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Episode 229 - How To Deal The Heckler, and Indifferent or Hostile Audiences

Maximize Your Influence

Release Date: 03/08/2018

Episode 518 - Double Dog Dissonance - Persuade Under the Radar show art Episode 518 - Double Dog Dissonance - Persuade Under the Radar

Maximize Your Influence

The Law of Dissonance proves that people will naturally act in a manner that is consistent with their cognitions. What is a cognition?  Our cognition is a mental process that uses thoughts, beliefs, experiences, and past perceptions. That means when people behave in a manner that is inconsistent with these cognitions (beliefs, thoughts or values), they find themselves in a state of discomfort. In this uncomfortable state, they will be motivated to adjust their behaviors or beliefs to regain mental and emotional balance. When our beliefs, attitudes, and actions mesh, we feel congruent....

Episode 517 - Stand Out, Get Noticed, Get The Appointment Or Get The Job Interview show art Episode 517 - Stand Out, Get Noticed, Get The Appointment Or Get The Job Interview

Maximize Your Influence

We all need more appointments, and we all want more of them. How do we get more appointments or interviews?  The key is to eliminate the things you are doing that are getting you that, NO, that dang rejection.  These simple changes will improve your chances of getting that appointment/interview How do you break through all that noise and daily clutter that stops you from getting noticed and getting that appointment?  You know you are qualified. Why aren’t they calling back for that job interview?  So, how do you stand out?  Tired of being ignored?  Join me for...

Episode 516 - Persuasion Mistakes, Influence Blunders, and Changes In Selling For 2024 show art Episode 516 - Persuasion Mistakes, Influence Blunders, and Changes In Selling For 2024

Maximize Your Influence

Do you repel people?  Are you being offensive, pushing too hard, or saying the wrong things? As I interview prospects who have said no, the responses I get are interesting.  They told you it was too expensive, and they toldl me I did not trust them.  Statistics show that this is happening to you.  Let’s get into some of these complaints and things you could be doing that repels the people you are contacting.  What are those common persuasion mistakes, and sales blunders costing you money? These mistakes are silent influence killers.  Most people will never say...

Episode 515 - Who is a better persuader?  Introverts, Extroverts, Ambiverts or Omniverts? show art Episode 515 - Who is a better persuader? Introverts, Extroverts, Ambiverts or Omniverts?

Maximize Your Influence

Who's the better persuader? Is it the lively Extroverts thriving on social energy? Or maybe the contemplative Introverts harnessing the power of introspection? Could it be the versatile Ambiverts, navigating seamlessly between both worlds? Or perhaps the enigmatic Omniverts, fluctuating between the extremes? Think about it - your vote might align with your personality trait. If you're an introvert, you might swear by the subtle power of quiet persuasion, while extroverts might champion the bold approach of their outgoing nature. We break down all the details all this weeks all-new episode! PS...

Episode 514 - Use Mirror Neurons To Influence Without Detection show art Episode 514 - Use Mirror Neurons To Influence Without Detection

Maximize Your Influence

Twenty years ago, a team led by Giacomo Rizzolatti at the University of Parma in Italy made a radical discovery: mirror neurons.  These specialized brain cells were found in Macaque Monkeys and would activate when the monkey performed an action and when it observed another monkey performing the same action. You can create more engaging, relatable, and persuasive sales interactions by understanding and using mirror neurons.  Want to discover additional ways to get your prospect’s mirror neurons to fire on command?  Join me for this week’s podcast on Use Mirror Neurons To...

Episode 513 - Are You A Master Manipulator? show art Episode 513 - Are You A Master Manipulator?

Maximize Your Influence

Recognizing manipulation can be easy to identify - if you know the signs.  Listen to this episode too learn about some indicators that may indicate you are being manipulated. So, how do you know if you are being manipulated?  Why do people manipulate?  How do you handle a manipulator?  Join me for this week’s podcast on Are You A Master Manipulator? What is your Presentaion IQ? Find out for FREE

Episode 512 - The Fake News of Persuasion And Sales show art Episode 512 - The Fake News of Persuasion And Sales

Maximize Your Influence

There is a big difference between a genuine question of concern and an “I’m done with you” objection. Is it a sign of interest or resistance? That is the key question. When your prospect presents every objection in the book, such outright resistance should be a red flag to you. In other words, you are probably going down the wrong road by not properly reading your prospect. What this person is really saying is: “Go away. I have heard enough. I don’t see where or how this can help me.”  Great persuaders will always have fewer objections to handle than old-style persuaders will....

Episode 511 -How Weather Affects Your Prospect’s Mood and Buying Desire - Using Meteoropathy show art Episode 511 -How Weather Affects Your Prospect’s Mood and Buying Desire - Using Meteoropathy

Maximize Your Influence

Using meteoropathy (weather sensitivity) as a sales tool involves understanding and leveraging the impact of weather on individuals' moods, behaviors, and purchasing decisions.    Moods affect our thinking, judgment, and willingness to say yes. When the person you are trying to persuade is in a good mood, they are more likely to accept your offer. The opposite is also true. If they're not in a good mood, chances are much higher they won't bite. This is a huge advantage to you when it comes to persuasion. Not everyone is affected by the weather, however every influence tool you can...

Episode 510 - How To Adjust Your Voice For Maximum Influence show art Episode 510 - How To Adjust Your Voice For Maximum Influence

Maximize Your Influence

Voice plays a critical role in influence.  How we say the words we choose is just as important as the words themselves. Our voice is a powerful instrument that can motivate the troops or lull them to sleep. There is a vast difference between presenting and persuading, informing and influencing, and communicating and convincing. What are the other areas of vocal variety or paralinguistics?  There still is another 3 critical areas of adapting your voice to become more persuasive.  Join me for this week’s podcast on How To Adjust Your Voice For Maximum Influence.  Discover...

Episode 509 - Melting the ICE of Resistance show art Episode 509 - Melting the ICE of Resistance

Maximize Your Influence

Dealing with a manager who won’t give you the time of day and is distant can be challenging, but there are always tools you can use to improve the situation and create a more positive working relationship. On this episdode we will discuss some techniques to consider. It's important to remember that you may not be able to change your manager's behavior immediately, but you can control how you respond to it. Sometimes, we can’t control a prospect who is resistant, a resistant manager, or a customer who is being indifferent.  How can you melt that frigid, cold ice of resistance from...

More Episodes

Understanding different types of audiences will also help you determine their acceptance level. Following are some different categories of audiences and how to deal with each of them.

The Hostile Audience

This group disagrees with you and may even actively work against you. For a hostile audience, use these techniques:

Find common beliefs and establish a common ground.

Use appropriate humor to break the ice.

Don't start the presentation with an attack on their position.

You are only trying to persuade on one point; don't talk about anything else that could trigger disagreement.

Because of your differences, they will question your credibility. Increase your credibility with studies from experts or anything that will support your claim.

They will try to find reasons to not like you; don't give them any.

Don't tell them you are going to try to persuade them.

Express that you are looking for a win-win outcome rather than a win-lose situation.

If possible, meet with the audience more than once before challenging them on areas of disagreement.

Show them you've done your homework.

Respect their feelings, values, and integrity.

Use logical reasoning as clearly and as carefully as possible.

Use the Law of Connectivity and the Law of Balance.

The Neutral or Indifferent Audience

This audience understands your position, but doesn't care about the outcome. The key to dealing with this group is creating motivation and energy—be dynamic. To persuade the indifferent audience:

Spell out the benefits to them or the things around them.

Point out the downside of not accepting your proposal. Identify why they should care.

Grab their attention by using a story. Make them care by showing them how the topic affects them.

Get them to feel connected to your issues.

Avoid complex arguments.

Use concrete examples with familiar situations or events.

Use the Law of Involvement and the Law of Social Validation.

Check out this article.