don't let it be your sanity. This book provides a real-world framework for more effective time management that helps you prioritize, focus, clarify, and go. You'll begin with a time audit to assess your current stress, strategies, and output—and the results may shock you. From there, you'll work step-by-step toward a new daily routine that will help you become the focused, efficient achiever you've been trying to be for so long. It's not about cramming more into your precious 24 hours, it's about figuring out what really matters to you, and getting the most important things done first. Every day. Never miss another big deadline, never flake on an important meeting, never be late to an appointment again. It is possible with great planning, and this book is your personal guide.

Focused on action, not filler, this book is an excellent resource for those who want to achieve more but do less. With a few simple changes, you'll find the time you've been missing and put it to more productive use.

  • Define and prioritize your personal and professional goals and responsibilities
  • Cut the distractions and clarify your daily objectives
  • Adapt your workplace tools and environment to facilitate actual work
  • Periodically self-assess, course–correct when needed, and plan for the future

Rather than rush through another day leaving things un-done and roses un-sniffed, take a beat and a breath and take back your day with The Free-Time Formula.

Listen To Episode 169 As Jeff Sanders Uncovers:

  • All about his upcoming book, The Free-Time Formula and how his visit to the emergency room helped inspire it.
  • What you can do to identify whether or not something isn't helping you be productive.
  • Research on Parkinson's Law and the adage that "work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion."
  • Why a 9-5 job might not be ideal for productivity or making your work time valuable.
  • How to slay the distraction dragons in your life.
  • Ambition: how it can backfire and how to set up healthy boundaries around it.
  • How your body will let you know when it's time to slow down.
  • What is free-time? Do you push your free time to the side? Why do you have more free time than you think you do?
  • His view of productivity when it comes to health and wellness.
  • The inspiration for his growth in emotional intelligence.
  • How his wife, Tessa, helps remind him when to take things easy when life gets too much.
  • What you can do to encourage other people to begin living a more productive life with you.
  • Why 90%  of Americans are addicted to caffeine and what Jeff did to stop drinking so much of it.
  • How you can take a break from caffeine and nootropics.
  • The power of taking breaks like sabbaticals to help you recover and reset your body.
  • Strategies for including sabbaticals into your schedule and how to set healthy boundaries.
  • How to take a break on a daily basis - different habits and hobbies to include in your day.
  • What you can do now to start living a more productive life with Jeff's Cut the Nonsense method.

Power Quotes From The Show


"You have to achieve balance if you're going to have long-term ambition and productivity. It will not work forever if you just continue to push harder. It has to be an intentional shift in how you operate to make sure you're getting your work down and there is a break built in." - Jeff Sanders

"It takes some time to get used to taking a break and not work when you love what you do. You have to have these intentional boundaries in place to make sure that your workplace can still operate when you're not there. That way, you can comfortably use your free time as your moment to replenish your energy and creativity. When someone doesn't take a break, that's when burnouts happen." - Jeff Sanders

"There is a corollary between our work and our ability to set these healthy boundaries. This is so important because if we don't set these healthy boundaries and we pressure ourselves to work harder, the body will suffer. That's exactly what happened to me." - Josh Trent

"I want to make sure that I'm eating and sleeping well along with working out every single week. I'm doing that because I see how it helps my productivity and improves my results. My work is better when I'm healthier. I have to put my health first to become the better version of myself."  - Jeff Sanders

"Everything is a distraction. Every possible thing that we do or could interact with is a distraction from the one thing that we're trying to get done. If you know what the one thing is that you want to get done and identify your priorities, you can set boundaries to make sure you accomplish your task. " - Jeff Sanders

Links From Today's Show:

About Jeff Sanders

Jeff Sanders

Jeff Sanders is a Jeff Sanders, author of The Free-Time FormulaThe 5 AM Miracle, and founder of The Rockin' Productivity Academy.

Jeff is also the host of The 5 AM Miracle Podcast, which has ranked #1 in iTunes in the Self-Help and Business categories, been nominated for 5 Podcast Awards, and exceeded 5 million downloads.

He is a plant-based marathon runner and personal development junkie. Every week you can find Jeff writing and speaking at JeffSanders.com.

Jeff has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theatre and Psychology from Truman State University in Kirksville, Missouri. He has been married to his wife, Tessa for seven years. They live in Nashville, Tennessee with their quirky pug, Benny.

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