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246 Dr. David Friedman: Food Sanity

Wellness + Wisdom with Josh Trent

Release Date: 11/26/2018

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It's not necessarily food that's leading to obesity. It's what's inside our food, what's wrapped around our food, and even what we're cooking our food on that's creating this epidemic.- Dr. David Friedman

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Amidst all the masses of different information telling you to eat this, not that and contradicting views on nutrition, which foods are actually the best to eat?

In Wellness Force Radio episode 246, Doctor of Naturopathy, Clinical Nutritionist, Chiropractic Neurologist, and author of Food Sanity, Dr. David Friedman, shares why obesogens and not food may be the culprit for our gut health issues, simple remedies to keep hazardous foods and unsafe plastics out of your life, and how to follow the nutrition guideline of, "If it's white, keep it out of sight."

Discover why obesogens like pesticides, chemicals, and Monsanto can be the cause of obesity, gluten sensitivity, and digestion problems instead of solely food itself.

"Food controls the essence of who we are and has the power to either heal or harm. When we alter our nutrition, our health can be improved in a matter of days. Food is medicine." - @drdavidfriedman 

Food Sanity

Click here to get your own copy of Food Sanity by Dr. David Friedman

During his 25 years as a holistic practitioner and health expert on syndicated TV and radio, Dr. David Friedman has interviewed hundreds of world-renowned doctors and bestselling authors. From proponents of a Vegan, Paleo, Mediterranean Diet to a Gluten Free and Low Carb Diet, the opinions are as different as night and day.

After becoming frustrated with all the conflicting research and opinions, Dr. Friedman wrote Food Sanity, which explores all the fads, facts and fiction. Using a common science meets common sense approach, this groundbreaking book finally answers the big question: WHAT THE HECK ARE WE SUPPOSED TO EAT?!!

Readers will discover never-before-heard nutritional and dieting advice that will ensure they get the maximum benefits from their food and dietary supplements. Food Sanity offers a definitive blueprint on how to eat in the unhealthiest developed country in the world... the good ole USA.


Listen To Episode 246 As Dr. David Friedman Uncovers:

  • Why we should follow the saying, "If it's white, keep it out of sight," and avoid processed foods including flour, sugar, milk, salt, or corn-based foods etc. to help balance our blood sugar, increase energy, lose weight, and sleep better.
  • The list of white natural, unprocessed foods that are okay to eat such as cauliflower, garlic, mushrooms, bananas, white fish, and white poultry meat.
  • How he lost the extra 15 pounds he had by deciding to take out organic, USDA approved popcorn from his nightly routine.
  • What obesogens are and how they're the culprits that are wreaking havoc on our digestion and causing all sorts of stomach issues like leaky gut and inflammation.
  • How genetics comes into play with our ability to digest certain foods and keeping our hormones in check.
  • Other precautions we should make besides avoiding processed foods, chemicals, and certain cookware.
  • Simple remedies for removing harmful plastics from your life that could be in your shower curtains, receipts, and skincare or beauty products.
  • The importance of avoiding plastics with the recycling code 3 and 7 and instead look for plastic coding with either 1, 2, or 5.
  • Why the label "microwave safe" doesn't mean it's actually safe for you and you should never microwave plastic.
  • Why it truly matters to eat free-range, grass-fed, organic meat to avoid toxins and hormones.
  • The importance of looking for supplements with the label, "Certified GMP" and avoiding the label, "GMP Methods Are Used" to know that it's been audited, checked, and it's a legit product.
  • His interest in being a chiropractic and how that led him to study neurology, naturopathy, and nutrition as well. 
  • Why there was a fight between medical doctors and chiropractic practitioners that has improved but is still going on today. 
  • How connecting to a higher power can be a sustainable tool for weight loss for life.
  • The actual amount of calcium and magnesium that is found in milk compared to better sources like plant milk including almond, hemp, and coconut milk.
  • Why it's possible that you're more likely to develop colon cancer by eating red meat and where to find better meat alternatives such as bison.
  • Milk alternatives such as cashew, almond, hemp, and coconut milk that many different diets from Paleo and Keto to Vegan and Vegetarian can all agree on.
  • Whether or not there's a problem with using coconut products.
  • Why we should eat slower for the sake of our body's health, to lose weight, digest better, and actually enjoy the food.

Power Quotes From The Show

"Eat until you're satisfied; not full. You should eat until you're satisfied and eventually that level of satisfaction becomes your fullness as your body gets used to that amount of food." - @drdavidfriedman 

"Let's face it, we didn't have this problem with gluten sensitivity and digestive problems 20, 30, 40, or 50 years ago. I don't blame food; I blame something called obesogens and these are chemicals that are actually found inside of our food, wrapped around our food, and sometimes even in the cookware that we cook our food on. These obesogens wreak havoc on our digestive system and make us unable to digest these foods which lead to inflammation and leaky gut. We can pinpoint starches and flours and blame them but it's really our inability to digest a lot of these foods. How could people eat a pizza 50 years ago and be fine with gluten? Now it seems to be such an issue and you can't blame gluten; it's the chemicals." - Dr. David Friedman 

"You can't blame your genes for why you can't fit into your jeans. Unless you are in the rare 3% of the population in which high blood pressure and being overweight runs in the family, you have to take control and stop blaming your ancestors. Of course, there are diseases that are genetic but I don't think our DNA is to blame when it comes down to food sensitivities. Our great-great-grandparents didn't have those issues with gluten nor faced this obesity and diabetes epidemics that are now happening." - Dr. David Friedman

"We know the saying, 'You are what you eat,' but you are also what your meat eats and this includes the hormones used to increase the weight of cattle. So, when you eat the cattle, these same substances can increase your weight. Not only are hormones in meat production a contributing factor to our obesity issue but the antibiotics found in chicken to make them larger are fattening us up too." - Dr. David Friedman

"I think our connection with food all begins in the mind. If you have a little bit of candy, don't beat yourself up about it and just give up on your nutrition goals. A lot of our food cravings are based on our mindset but they're also stress related. People will use food as a stress reliever and their best friends, Ben and Jerry, to give them comfort. If they can realize that food is not their antidepressant but fuel for their body, then they can ease into letting go of those unhealthy cravings in the beginning process of losing weight. They'll feel better, be less depressed, have more energy, improve their blood sugar, and sleep better because they will have fed their bodies with good nutrition. If you can make it through the first 21 days, then that last week will be easy." - Dr. David Friedman

Links From Today's Show

About Dr. David Friedman

Dr. David Friedman

Dr. David Friedman is an award-winning,  #1 national best-selling author, Doctor of Naturopathy, Clinical Nutritionist and Chiropractic Neurologist. He received post-doctorate certification from Harvard Medical School, is Board Certified in Integrative Medicine, a registered Naturopathic Diplomate and is a Board Certified Alternative Medical Practitioner. He’s been featured in many national magazines including Newsweek, U.S News & World Report, Readers Digest, AARP Magazine, Woman’s World and Better Nutrition, just to name a few.

He's appeared on over a hundred syndicated radio and television shows. His list of clients includes many top celebrities like John Travolta, Jenny McCarthy, Jamie Lee Curtis, Val Kilmer, and Patrick Swayze, etc. As the health expert for Lifetime Television’s syndicated morning show and host of “To Your Good Health Radio,” millions of people have enjoyed his weekly, cutting-edge features, offering solutions to everyday health and wellness issues.

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